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Springfield Expansion

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And I will be there in 3 days!:cheers:

I challenge you, if you choose to accept, to take a photo matching the same angle as much as possible.
I was at RTU on Saturday. It rained so bad early on. But died down when the bands started up. I got to go on Transformers for the first time. Which I thought was an absolute astonishing ride experience. Only problem was there was this obnoxious girl who had the WORST scream EVER! It was ridiculous. She was in the front and I was in the back. And her scream over powered the sound of everything in the ride. I was like, is she serious right now? Anyways the lines were pretty bad. There were 75 to 90 minute waits all over the place. And I really wanted to get food in the Springfield food court but the line for that was also insane.
I was at RTU on Saturday. It rained so bad early on. But died down when the bands started up. I got to go on Transformers for the first time. Which I thought was an absolute astonishing ride experience. Only problem was there was this obnoxious girl who had the WORST scream EVER! It was ridiculous. She was in the front and I was in the back. And her scream over powered the sound of everything in the ride. I was like, is she serious right now? Anyways the lines were pretty bad. There were 75 to 90 minute waits all over the place. And I really wanted to get food in the Springfield food court but the line for that was also insane.

This happened to me on ROTM about a year ago. My wife and I were in the front and I was taking her on the ride to point out a few new things. Low and behold these girls directly behind us screamed bloody murder the entire ****ing time! Even as Brendan was getting his coffee just a screaming, I snapped! I turned around and screamed in there faces non stop for at least 10 seconds. The exit ride op was rolling, my wife embarrassed, the other patrons in the train thanking me, and the girls nearly in tears. Imhotep ain't got nothing on me! I can guarantee you those idiots didn't let out as much as a peep on any other ride that day. And please don't think of me as a bad person as I love to see people show emotions in the rides, but this was just being stupid for no other reason that to show who was the dominant dumb ass.
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This happened to me on ROTM about a year ago. My wife and I were in the front and I was taking her on the ride to point out a few new things. Low and behold these girls directly behind us screamed bloody murder the entire ****ing time! Even as Brendan was getting his coffee just a screaming, I snapped! I turned around and screamed in there faces non stop for at least 10 seconds. The exit ride op was rolling, my wife embarrassed, the other patrons in the train thanking me, and the girls nearly in tears. Imhotep ain't got nothing on me! I can guarantee you those idiots didn't let out as much as a peep on any other ride that day. And please don't think of me as a bad person as I love to see people show emotions in the rides, but this was just being stupid for no other reason that to show who was the dominant dumb ass.

Is happened to me also, but in a different way. So we are going into the first scene in the mummy and it's just me (I rode single rider) and a foreign tour group that was Hispanic. But in the first room all these girls just start singing and thinking that imhotep is a real person... I guess they think the ride is supposed to be very scary, and they thought hey we're bad asses. Also one time on the mummy the exit door to the ramp was locked!:lol: everyone was going out the emergency exit until a tm comes running and unlocks the door.
I got two fun stories! I was in line for Rock'n Roller Coaster and a tour group enters just behind us and immediately start with their annoying chants, but thankfully they got cut off just behind us going into the pre-show. Well, they caught up to us in the alley, and right when they settle in line they start back up again and a TM tells them to cut it out and that they can't do that in there. Well, the moment he turns around and starts walking away they all rudely start up again and the same TM turned around going "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO", made most the line laugh a good bit. That same day on Tower of Terror a guy tried taking a photo of the ghosts in the hallway with his super bright phone and lit up half the hallway ruining the star effect and half the elevator all at the same time said something to him, including me. I wanted to throw his phone out, way more people take flash photos on rides nowadays.
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way more people take flash photos on rides nowadays.

I really noticed that this year. It's ridiculous, people are told a good 4 or 5 times before most rides not to use flash photography if you include signage, recorded spiels, TMs, ect ect and yet STILL they cannot resist just carrying on anyway. I've never known it be such a problem as this year, it seems to be a new thing.
I dont understand why this project isn't done with already. It was supposed to be done by July and its already September. I just feel like it was really weird that their was no grand opening celebration.
I really noticed that this year. It's ridiculous, people are told a good 4 or 5 times before most rides not to use flash photography if you include signage, recorded spiels, TMs, ect ect and yet STILL they cannot resist just carrying on anyway. I've never known it be such a problem as this year, it seems to be a new thing.
From what I've heard the project was on a tight schedule and even under that perfect schedule the odds and ends would have happened after the walls came down. But that perfect schedule got pushed back because of issues with the ground over on the ride/duff gardens side.

I dont understand why this project isn't done with already. It was supposed to be done by July and its already September. I just feel like it was really weird that their was no grand opening celebration.
We went round and round with this months ago first on the announcement and then again for the opening. Bottom line is it's one small ride that won't be the deciding factor if someone comes to UO and a lot of opportunities to spend money. It's perfect for the website and the pamphlets about the park, but it doesn't have the draw that Potter, Minon Mayham or Transformers has (a big ride that causes people to come to the park/buy annual passes). It will just be a nice revenue driver once you have them in the park.
This happened to me on ROTM about a year ago. My wife and I were in the front and I was taking her on the ride to point out a few new things. Low and behold these girls directly behind us screamed bloody murder the entire ****ing time! Even as Brendan was getting his coffee just a screaming, I snapped! I turned around and screamed in there faces non stop for at least 10 seconds. The exit ride op was rolling, my wife embarrassed, the other patrons in the train thanking me, and the girls nearly in tears. Imhotep ain't got nothing on me! I can guarantee you those idiots didn't let out as much as a peep on any other ride that day. And please don't think of me as a bad person as I love to see people show emotions in the rides, but this was just being stupid for no other reason that to show who was the dominant dumb ass.

