Halloween Horror Nights 31 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors | Page 247 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 31 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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No one has been trashed as my post was about Universal's delay in announcements and its full slate of ticket options. Because some posters can't stop themselves from jumping to a billion dollar multimedia company's defense is what, I believe however, has changed this from HHN speculation to Universal propaganda. It's quite obvious to me that the company is having issues with the event and this thread has become a place where there has been a lot of covering for them about it so it's unfair that posters are siccing mods on anyone who dare not agree with these delays since some of us are trying to decide whether to a book a vacation or not. I get it that a lot of the posters are local and probably employees so jerking everyone around is fun for them, because they're going either way, but I'm 1000 miles away and it's disrespectful for the company to not have officially announced much of anything by now. If they want it to revert to a local Halloween event again then that's their prerogative but it's also disrespectful on the part of the provincial locals, who know what's happening because they work there, to say anything to the rest of us as we legitimately need info to make an informed decision. Additionally, it's pretty hypocritical for the 'scare-actors' to be able to constantly complain about employee black-out dates but if anyone says anything about the company waiting until two weeks before it opens to give us some names or repeating ideas to cut corners those posters get attacked. If it's such a problem that they can't clog up the queues for free then they should go back to working at Sonic where they belong and the mods should disallow them from voicing any displeasure with company policies as well.

Ok Boomer… Your username kinda sums up about your post.
  • Haha
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Dude.... really. Consider therapy. Your posts are so full of obvious venom, I can't figure out why you are here or why you are even considering attending the event since you clearly loathe the "billion dollar multimedia company" who creates it. You're not the only one on this forum who has to travel to the event. I travel for it every year (also 1000 miles - big whoop!) - not just once, but four different weekends. I've already got my travel booked. Frankly, I don't need the whole lineup, or ANY of it, to know I want to go. I've been attending since 2005, and I've NEVER been disappointed. Enough of the drama - no one wants to endure all your negative bs.
Ok Boomer… Your username kinda sums up about your post.
Isnt this a bit late? Besides I’m sure this guys a troll, best to ignore him.

Yeah, as pumpkinbot343 said, it's a little late considering the troll was banned a couple days before hunnylvr made their post. Best to let it go and leave it to rest.
Crazy and left field thought. An original house based off a Halloween party at a fraternity and there’s a killer on the loose or something. Or the entire frat is evil. Would be an interesting concept and something new.

This sounds very much like the plot of the 2019 remake of Black Christmas.
Agreed. We appreciate the community rejecting this sort of toxic rhetoric, but since the user has been banned, we can safely move on.

My apologies. I was on vacation for the last two weeks and completely off social media. I was just catching up and saw the posts.. pissed me off enough to reply. Didn't realize he was already gone. Sorry to clutter the discussion.

Carry on.
Names like Candy Mutants don't give us much of an idea of what to expect. Ha ha ha.

I'm really curious if any insiders have heard rumblings about scare zones being plussed this year with the end of the parade. We all think/hope that might be the case, but money doesn't grow on trees.
If “Candy Mutants” doesn’t kick up your imagination, then I don’t know what to tell you.

And no rumblings of any real “plus-ups.” Since Blake left (who typically did Streets), Universal only had one person (Charles) developing houses and streets this year. That’s one individual doing what was, for a decade, a three-person job.

While it’s possible he could have reworked some concepts to better leverage space with the loss of the parade, personally, I think that would be a lot to ask of a person.
If “Candy Mutants” doesn’t kick up your imagination, then I don’t know what to tell you.

And no rumblings of any real “plus-ups.” Since Blake left (who typically did Streets), Universal only had one person (Charles) developing houses and streets this year. That’s one individual doing what was, for a decade, a three-person job.

While it’s possible he could have reworked some concepts to better leverage space with the loss of the parade, personally, I think that would be a lot to ask of a person.

Oh, it kicks up imagination alright...

Is it actual candy that mutates into sentient beings like Maximum Overdrive?

Is it some kind of pathogen in the candy that turns trick or treaters into mutants?

Is it a nuclear transport train that details by a candy factory and the workers are mutants somehow fused with candy?

Like everyone else I have plenty of thoughts and probably 98% of them are wrong with nothing to go on but a very intriguing name.
Alright, went back to revisit Legacy's tweet saying that someone solved it. Based on the timing of the tweet, the timing of some comments here, and (as far as I could tell) no quote tweets and/or replies using the American Dad solution, I think he's referring to one of these two:

Alright, I think I might have something (credit to Hunter on Twitter for pointing this out).

Season 5, Episode 5 of American Dad- Man in the Moonbounce, has the family having fun in a bouncy house for Steve's birthday, which brings out the child in Stan. They end up throwing toilet paper all over a bully's house, Stan gets sent to prison and starts acting even more like a child. He gets in trouble with the warden, he and other inmates try and pull a prank on him, Stan decides not to then gets released after serving his sentence.

Prison, getting in trouble with the warden... Hellgate Prison 2?
Morton Meetz (Barber Chop) maybe? I think that's the episode with Klaus and hair.

I say this as someone who thought Slaughter Sinema was just ok, so it's not wishful thinking or anything.

I think it's likely it's not so on the nose as Hellgate (although that would be pretty cool) just because there are other episodes where characters go to prison in American Dad
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