The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 164 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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*cough cough* Wizarding World of Harry Potter.......phase 2 *cough cough* lol :rofl:

Seriously, people on Harry Potter fansites will not shut up about how they hate the park already because there's only three rides.

no one seaid that about harry potter if they did show me it becuase ive never saw that.
*cough cough* Wizarding World of Harry Potter.......phase 2 *cough cough* lol :rofl:

Seriously, people on Harry Potter fansites will not shut up about how they hate the park already because there's only three rides.

Well they should know that it isn't an entire park.
Also, granted I do agree with peoples assesment that once the World opens that most talk to go onto the Fantasyland update.

Personally speaking, I don't speak for anyone else on this, BUT, the fantasyland expansion is basically an oversized meet and greet area, period. They are adding one cool restaurant, Be Our Guest, and one ride, The Little Mermaid, which is basically another version of Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, Snow White, etc.. Its a simple ride alone dark ride with scenes from the movie.

I while I don't disagree with your overall view of the Fantasyland Expansion, I do think you are short changing the Fishgirl ride. It is going to be MUCH more elaborate that the other Fl dark rides such as Pan, Snow, or Pooh. It is going to more like Haunted Mansion than the aforementioned dark rides.

All and all the Fantasyland Expansion is pretty comparable to the TWWOHP. 2 rethemed rides (FU, DD and Dumbo, Goofy's), a major eatery (3 Brooms, Be Our Guest), and a lot of either M&Gs or Retail. I simply think that TWWOHP is going to appeal to a lot more people (mostly anyone that isn't a 5 year old girl), the retail is going to be more popular than the M&Gs, and Forbidden Journey is gonna kick so major fishtail.

It's almost like Disney had TWWOHP Blueprints and said "we can do that". Only they have been snorting so much pixie dust that they failed to realize that their MAJOR expansion will only appeal to 5 year old girls and Kevin.
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Teebin, any idea how I can see those prints that are blue in color?

You can see them very well once they are on your hard drive. A few here might have grabbed them before they were pulled by the IOACentral website. Perhaps a few of those here that have it will send it to you via pm. I am watched to closely too post such stuff. BUT... I can tell you all something... that picture was likely pulled from a diagram 100 times larger than the image itself as presented. And it was presented (copied and pasted) over and over and over again in each scene on diagrams to spell out clearances and escape routes and clearances for that too. (oh, who am I fooling.... It WAS used over and over and over again on every scene diagram) not that I have seen any full scene diagrams... but if anyone has 2,3, 7 and 9 it might complete a collection.

BTW... a well known plant from the movies can now be seen in one of the store fronts, just down the street and past the three broomsticks. It is visible in a recently posted large photograph. Hmmm... what is the shop... what does the shop sell?
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OK Slackers how come nobody posted this?


And the official WWOHP site has been changed with new music for the into (now John Williams score), and the flying tour is different.
OK Slackers how come nobody posted this?


And the official WWOHP site has been changed with new music for the into (now John Williams score), and the flying tour is different.

Thanks so much Dave... the fly through used the ending to CoS which is one of my favorites... just breaks my heart with magic... it was a brilliant ending for Columbus.

Would this be what your talking about Teebin. If you zoom in, you can see possibly the mandrake plant and I believe the shop is the Hogs Head.

That be it! I worry that it might be angry at being put on public display... and put up a bit of a fuss.
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That shop is just that, a shop, not the Hog's Head. I forget which one though.

Thanks, Diseyhead! I tried to get on the site earlier, but it was under construction. Now I see why!
You can pan around in Hogsmeade. You can PAN AROUND in HOGSMEADE. PAN.
I think I just used up all the world's Pottergasm.
I'm sorry. :[

yep... no reason to peak over the walls anymore... that pan through tells most of it. Why the delays of music.. must be legal, possibly not the direction they were going but were forced to. Or, a saving of money while they promoted before paying royalties to Mr Williams... thus... its opening for softs is imminent, perhaps Friday or Saturday. Just a guess. ;o)
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As far as the music its exciting things have been updated on the site even though I was enjoying the temp music actually making two ringtones out of it.
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Teebin IM me I don't see soft happening this weekend & maybe we could swap some info & figure it all out.

As far as the music its exciting things have been updated on the site even though I was enjoying the temp music actually making two ringtones out of it.

How do you know thats the actuall music that will be playing in the WWoHP? Did I miss something?

Also, when you pan through Hogsmeade, FotH isn't listed or even depicted. What's going on with that?
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Teebin IM me I don't see soft happening this weekend & maybe we could swap some info & figure it all out.

As far as the music its exciting things have been updated on the site even though I was enjoying the temp music actually making two ringtones out of it.

Nah... you weren't impressed by the pic I found... so, I will keep to myself on other stuff. But "let's all be friends. Just big happy faces eager to learn." Hmmm... I think I just quoted someone.... from a film maybe?
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