Good for you HTF! They probably deserved to be put in their place. I have no doubt. And as much as I loved Transformers it truly ruined the experience for me. I heard nothing from the characters in the ride and couldn't even concentrate on the ride itself because of her screaming bloody murder. And yeah, even the calmest part of Transformers she was uncontrollably screaming at the top of her lungs. Even one of her friends said "oh my god" shut up! I also did single rider. Because the wait was 75 minutes. We got on in like 20 minutes. Oh and I forgot to tell all of you this story. Just last week I checked my email and got an email from XL 106.7 saying a chance to enter to win Rock the Universe Tickets. My girlfriend is a HUGE fan of a band that was playing there-Relient K. So I entered for the hell of it. Days later my friend woke me up saying there was a message on my voicemail, two days old saying I had won the Grand Prize! At first for some reason I was thinking it was a scam, because I never win anything. When I realized it was real, I was starting to worry they would give my tickets away for not calling them back. But luckily I finally got a hold of somebody and they told me my tickets were waiting for me at the radio station contest pick up building. I didn't even realize not only did I win 4 tickets to RTU. I also won 4 tickets to Universal Orlando! I was more excited for this because I don't have a season pass. And I hadn't been to Universal in a long while(well for being a fanatic 8 months is a very long time). I was going through Universal withdraws! lol I'll be going to both parks tomorrow! I'm literally going to try and do EVERYTHING haha And I'm really looking forward to checking out some of the amazing Springfield food choices. Anybody else making a trip there tomorrow? HTF? Oh and I won a free parking pass. Thank God because WOW parking is pricey!
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Good for you HTF! They probably deserved to be put in their place. I have no doubt. And as much as I loved Transformers it truly ruined the experience for me. I heard nothing from the characters in the ride and couldn't even concentrate on the ride itself because of her screaming bloody murder. And yeah, even the calmest part of Transformers she was uncontrollably screaming at the top of her lungs. Even one of her friends said "oh my god" shut up! I also did single rider. Because the wait was 75 minutes. We got on in like 20 minutes. Oh and I forgot to tell all of you this story. Just last week I checked my email and got an email from XL 106.7 saying a chance to enter to win Rock the Universe Tickets. My girlfriend is a HUGE fan of a band that was playing there-Relient K. So I entered for the hell of it. Days later my friend woke me up saying there was a message on my voicemail, two days old saying I had won the Grand Prize! At first for some reason I was thinking it was a scam, because I never win anything. When I realized it was real, I was starting to worry they would give my tickets away for not calling them back. But luckily I finally got a hold of somebody and they told me my tickets were waiting for me at the radio station contest pick up building. I didn't even realize not only did I win 4 tickets to RTU. I also won 4 tickets to Universal Orlando! I was more excited for this because I don't have a season pass. And I hadn't been to Universal in a long while(well for being a fanatic 8 months is a very long time). I was going through Universal withdraws! lol I'll be going to both parks tomorrow! I'm literally going to try and do EVERYTHING haha And I'm really looking forward to checking out some of the amazing Springfield food choices. Anybody else making a trip there tomorrow? HTF? Oh and I won a free parking pass. Thank God because WOW parking is pricey!

That's awesome! Congrats!
I dont understand why this project isn't done with already. It was supposed to be done by July and its already September. I just feel like it was really weird that their was no grand opening celebration.

This is what happens when you launch two massive IP's in the same park at the same time. Expect a larger Simpsons campaign after HHN :thumbs:
I have a special work assignment this week that places me right outside of Uni property all day. Needless to say, it's very tempting to drive right over at the end of my day. In fact I did yesterday, but decided to skip today. It's possible I go up there again tomorrow evening. Actually had a Duff for the first time yesterday and quite looking forward to having another. ;)
This happened to me on ROTM about a year ago. My wife and I were in the front and I was taking her on the ride to point out a few new things. Low and behold these girls directly behind us screamed bloody murder the entire ****ing time! Even as Brendan was getting his coffee just a screaming, I snapped! I turned around and screamed in there faces non stop for at least 10 seconds. The exit ride op was rolling, my wife embarrassed, the other patrons in the train thanking me, and the girls nearly in tears. Imhotep ain't got nothing on me! I can guarantee you those idiots didn't let out as much as a peep on any other ride that day. And please don't think of me as a bad person as I love to see people show emotions in the rides, but this was just being stupid for no other reason that to show who was the dominant dumb ass.

This story reminded me of a time I was in a bar watching a Steeler's game. This one guy was being a jerk the entire time, spilling people's beer, talking smack about all the teams, etc. Well when the game ended my husband got up first and then I was behind him. This same annoying guy came up right behind me and screamed in my ear, he was a couple inches from my ear. I had it at this point, I turned around, shoved him, turned back around and walked out. Well my mom was not yet behind me, she was off to the side. So when I got outside she told me he was so drunk he fell thru three tables and ended up on the floor. While my mom was telling me this, one of his friends came out and told his other friend (who was already outside) that I had pushed him thru all the tables. Both of them proceeded to laugh and apologize to my mom for his friends behavior. I don't think that guy ever lived it down and hopefully learned to be a little less drunk and obnoxious.

HTF, we all have our breaking points and I thought your story was really funny :smiley: Hopefully your wife didn't kill you too much for that one :lol: