Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion | Page 459 | Inside Universal Forums

Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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I remember being really skeptical about the ride and wishing the land was used for JP expansion, especially after Jurassic World last year. But everything about this looks fantastic and it fits in with JP perfectly. Not expecting the ride itself to be the best in Florida, or even the park for that matter but it looks like a solid addition. Can't wait to ride in August!
Wow, that video preview was great. Sure the 360 is similar, but we knew that was coming. The reactions seemed good and the AA looks brilliant in action. Ignoring the commentary, it's shaping up to be something special.
The walkways are too wide there. Where it was before was perfect because of the slender walkway. If they added it elsewhere it would create a bottleneck in traffic by squeezing a large pathway tighter. They could fit it on the bridge near the wall climb, but by then you're already deep into JP so not worth it.

The River Adventure splashing down is a good welcome to the area from that side. No need for arch. No place for arch. I sad too. But I move on.
I guess I should've been more specific.
I mean I think it should butt up against thunder Falls right past Kong and its exit gift cart. You could easily fit a similar sized archway right there.

And if that doesn't work, retheme thunder falls to an 8th Wonder cafe and place the arch right past the beer shack!
i dont i really want this to open its becoming frustrating though

I'm really trying to be nice here, but I'm sorry I just have to say it: please take a chill pill. Literally all your posts is running to this forum and repeating some random thing you heard out in the wild without cross-referencing your sources, and it is 100% of the time a sensationalist overexaggeration of the ride going through its paces technical-wise. That's frustrating for us, especially when there are actual people that post here who are far more privy (and close) to the insider knowledge (Epcyclopedia, Teebin, HTF, BriMan, Testtrack)... what I recommend is to take a breath and monitor the overall situation before posting. TM previews are happening. People are actually riding this ride. There's video proof of this. That is good in of itself.

The sky is not falling, mass hysteria isn't on the horizon, cats and dogs still avoid each other, all is well. Everything is going to be okay.

Moving on to the forbidden 45-sec POV: yeah the narration is not great, but it's 1 of 5 and easily replacable if Universal wants. Kong AA looks wonderful and has that nice retro flair. 360 scene looks better intergrated than Hollywood, expected. Excited for more.
Give Edward a break, things change daily and he might not be far from the truth. They were originally doing only 2 days of tm previews and theyre adding them daily (2 more that we know of). And the ride is becoming less functional with increasing issues. He is posting before the TM preview and then after the preview. They can go into it thinking one thing and leave it thinking another. So dont peg him as a whistle blower. Its all speculation and nobody really knows when it will soft open for real, if at all. They could TM it til opening for all we know.
Nobody's saying he's a whistle blower? He's coming here five times a day at points saying several different things in a very panicked and exaggerated manner, plus on multiple occassions he's come and said completely false things contrary to what is. Several, not once or twice.

Of course different things are going to be flying around, but he doesn't need to be so uber-dramatic and frustrating about it. It's already maddening enough as it is. I know the mods are probably going to want to have this convo halted immediately so this'll be the last thing I'll say on the issue, I promise. :)
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Lets move on please. KONG IS COMING WOOO.
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The POV was the grad student guy, no?

So that means Jinx, Kahana, and him (his name escapes me) have been running. So that's 3 vehicles at minimum.

Two more ride vehicles than when Gringotts was in TM previews. Already not a Gringotts situation! (Plus we have TM testing in early June, less frequent breakdowns, higher ride capacity, etc)

Let's all just watch Twitter today.