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Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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So... is speculation dead? Where the hell is the mystery web site? Has Universal dropped the ball for debatably HHN's biggest year yet?
I'm hoping that July will kick things in gear a bit...... I think they're being a bit too guarded with the info. I understand that it makes business sense to not roll out press releases on a Halloween event in the middle of summer, a time when the general public isn't even thinking about Halloween yet. But for the hardcore fans who are following every bit of info, I think they should treat it the way movie studios treat high-buzz movie releases: give us teasers as early as possible and let the buzz build on that. Doesn't mean you have to divulge too much -- but for those who are paying attention, it really builds anticipation. It's like if you didn't even know that Pixar's next movie was going to be Toy Story 3 until a month before it's release......

I also think they would be smart to play into the fans investigative nature for this kind of thing, instead of finding ways to block it. For instance: the building permit codes. They should play into that, give us hints as to the themes of the houses without spelling it out. Doesn't mean they have to announce the code names on billboards. Just let it out there, and allow the fans to speculate -- as long as it's not too obvious, you still haven't divulged any spoilers. :shrug:
I'm hoping that July will kick things in gear a bit...... I think they're being a bit too guarded with the info. I understand that it makes business sense to not roll out press releases on a Halloween event in the middle of summer, a time when the general public isn't even thinking about Halloween yet. But for the hardcore fans who are following every bit of info, I think they should treat it the way movie studios treat high-buzz movie releases: give us teasers as early as possible and let the buzz build on that. Doesn't mean you have to divulge too much -- but for those who are paying attention, it really builds anticipation. It's like if you didn't even know that Pixar's next movie was going to be Toy Story 3 until a month before it's release......

This may be unrelated, but I'm trying to think here... perhaps they're letting the Harry Potter buzz die down (and of course that won't be anywhere near HHN) a little, and once there's less focus on the park, bring up HHN. But in order for that to make sense, they'd probably wait 'til August or so. But it's just an idea.
This may be unrelated, but I'm trying to think here... perhaps they're letting the Harry Potter buzz die down (and of course that won't be anywhere near HHN) a little, and once there's less focus on the park, bring up HHN. But in order for that to make sense, they'd probably wait 'til August or so. But it's just an idea.

Somewhere in August maybe, but then again they are already building houses and decorating them while updating their website.
1st update is usually within the next couple of weeks. In 2008 and 2007 we had quite a few website updates, weekly if not more every week after the 1st week. 2008 was the best as far as "playing up investigative nature." Since each house had hints dropped at it from the start and then built up. Great website campaign. Last year was quite lack luster to the point of me barely remembering what it was. 2007 and 2008 definitely had the best websites since 2005 so I'm hoping they bring break websites of the sort.

As far as frequency of the updates. If Universal isn't learning from this mistake Busch Corp is. With the hint updates for the 2011 coaster project to beating Universal to haunt website updates by weeks. We already have an inkling of what HOS might be based around. Sure the info would come out regardless but Busch is recognizing the fans are getting news thirsty in May. I think it's fair to oblige them, at least to a degree.
So true, Universal should market the anticipation of the die hard fans with clues and puzzles
about the upcoming event, have a mystery game about the theme or houses. Would it break the bank
if they held a drawing/contest for a couple of tickets or express passes.

Now that the Harvey Porter is open, get on with the haunt season!!
anyone know the prices for the frequet fear pass

Looks like it will be $69.99 without any discounts this year. It is not for sale yet however. Proof:

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Whoa! whats this $ 2.15 processing fee, since when has that been in place. Been buying tickets off the website for years and have never had a processing fee. I mean you have to pay to print your own tickets at home or picking them up at the automated kiosk.
Hmmm..... notice the FFP says "most Thursdays"? That's new, right? I don't remember the FFP being blocked on any Thursdays before......

Good catch I missed that, well I bet you hell week Thursday will be blocked and depending on pre sales the Thursday of Halloween week may be blocked as well. BUMMER!
Good catch I missed that, well I bet you hell week Thursday will be blocked and depending on pre sales the Thursday of Halloween week may be blocked as well. BUMMER!

Actually though -- if you match the dates listed to a calendar, every Thursday date is listed there.

Tbad -- just curious, where did that info come from?
HHNRumors.com. Apparently someone tried several links trying to find this year's tickets and they found both the FFP and General ticket admission. The general ticket for sale is the same one that they posted several weeks ago. Seems pretty legit to me. :shrug:

Here's the exact article: http://hhnrumors.com/index.php?a=34
Maybe it's just me being paranoid - but has anyone considered that we may not be getting a "mystery" site this year? My dates might be a bit off but I'm pretty sure we had SOMETHING of substance by this point in time for 2008 and 2009, and yet we're still stuck with the stock slideshow site...
Maybe it's just me being paranoid - but has anyone considered that we may not be getting a "mystery" site this year? My dates might be a bit off but I'm pretty sure we had SOMETHING of substance by this point in time for 2008 and 2009, and yet we're still stuck with the stock slideshow site...

Universal will change their website later on as we get closer to the opening. It's not nice of them to just let us come to the event not knowing what they themed it this year and what the Haunted Houses / Scarezones / Shows are. Also, I need to know what the event is like this year so I can think about coming to the event from where I am.
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Here is what a very wise man once said "The site will update when it updates." Updates WILL happen.


This our logo and tag line? Discuss.

Credits:Behind the Thrills
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Saw that today to. I like the tag line i think its catchy and it could work very well. Smells just like 16.
Ok, now CHANGE THE WEBSITE!!!! :lol: Anyway, the theme sound very cool and I guess we are going to have another Sweet 16? Cool!!! Now I wonder who they are going to bring back?
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