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Rivers of Light General Discussion and Photos

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An' it's not just the money that was used for this show, add in the overtime pay they had to give all the entertainers that worked the Jungle Book: Alive with Magic show for the whole summer. RoL has become a far more costly ordeal then they wanted it to, and you know there are higher ups who are not happy about that.

Yup, a right royal screw up.
What I've heard is the show was ready for performing to execs (not saying the show was guest ready) and it was decided to scrap and start again with a new vision and direction. I bet elements will remain, maybe even the name, but looks like they'll start a-new.
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What I've heard is the show was ready for performing to execs (not saying the show was guest ready) and it was decided to scrap and start again with a new vision and direction. I bet elements will remain, maybe even the name, but looks like they'll start a-new.
Yes, there was supposed to be an exec preview for the show about a week and a half ago, I believe.
Please, that's a disservice to Light Magic since that show actually ran for a Summer. As it stands RoL can't even make it past a media sneak preview and Exec previews.
Hopefully, when Disney fires those responsible for this travesty, Universal doesn't hire any of them. Doesn't sound like a quality talented group. Sure don't want a Universal River of Light, with hotel water taxis honking by. :)
Disney has put out their best nighttime shows across the world in the past few years: Disney Dreams (DLP), Fantasmic (TDR), multiple versions of World of Color (DLR). I understand if they had a show that failed to deliver...but it's really hard to wrap my head around the fact that they may have failed to deliver a show at all.
I've heard from people I know that this was pushed back to January now. They want to wait until after the holiday rush when the park will need something to boost the attendance between Christmas and the opening of Avatar in the summer. Their hoping RoL will do the trick.