Does it? Other than a select group of weirdos, I don't think MLP is appealing to anyone over the age of 10 that isn't female.
Yes. Very much so.
Before, My Little Pony merchandise consisted of mostly brushable dolls and coloring books. Now it has expanded into things such as various vinyl figurines of the characters, massive trading card sets, and even a friggin on-going comic book series. (which if I may add, was one of the top selling comic books last year). Also, at Toys r Us, I’ve noticed that there are My Little Pony bags and lunch boxes targeted at boys. (they even say “Brony” on them). Beyond that there’s also a hundreds of different adult-sized t-shirts of MLP being sold at various places. And I could go on and on with examples here. Things like this don’t happen unless there is a pretty decent amount of appeal for it. Hasbro even has said themselves that although little girls are still their target, they will put further effort into making more merchandise for the adult fans of the show in the future, as they have been proven to be a decent source of income. Due to the surprise popularity of the whole thing among little girls and other demographics, Hasbro is going as far as to introduce it into new markets, such as Japan.
The appeal of My Little Pony is not to be underestimated. And this has all happened in under three years, and so far, there are no signs of this stopping. Most professional news articles go as far as to refer to this whole thing as a “phenomenon”. So yes, it is fair to say that it has a wider range of appeal than most other girl properties out there. Little girls will always be the target audience, yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that there is a pretty sizeable amount of teen and adult support for the franchise. Which is again, why I say, “it has a more wider range of appeal than other shows like it”. And I’m standing by that statement, as it’s indisputable as far as I can see. It’s obviously not a SpongeBob-level of mass appeal, but it’s quite big and still growing.
But of course, I would never say that MLP is guarantee for the KidZone, but for now I’m leaving up as a possibility, due to all my previously said reasons.
And although I don’t consider myself to be a part of that fandom, I find you referring to them all as “weirdos” to be both surprisingly unfair and rude of you. I please ask of you to at least do some unbiased research before making such harsh assertions. I know several folk that are into the fandom, and they are very kind people that live pretty normal lives overall. But I suppose some people must have had different experiences with MLP fans. Regardless, I don’t want to drag this thread too off-topic.
With that said, I’m done arguing here.