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Springfield Expansion

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What would have been "next level" status for you?

A few ideas.
A "spin" option for those folks that want this to be more thrilling
Tentacles that go up And out. Giving you a better range of motion
A score board of sorts for shooting the Simpson targets
Some sort of engine steam or fog effect during the ride.

These are just off the top of my head.
A few ideas.
A "spin" option for those folks that want this to be more thrilling
Tentacles that go up And out. Giving you a better range of motion
A score board of sorts for shooting the Simpson targets
Some sort of engine steam or fog effect during the ride.

These are just off the top of my head.
Honestly, I think turning the RV into a tea cups-style RV on an already spinning attraction is really over doing it on spinning. I don't get sick easy on rides, but i'm not even sure how i'd handle that. :lol:
A few ideas.
A "spin" option for those folks that want this to be more thrilling
Tentacles that go up And out. Giving you a better range of motion
A score board of sorts for shooting the Simpson targets
Some sort of engine steam or fog effect during the ride.

These are just off the top of my head.

"Options" do not work on rides. Verily we need to stop talking about options. Universal will not do an option ride because of the issues that it causes with maintenance, technical operations, and TM operation.

Let me explain why this is not like Mission Space at Disney:
Green and Orange are not the same "ride" per se. They are two different, independent ride systems; this is to say, one can run without the other and they have zero interaction.

To run an "option" that means you have to test every combination and permutation of the different ride system. All arms running Mode 1, all arms running Mode 2, arms x-y running 1 while z runs 2, etc. That's just testing. During the design phase you have to make sure that the ride system does not come in contact with anything during the max movement of all options. Maintenance: Different arms will experience wear and tear because of which ones get used more as intense than others. That's a problem in itself. Let's say someone gets hurt. To evaluate the ride's safety you have to determine not only the arm but what mode they ran. How did they maneuver the ride. A lot more factors come into play. For very little reward.

For simplicity sake, we'll say you mean option like the up/down lever. The difference with that is that if you do not touch the lever, it will automatically profile itself to keep the wear and tear as even as possible as well as for showmanship. That means they all have to spin.

This ride was not designed as a spinner, it was designed as a kid's ride. We all talk about how this park needs more kids ride and then complain when its not intense enough. This was a nice addition for one more thing that families can do together. It didn't need to be complicated or "thrilling."

Honestly, I think turning the RV into a tea cups-style RV on an already spinning attraction is really over doing it on spinning. I don't get sick easy on rides, but i'm not even sure how i'd handle that. :lol:

Its more than it needs to be. Spinning rides make almost everyone sick.
I'm racking my brain trying to remember what's going in there. Wasn't there supposed to be another food trailer (Airstream) there that got cut? Or is that where the "Simpsonize" booth is going?

I said long long ago the airstream was cut. As for the Simpsonize booth if you look next to the hot dog stand there is temp seating and temp electrical post covers. As long as it made the cut this is where is going.
I'm just saying, the ride is called Twirl and Hurl and I see nothing that can justify the name.

Cute ride, but nothing really worth talking about.
Glad to help whenever I can :lol: :thumbs:

The area between K&K and the new hammer game in front of the Simpsons Ride :thumbs:

Speaking of the hammer game, does anyone else think this game is too easy? Every time I pass by it, someone is hitting the top. I'm not even very big, and I came pretty close the only time I tried.
Speaking of the hammer game, does anyone else think this game is too easy? Every time I pass by it, someone is hitting the top. I'm not even very big, and I came pretty close the only time I tried.

I posted this shot a ways back. The operator has the ability to set the resistance of the striker. They have to balance it between making it appear so hard that no one plays and making it to easy that everyone wins.

Winners bring in more players

Not only that, the plush prizes they're giving away probably cost a buck at most to make and handle. They charge what, five bucks to play? They'd be making a healthy profit if every single person won.
I know, right?! :lol: people are acting like it was supposed to be the reinvention of a flat ride, but I think the main reason people have even been discussing it on this forum is because they want to see Springfield totally finished, and this just is one of the last [conspicuous] pieces to be finished.
I posted this shot a ways back. The operator has the ability to set the resistance of the striker. They have to balance it between making it appear so hard that no one plays and making it to easy that everyone wins.


Interesting! Never knew that, thanks for posting.
I too encourage Uni to pepper these younger attractions throughout the park. The Kid Zone thing is a total failure and always has been. The idea is to do the park as a family and not "if you have kids under 12, take them to this one location only". IOA succeeds at this much better but both could step it up a whole lot.
I too encourage Uni to pepper these
younger attractions throughout the park. The Kid Zone thing is a total failure and always has been. The idea is to do the park as a family and not "if you have kids under 12, take them to this one location only". IOA succeeds at this much better but both could step it up a whole lot.


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I too encourage Uni to pepper these
younger attractions throughout the park. The Kid Zone thing is a total failure and always has been. The idea is to do the park as a family and not "if you have kids under 12, take them to this one location only". IOA succeeds at this much better but both could step it up a whole lot.

^ This (Minus the "total failure" part......)

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^ This (Minus the "total failure" part......)

Well I don't know about this since Seuss Landing and Fantasyland are both kiddie lands and they've done pretty well for themselves!

But I agree pepper family/kid rides throughout the park

1. Ferris wheel in London
2. Super Silly Fun Land either where Shrek is or BMG is (ticket sales aren't too hot so maybe they'll tear it down?)
3. Another family dark ride that doesn't replace E.T.
4. A flat ride or two in KidZone
5. A family dark ride in whatever mystery project comes to the MIB/Springfield plot
6. Some sort of family-orientated water ride (Splash Battle would be perfect with Potter-level theming)

And IOA could use about the same steps IMO
I don't think a London Eye / Ferris wheel is ever gonna happen for London. It would clutter up that area both in space and visuals. This area will be plenty crowded as is, and they're not gonna want to cover up the amazing facades they're constructing.
I don't think a London Eye / Ferris wheel is ever gonna happen for London. It would clutter up that area both in space and visuals. This area will be plenty crowded as is, and they're not gonna want to cover up the amazing facades they're constructing.

Stick it in front of Fear Factor live. I don't think we will see it happen though. Although I would love to see something like Mickey's Fun Wheel with a killer light package on the edge of the lake, even though it that probably wouldn't fit int to well with London
Stick it in front of Fear Factor live. I don't think we will see it happen though. Although I would love to see something like Mickey's Fun Wheel with a killer light package on the edge of the lake, even though it that probably wouldn't fit int to well with London

Yeah it would be by Fear Factor most likely if they ever decided to do one since the London facades are going to be pitch-perfect!