Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 96 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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A video of the commercial has been posted on YouTube (not my video):

While I am impressed with the houses and scarezones the website is a bit of a letdown, and FEAR himself may look menacing now, but I just don't know how they're going to make him look scary...the mouth on the billboard is obviously CGI and IMO usher should've been left out instead of Mary. She's probably the only icon who's ever frightened me mostly because shes a female and shes a common urban legend. I will eat my words if Universal pulls this fear character off, but as of now I don't know. (please don't kill me for having an opinion)
I actually agree with you, BigSqueeze. Fear's a good idea and all, but how WILL they pull it off in person? That's the big question. I think they will though. I enjoy the website, but years past seemed more interactive and had more stuff going on. They might release more within the next couple of weeks. I also agree about the Bloody Mary deal. Definitely don't feel bad about having an opinion, there will always be someone out there who agrees. :peace:
While I am impressed with the houses and scarezones the website is a bit of a letdown, and FEAR himself may look menacing now, but I just don't know how they're going to make him look scary...the mouth on the billboard is obviously CGI and IMO usher should've been left out instead of Mary. She's probably the only icon who's ever frightened me mostly because shes a female and shes a common urban legend. I will eat my words if Universal pulls this fear character off, but as of now I don't know. (please don't kill me for having an opinion)

A very valid opinion. And I agree with you about the Usher. Now, the website, I'm sure it will change and improve over time. They said they will be revealing more over the coming weeks.
I like the ad... and out of interest, do people think this years HHN will be better/as good as last year? I liked last year a lot and am considering going this year.
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The website does seem lacking something. The Usher was a big let down as last years icon(I'm assuming because Lionsgate said Saw gets the headline or no deal). I may have liked him better but he seemed cheap, D.J. Usher on the news didn't help his image at all. Mary was amazing and the 18 site had what this year is lacking. Mary tied the event together by making her patient cases her houses. This year what does Fear have to do with Catacombs and Military Experiments? My biggest concern is that the scares are brought back up to the level that 18 had because 19 was weak in comparison.
I like the ad... and out of interest, do people think this years HHN will be better/as good as last year? I liked last year a lot and am considering going this year.

I think it will be better than last year. I have confidence it will be a great year :D

Oh, I also like the commercial! Although I thought the lantern looked kind of different from the one on the HHN site... I can't wait to catch more commericals on TV! (But Bloody Mary's ad campaign is still my favorite so far)
The website to me is a big letdown too. This is a big year and I was expecting a website like Sweet Sixteen, but what we have now is very generic. However I think this year will be one of , if not the best, year so far.
I agree, I think this year will be great. And I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I think that's what makes this site so great you can voice your opinion.
The HHN website is still a letdown no matter what they do, I mean look at 18's site even before the reveal there was a case file almost every week to look at with mary's voice. All the site has is the SZ's and houses and which is really all it should, but when they make they're sites so interactive for four years straight you can't help but to expect the same for every year in the future.
(Oh, and I don't know about anyone else but all the stuff going on in the background really slows my computer down!)
Well the web site layout and that scrolling feature for the houses and scarezones is pretty annoying... but I expect them to completely change it as we aproach the time of the event. They will probably put more details and pics, at least for the houses.
I think that fans should be grateful that we have an amazing event ahead of us, and not continue to gripe and complain about the Web site. Sure, the site may not appeal to most out there, but maybe Creative wanted to put more money in the budget towards incredible details for the houses instead of the site? Just my opinion.
The site is always a bit annoying but they do reveal more and more as the event nears. I think this year is going to be a great year and I'm looking forward to seeing how they tie in Fear to all the other past icons.
The website is pretty negligible in the grand scheme of things. Sure it helps build excitement, but all in all it isn't a factor that makes or breaks the event. I'd much have a strong event and an okay site, rather than an excellent web site and a blah event. Really, I like this year's website. What it lacks in "clickables" it makes up for in aesthetics and mood (the random videos are an awesome touch.)

tl;dr suck it up, the event's going to be awesome
I don't mind the site at all. I mean the scolling thing is a pain, but the site helps build up and show a ton of darkness and fear that Universal is pumping into this year's event. Now is it the best HHN website in the past 20 years? I don't know because the site isn't finished until the event is over. Meanwhile, the HHN event itself looks to be awesome and I can't wait to go and experince it.
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The site I think is pretty cool because of the simplicity of it. Something fancy like the HOS site takes away from it. Simpler is better and in this case it just shows how dark and secretive it is.
The site I think is pretty cool because of the simplicity of it. Something fancy like the HOS site takes away from it. Simpler is better and in this case it just shows how dark and secretive it is.

My thoughts exactly. Besides, I really doubt this is the final version of the site. There will be more to come.
When did street construction start last year, I was there today and there was nothing I mean nothing visible yet.