Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - News & Info (2021) | Page 15 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - News & Info (2021)

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Moving on.

Decorations set up around the park, and there's hidden QR codes hidden all around. I think we might be getting another Legendary Truth game.

When the game (which seems to be being done by Cryptigutz) gets a proper announcement and forum, I’d love a list of QR code locations. I imagine they’re all different, right?
You’re absolutely fine in thinking whatever you want, and, again, I get the complaints about it—but if this really is such an awful thing for you why not skip it this year?? You don’t have to waste your money on a “Halloween museum” if you don’t want to.

you are absolutely correct, that is exactly what i did multiple weeks ago, cancelled my plans to attend this year.

am i upset about it? a bit, i'm tired of the Karens of the world driving everything.
look, when we get down to brass tacks, universal is here to make money.
they are planning the event based upon what they think will sell.
there's not really any other method of voicing my displeasure with the event other than not going,
and then try somehow to let them know why, which i think they might want to know, cuz well its money.
do i think my opinion is so grandiose that they must listen to me?
not in the slightest.
but they do pay a lot of money for market research, and it does seem lately that the loudest are the only ones heard.
i could send them an email - that wont go anywhere.
they do look at websites/twitter/yada yada
i'm assuming there is some kind of relationship between this site and universal,
i have no idea what it is exactly, but sites are not cheap, they require money from somewhere.
usually its advertisements.
Hence, i voice my complaint here in the obtuse pursuit of voicing my displeasure with what i feel is the
inane corruption of an event that i used to attend every year, which obviously i will no longer be able to say.
will they actually care?
i doubt it, that is unless enough others feel the same way and vote with their feet.
not that i want that to happen, would rather enjoy the event, but again i'm not payin thousands of dollars to be miserable.
/rant off
I'm hoping for an IU Forums house net year, it would be terrifying!!
The amount of bullying coming from even long time fans is disgusting. So you have a different opinion than someone else, ok, but cut the bullying!

I have been coming since 2004 and it’s ridiculous that people can’t see both sides of arguments. This is an outlet for me. I’m sorry that me not ever working the event or not knowing certain people makes my opinion less worthy.

For what it’s worth I think your idea would be hilarious. Imagine the main house character the gatekeeper. Lol!!!
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Really interested in seeing the logistics for the first event night. First time I recall the hotels not having any availability whatsoever, and this is the first HHN with both sides of Endless Summer open! I wonder if we're going to have some sort of queue snake around the CityWalk lagoon for entry.

Hopefully Universal has a plan in place and aren't blindsided.
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Really interested in seeing the logistics for the first event night. First time I recall the hotels not having any availability whatsoever, and this is the first HHN with both sides of Endless Summer open! I wonder if we're going to have some sort of queue snake around the CityWalk lagoon for entry.

Hopefully Universal has a plan in place and aren't blindsided.
I think part of the hotels being fully booked is due to Labor Day weekend.

I’m sorry either the moderators are going to allow both sides of the argument or stop the Plexi conversation. I thought one of the other moderators said we should drop the Plexi conversation-all together. I’m not attacking you I just think it’s kind of inappropriate for a moderator to tell a fan to stop complaining and not go to the event.
There are legitimate safety concerns about the Plexi.

I understand all of this and, again, do hear/see your concerns—personally I would much rather see masks required everywhere & proof of vaccination in order to attend, but, I also understand the chances of that happening are pretty much nonexistent. What I’ve been trying to say, and may have not come across that eloquently, is that we finally have HHN again after a global pandemic killed it last year, obviously it was never gonna be exactly the same as previous years and there are questions that we’ll have better answers to next Friday, however, there is (IMO) more to be happy and excited about and look forward to then plexiglass and masks. By all means, continue to be angry about it if it makes you feel better and if that’s what makes sense to you, but, my hope would be that we’ll all also attempt to look on the bright side of things as well if you can, weigh the pros and cons, cause when I do I realize the sky really is not falling.
Just out of curiosity bas hhn ever hit capacity? My girlfriend flight arrives around 8 opening night and we are headed straight over and worried it could be to late
Just out of curiosity bas hhn ever hit capacity? My girlfriend flight arrives around 8 opening night and we are headed straight over and worried it could be to late

It has but I've never seen it hit opening night. If it does hit capacity I fully expect it will only be for certain hours and will most likely empty out and let more people in.
When the game (which seems to be being done by Cryptigutz) gets a proper announcement and forum, I’d love a list of QR code locations. I imagine they’re all different, right?
It’s being created by X Studios in Winter Park X Studios™ – Award-Winning Creative + Technology Studio. They hired Cryptigutz as an artist and, maybe, advisor.

I have no details on it. My guess is a trivia/scavenger hunt that unlocks lore. I definitely don’t expect a full ARG.