The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 362 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Still have not seen guests routed thru the Champions' tent - but it's just a matter of moving chains and stanchions.

Luna from your there ANYTHING left to do? Or is Universal just waiting for the appropriate time to open the gates?
are the FOTH employees dressed in standard IOA wear or in FOTH uniforms. if so how do we know they are FOTH uniforms/costumes? ;-)
Just overheard that they will no know until the last minute. Seems like UO is even keeping them in the dark about when they're opening!
Hogsmeade is ready, DC is ready, FotH is ready, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons dancers and frog choir are ready.
Hogwarts castle queue is ready.
I know no more. My contact's email couldn't be delivered yesterday, but no bounce from them today. Almost as if all communications blackout.
The TM's outside the gate are from the UK. I just heard them saying that all TMs from the UK will be working at wwohp. Makes sense.
They said they will not be soft opening today! Not at all! No!

Saying that they will would be suicidal. For the most part, they're never going to up and tell you that they're going to soft open. It's just going to happen, then stop happening, and it may be for a very short period of time.

If they say yes, then it will be all over twitter and the depths of the internet. People may show up in droves for the soft opening that is going to happen. If said soft opening doesn't actually happen, then it would be a PR nightmare.
what doesn't make sense, is how can Universal staff a whole section of the park, and still decide to open it "last minute"....if the employees are in costume testing the rides..then I guess they are just "on call" and waiting on the word from the man upstairs to open up. While we wait lets go on FOTH a few times!

[HASHTAG]#wwohp[/HASHTAG] not looking good today guys. My theory is that they want very few people to enter a soft and because of Twitter and Facebook they may be worried about crowd problems...?
I was in one of the very first people in line the day HRRR first soft opened. The TM's told us not to form a line and go enjoy other attractions because it wasn't opening. That is what a soft opening is, an unannounced opening to test the attraction with guests. They don't want hordes of people, they want to give it a try with whoever is lucky enough to be there.

Needless to say, we waited at HRRR and within 90 minutes or so, they opened the wall and let us in, then saying " we will open it, but there is no guarantee you will ride it or it will run continuously."

Expect nothing less here.