The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 163 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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From what I've read of the descriptions, the HH&R scene in the DADA has specific timing and special effects. ****SPOILERS******

I would hate to walk in see HH&R talking then disappear under the invisibility cloak, have the door shut, then have the door open and have them reappear from under cloak.

you know it is going to be like the TOWER of TERROR preshow.
It is going to be excatly like that, just instead of one, there is going to be 3.
I think the blue fire will be the same effect used in (Spaceship Earth) It's The fire Torches. I believe in the cave men scene.( the effect is a continuous stream of fog with a blue orange and yellow. Bu speaking Of fire i think the Floo Powder fire WIll be This.<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>on a much larger scale.
I think the blue fire will be the same effect used in (Spaceship Earth) It's The fire Torches. I believe in the cave men scene.( the effect is a continuous stream of fog with a blue orange and yellow. Bu speaking Of fire i think the Floo Powder fire WIll be This.<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>on a much larger scale.

it is this, Technifex Faux Fire.

they worked with UC on Mummy Coaster (the AA Mummy Figures)
and the Faux Fire at the Climax of the Mummy Ride at USH. (which I belive didnt work too well at times)

but for sure, the Floo and Other Faux Fire is probably done by technifex since their relationship with
The rules are clear about what we can and cannot give away on this board, but I thought this article would give us Universal's side of the coin when it comes to "leaked" information or "rumors" that are really TMs and sources that should keep their mouths shut because the law tells them to:,0,7098736.story

*Not that I am against speculation and the use of the evidence we have (press releases, photographs, and general ideas -- that is totally up for grabs*)

I posted awhile back that they are in a hole, and advertising for WWoHP is making it worse. They want to control the information that they are paying millions to package and distribute, while we can give away for free with just our computer. Sure, we're free advertising, but Universal is selling this park, not blogging about it. This addition to IOA isn't just a touch-up, like Disney's Fantasyland re-furb -- this is an All-In bet.
BTW I had a nightmare last night that we arrived at WWOHP at 7.30 in the morning and the FJ line was 9 hours long :pound: and the rest of IOA was lame for some reason! To the point we were considering going to Disney instead!
Just wanted to say I stopped by yesterday early afternoon I would have got pics but there really was nothing interesting. I took one pic of the big blue crane (it was over by FoTH) & posted it to twitter but other than that & the music being decently loud on the bridge area nothing to report. You could really get the sense that everything is done expect a few small touch ups & those gates could fling open any week now.
Just wanted to say I stopped by yesterday early afternoon I would have got pics but there really was nothing interesting. I took one pic of the big blue crane (it was over by FoTH) & posted it to twitter but other than that & the music being decently loud on the bridge area nothing to report. You could really get the sense that everything is done expect a few small touch ups & those gates could fling open any week now.

Everytime we think everything is done and ready to go, Uni always thinks of something to add. When we thought Hogwarts was done, they added more rockwork near the greenhouse area is. I believe that no theme park or section is ever "done", there is always something to be added, rethemed or refurbished.

I'm thinking another 3 weeks.
^^^ I don't argue another 3 weeks considering that yes there are things we can't see they need to be touched up but also because there is a great deal of training that hasn't been done yet. It just has a very done feel to it that's what I am saying because what is being done yet we can't see. I saw maybe two guys by the greenhouse & the crane that was it so it makes it hard to find something new to get excited over. In 3 weeks previews will be here & all will be revealed
^^^ I don't argue another 3 weeks considering that yes there are things we can't see they need to be touched up but also because there is a great deal of training that hasn't been done yet. It just has a very done feel to it that's what I am saying because what is being done yet we can't see. I saw maybe two guys by the greenhouse & the crane that was it so it makes it hard to find something new to get excited over. In 3 weeks previews will be here & all will be revealed

It gets me all worked up just thinking about it. LOL

When this is all over, everyone will start focusing on the new coaster coming to BGT and the Fantasyland Expansion!
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agreed ^^^ After this is all said & done after it opens besides maybe planning some meet ups & casual updates there won't be much left & my updates will switch gear to Fantasyland crazy
*cough cough* Wizarding World of Harry Potter.......phase 2 *cough cough* lol :rofl:

Seriously, people on Harry Potter fansites will not shut up about how they hate the park already because there's only three rides.
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*cough cough* Wizarding World of Harry Potter.......phase 2 *cough cough* lol :rofl:

Seriously, people on Harry Potter fansites will not shut up about how they hate the park already because there's only three rides.

I don't get what they are complaining about. I think the part is gonna be great. They can't possibly start out with tons of rides. And how can you hate a park that isn't even open yet.
*cough cough* Wizarding World of Harry Potter.......phase 2 *cough cough* lol :rofl:

Seriously, people on Harry Potter fansites will not shut up about how they hate the park already because there's only three rides.

I haven't seen such quotes of HP fans people hating the park. Can you direct us to where there are such complaints? I see more peed pants on the fan sites than anything.
I wish the park was open already, it would give me an excuse to pack up and go to Orlando again, lmao.

Also, granted I do agree with peoples assesment that once the World opens that most talk to go onto the Fantasyland update.

Personally speaking, I don't speak for anyone else on this, BUT, the fantasyland expansion is basically an oversized meet and greet area, period. They are adding one cool restaurant, Be Our Guest, and one ride, The Little Mermaid, which is basically another version of Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, Snow White, etc.. Its a simple ride alone dark ride with scenes from the movie. The Dueling Dumbos and next gen queue line is basically people standing around playing games waiting for their number to called like they are at a meat market.

Now thats all I got to say about that right now, back to topic.

Teebin, any idea how I can see those prints that are blue in color?
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