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Rivers of Light General Discussion and Photos

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Not trying to be a Negative Nancy (as opposed to Debbie Downer) but this just doesn't do much for me. The music snippets have sounded really good but I'm not buying in on this just yet. I hope that I'm wrong. This feels more like an enhancement instead of an attraction. I am trying to not form too much of an opinion before seeing it (if it ever opens) but it hasn't really budged the needle for me.
You're probably not buying in on it because we really know next to nothing about the show aside from little video snippets of the floats here and there and the short preview back in April.
What was marketing thinking back in April when they said this was about to open. Clearly it wasn't even close.
What was marketing thinking back in April when they said this was about to open. Clearly it wasn't even close.
It was careless to announce an opening date yes, but they were running full rehearsals back then. It was close. Hell, it's close now.... they've been having dress rehearsals fairly regularly of late. The technology they are trying to use simply to make the floats driverless is what has caused so many issues.
So rumor has it there was supposed to be a Desination D preview of Rivers of Light, but it got cancelled earlier this week. Makes sense considering there wasn't a single mention of the show at the event.

I just don't believe that. Never was close. If it was we'd see and hear a lot more than we are.
I was hoping I might have catch a soft opening of ROL on my last trip in May. Now It's looking more and more likely it won't be open for my next trip in March.
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Has the issue this whole time been with the tech? Didn't we hear that after some previews that the main issue with this show was that it was kinda boring?
I mean, the tree show was really well done...I'm not sure why they couldn't make ROL interesting as well..

Easiest explanation is that it's not the same people... But they're both part of a division with supposedly high standards, vetted by a portfolio manager who is supposedly putting the right people on the right projects.. and from a budget/prestige/resume standpoint the live show should be the higher level project, but it has managed to fail at all the things the lesser show has accomplished.

And the difference in pay and status between these people is probably about half of six figures... but one blunders on in a permanent position with the company while the other was just hired for the project and probably didn't even get insurance coverage.

Que sera sera.
Yup it may be canned for further re-imagination....someones head will roll

This is upsetting news for a theme park goers as it is never fun to see an ambitious project fail...which may lead to more less ambitious projects
Yup it may be canned for further re-imagination....someones head will roll

This is upsetting news for a theme park goers as it is never fun to see an ambitious project fail...which may lead to more less ambitious projects

Yup, Imagine the money wasted so far.
Yup, Imagine the money wasted so far.

An' it's not just the money that was used for this show, add in the overtime pay they had to give all the entertainers that worked the Jungle Book: Alive with Magic show for the whole summer. RoL has become a far more costly ordeal then they wanted it to, and you know there are higher ups who are not happy about that.