The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 160 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Here's the rest of what I took last night.

(Sorry for the blurriness)


Nice pics! Does the queue pass by that infamous hole in the rock work or does it go "through" it?
I'm telling you guys, if you want great pics you have to go ~30 before the park closes. There was NOBODY around to tell me to get down from things. They moved the picnic tables at the end of the green house to the side, thats how I got those two pictures; standing right on the table with nobody around. The only picture I got barked at for was the picture of the Hogwarts/Hogsmeade sign and that was from one of the guys in the DD/DC queue.

Also I, completely on accident (truth), made a wrong turn inside the DD/DC queue and ended up somewhere I definitely wasn't supposed to be. If you guys remember the DD queue, I was in the room where you walked around the book. I didn't realize I had made the wrong turn until I came to an archway that they had blocked off with a piece of braced plywood. I got pretty far though. Nothing significant to report, but it did look like they cleaned up a lot of the walls.
Amazing pictures!

HPotterWizard, I hate that lol. My brother and I got lost in the DD queue 2 years ago and we were scared as heck. I swear we were walking around for 10 min alone(park was closing soon) in the queue and I thought we would never find the entrance to the Choose Thy Fate sign. Some of those queue lines may be express.
Yeah thats why i was skeptical!

I think the idea of it going in to the rock work would be the most sensible idea...

Amazing pictures!

HPotterWizard, I hate that lol. My brother and I got lost in the DD queue 2 years ago and we were scared as heck. I swear we were walking around for 10 min alone(park was closing soon) in the queue and I thought we would never find the entrance to the Choose Thy Fate sign. Some of those queue lines may be express.

I think the Re-ride tunnel can get very confusing when the queues are small
Also I, completely on accident (truth), made a wrong turn inside the DD/DC queue and ended up somewhere I definitely wasn't supposed to be. If you guys remember the DD queue, I was in the room where you walked around the book. I didn't realize I had made the wrong turn until I came to an archway that they had blocked off with a piece of braced plywood. I got pretty far though. Nothing significant to report, but it did look like they cleaned up a lot of the walls.

Sounds like you went into the express and went left instead of right. You weren't where you weren't supposed to be. The regular line goes up a pair of emergency exit stairs and right into where that queue is blocked off and around the book area, except right now there's a trash can in there. I'm thinking something is going in there just not sure what
You had to give away the secret about right before the park closes geez now just wait security will be swarming the place now every night before closing :p
We can only hope this topic comes up 'no more' and there will be no reason for universal to have to do waste budget money on this 'talking' of budget i wonder what the entire cost is now.
yay, I just caught up on the posts today so...

about the butterbeer discussion, I hope they will one day sell it in bottle form however I can see why they are not right now because it has that foam thing on top so I think they are not sure on how to package it. The foam might disappear and would not taste the same. Also, if its tap than the bottle would not taste the same either.

the durmstrang email (I get those audition alerts too haha) is interesting. I thought they already casted all actors, I guess not then? And as far as the potential for characters that someone mentioned earlier, remember Jo does not want many and only aproved a few.

That dd/dc que sounds confusing. Ive never seen it before but how do you get lost in it? Are there like a bunch of random tunnels?