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Springfield Expansion

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And to be honest, after having worked in both Disney and Universal's F&B teams, Disney's food is seriously sub-par for what you end up getting. Granted, there are select locations that offer acceptable food in CS, but for a low price, Universal seems to always have better food (except for pretzels, churros, and most burger/fry deals - those suck everywhere, no exceptions, and you should know better). Try working a week in Lunching Pad and you'll understand what I mean. Or Gaston's Tavern. You haven't experienced a dry heave until you've had to prepare those pork shanks.

Those pork shanks looked pretty good. Are they bad?
Does anybody know what's up with the look of Kang/Kodos? because if you look at the concept art it shows the details of their legs but I cant fathom how they are going to build them that big or even have them?
Does anybody know what's up with the look of Kang/Kodos? because if you look at the concept art it shows the details of their legs but I cant fathom how they are going to build them that big or even have them?

I think when you see the latest pics of the K&K spinner all you are seeing is the skeleton of the ride. The arm pieces will simply be slid over and fastened into place...I could be wrong though. However that makes the most sense to me. :thumbs:
I think when you see the latest pics of the K&K spinner all you are seeing is the skeleton of the ride. The arm pieces will simply be slid over and fastened into place...I could be wrong though. However that makes the most sense to me. :thumbs:

hmm it does seem like its probably going to be less epic than it looks in the concept art. Hopefully that's not the case. And I'm looking forward to see if the final outcome of it has some special additions to it. Like maybe the middle of the spinner sprays water on the guests or if it talks? I've actually been wondering those things ever since it was confirmed to be a Kang/Kodos Spinner by Universal. Since the aliens themselves are always drooling it would be neat to have a water effect shoot water into the air and have them saying things during the ride.
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I realize that, I was just expecting something more along the lines of a Hogsmeade facade, that's all. Oh well.
And that's what we got.

I honestly don't know what people were expecting. You can only do so much with Simpsons while staying faithful. The new additions are at that level, IMO.

Androids looks just like it does on the show. There was always a bathroom there. I don't get the hullabaloo.
And that's what we got.

I honestly don't know what people were expecting. You can only do so much with Simpsons while staying faithful. The new additions are at that level, IMO.

Androids looks just like it does on the show. There was always a bathroom there. I don't get the hullabaloo.

Yeah we all need to wait and judge it when everything is complete.

I see this and I'm hauling ass in the other direction. This is worse than Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
Yeah we all need to wait and judge it when everything is complete.


Regarding "Potter level theming," I've been trying to find the right words to explain this to people who apparently got the wrong message when HTF said Springfield would have it. "Potter level" doesn't mean everything has to look like Hogsmeade. "Potter level" means that something replicates the source material and is chock full of details for fans and lay people alike. UC and Nassal did a pretty good job of this IMO. They took a 2d environment that was created as a parody of real life and made it real.

Krustyburger is a parody of McDonald's etc. That's what we got, and it looks just like it did in the show. We even got a proper menu.
Ever watch an episode of the Simpsons? Moe's looks just like it does at USF...right down to the booths along the wall.
Androids Dungeon looks like it always has. The window display has always had a robot and a few comic books.
Not to mention, half of this thing isn't done yet, and they're still adding details to the part that's open.

As for the restroom and FFB, there has always been a restroom there (did you think they were going to tear it down?...for a comic book shop?...in 2013????) FFB is a major improvement over IFFF. Sure, they retained the layout, but again, what did you expect? The individual stations are themed and have themed menus.

I thought I had high expectations, but some of you really have your heads in the clouds...or the sand.

I'm almost afraid for Diagon Alley because I'm starting to suspect that some people will attack it and/or be underwhelmed even if there's an Emma Watson musion striptease.
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Well thats the problem with opening lands in phases. People are going to judge it when they set foot in it no matter how much is completed/not completed. After the entire project is done is mainly the time of revaluation.

my post, even though i do think we should wait to judge projects, was somewhat tongue and cheek

tons of people on this board prejudge all the time

Regarding "Potter level theming," I've been trying to find the right words to explain this to people who apparently got the wrong message when HTF said Springfield would have it. "Potter level" doesn't mean everything has to look like Hogsmeade. "Potter level" means that something replicates the source material and is chock full of details for fans and lay people alike. UC and Nassal did a pretty good job of this IMO. They took a 2d environment that was created as a parody of real life and made it real.

Krustyburger is a parody of McDonald's etc. That's what we got, and it looks just like it did in the show. We even got a proper menu.
Ever watch an episode of the Simpsons? Moe's looks just like it does at USF...right down to the booths along the wall.
Androids Dungeon looks like it always has. The window display has always had a robot and a few comic books.
Not to mention, half of this thing isn't done yet, and they're still adding details to the part that's open.

As for the restroom and FFB, there has always been a restroom there (did you think they were going to tear it down?...for a comic book shop?...in 2013????) FFB is a major improvement over IFFF. Sure, they retained the layout, but again, what did you expect? The individual stations are themed and have themed menus.

I thought I had high expectations, but some of you really have your heads in the clouds...or the sand.

I'm almost afraid for Diagon Alley because I'm starting to suspect that some people will attack it and/or be underwhelmed even if there's an Emma Watson musion striptease.

When Springfield is fully complete I'm sure like HTF said it's going to be pretty much amazing. I sometimes can get caught up on the little things(like the Barney statue which I hope will be back!) but It's also the little things that are the difference at times. I have no doubt that this expansion will be satisfying overall with some surprises. I mean going back to what Universal had in this area before we probably would have been happy with a Moe's, Krusty Burger and the spinner. But we are lucky enough to get something way more detailed and complete than we had originally thought. As far as Diagon Alley I will be shocked if people end up having any issues with that expansion. It's been said the end result will be even more satisfying and impressive than Phase 1. Which is crazy to think considering Phase 1 had HOGWARTS lol And not to sound like a perv but I'll be the first in line for the Emma Watson striptease haha I'd rather have that over a theme park :whoo:

Regarding "Potter level theming," I've been trying to find the right words to explain this to people who apparently got the wrong message when HTF said Springfield would have it. "Potter level" doesn't mean everything has to look like Hogsmeade. "Potter level" means that something replicates the source material and is chock full of details for fans and lay people alike. UC and Nassal did a pretty good job of this IMO. They took a 2d environment that was created as a parody of real life and made it real.

Krustyburger is a parody of McDonald's etc. That's what we got, and it looks just like it did in the show. We even got a proper menu.
Ever watch an episode of the Simpsons? Moe's looks just like it does at USF...right down to the booths along the wall.
Androids Dungeon looks like it always has. The window display has always had a robot and a few comic books.
Not to mention, half of this thing isn't done yet, and they're still adding details to the part that's open.

As for the restroom and FFB, there has always been a restroom there (did you think they were going to tear it down?...for a comic book shop?...in 2013????) FFB is a major improvement over IFFF. Sure, they retained the layout, but again, what did you expect? The individual stations are themed and have themed menus.

I thought I had high expectations, but some of you really have your heads in the clouds...or the sand.

I'm almost afraid for Diagon Alley because I'm starting to suspect that some people will attack it and/or be underwhelmed even if there's an Emma Watson musion striptease.

Well said sir. Well said.
They still have a lot of theming elements coming, so I am going to hold off judgement until it's finished. I am especially interested in Mr. Bumblebee's Taco Box Food Truck.