The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 384 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Phew, that's a relief.
And why is Ravenclaw last? hmph.

Some of those pics are only loading halfway for me. or where they cropped like that? like this one

Its kind of hard to get a picture of detail and yet some how pass through the trees and yet all at the same time capture a 160 ft tall castle perfectly. Not every picture will live up to some peoples standards.
Well lets face it, Hermione answers all the questions in class and Ravenclaw can't cut it on the quidditch pitch.

Only because Ravenclaws are too busy learning and being smart to worry about some dumb jock sport :p

--- Update ---

Its kind of hard to get a picture of detail and yet some how pass through the trees and yet all at the same time capture a 160 ft tall castle perfectly. Not every picture will live up to some peoples standards.

Oh, no worries dude I'm not complaining about the quality. I appreciate the pics, I was just wondering why for me a lot of those are only loading halfway on my screen. I wasn't sure if it's a tinypic thing or my internet is just being weird.
so skimming the internet and came across this and it was posted today..this person went on private tour of WWOHP and gives details on all of it. when he comes to hogwarts castle he states that there were the FJ seats out front that were the same type as dragon challenge WITH A BOX THAT GOES OVER YOUR HEAD WITH A SCREEN AND SPEAKERS. is this what the ride it going to be, you have a box over your head. read this and let me know what you guys think

heres link
yeah they were loading halfway on mine as well and than I refreshed and they are perfect.

what does quidditch have to do with ravenclaw being dead last? Im sure that would not give that many points if any (I cant remember if it even does). Slytherin should be last but never is... snape has something to do with this, Im sure
so skimming the internet and came across this and it was posted today..this person went on private tour of WWOHP and gives details on all of it. when he comes to hogwarts castle he states that there were the FJ seats out front that were the same type as dragon challenge WITH A BOX THAT GOES OVER YOUR HEAD WITH A SCREEN AND SPEAKERS. is this what the ride it going to be, you have a box over your head. read this and let me know what you guys think

heres link

^Grrrrrrrrr, they should just open this freaking thing already, its getting ridiculous.

--- Update ---

I'm amazed with this board sometimes, in the morning when everyone is getting jacked cause it may be open everyone in on here typing, but the moment it doesn't look like anything is happenning, everybody goes and looks at the birds.

Hello - I was reading All Day! Well, I was at work and every once in awhile (every hour at least) I came here to copy and paste everything to a word doc. They monitor our internet use at work. By copy and paste it looks like I am only on for a few seconds. Then I read the word doc. It is soooooo hard not to read some of the comments but I keep telling myself...I'm being timed!! Hurry!

Loved all the updates from those in the park this morning. Thank you!
Tell me dear TM's that have previewed the FJ queue. Once you enter the Oxford corridor from the greenhouse... does it go slightly uphill... meaning, the entire corridor as you near the griffin staircase? I only ask as the greenhouse ramp does not seem to raise you up as high as I would imagine you should be once you enter the tracery corridor or portrait room. If you feel this is secret info, then please PM me.

mercy... that was deleted quickly!!!
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As always, many thanks for the update hatetofly. Is anyone besides me wondering when they are going to raise the lagoons water level? From the Three Broomsticks photos, it looks as if the water is still a bit lower than where it should be. Is that just me seeing things?
Ok i guess i need help, my friends and family just tell me to shut up about HP that if it's not open when I'm there I can just go back NEXT YEAR!!! They just want me to shut up about it. I check this board every 20 minutes and check my twitter for #potterwatch every 5. And worst of all I dreamed that I was in hogsmade having a butterbeer and it was delicious. I really really hope I can get in next week. My friends and I are staying in WDW because of the meal deal and the cheapness of it all, but we rented a car so if there's any news for softs we will leave any park we're visiting and run to IOA.
Sorry just neded someone to write to. I'm going crazy, Just open already!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness, Next Year?! Oh the horror! Really. I don't think they understand. There would be a riot at my house if I told the kids we are skipping it this year and going next year. Yeah, let's skip your birthday this year. Doesn't go over well does it?
As always, many thanks for the update hatetofly. Is anyone besides me wondering when they are going to raise the lagoons water level? From the Three Broomsticks photos, it looks as if the water is still a bit lower than where it should be. Is that just me seeing things?

The water level is low like that because every morning the lake is drained to feed water to Popeye and Dudley.

Does anyone think the House points could be changed once in a while? To be even more aauthentic?
oh I like that idea! Changing house points would make it cooler and more authentic to come back and see ravenclaw house have even less points than the day before would be awesome!
Is anyone besides me wondering when they are going to raise the lagoons water level? From the Three Broomsticks photos, it looks as if the water is still a bit lower than where it should be. Is that just me seeing things?

I believe it is the very very last thing they will do. I would say it is down 5-10 inches right now... just in case further something needs to be addressed. It may be that they learned the paint on the terrace needed to cure a bit longer before they raise it... thus the nasty white mark on the rockwork the last time they raised it a bit.
There is sort of a small stage set up with a giant rear projection TV before the midway splits after you enter. I don't remember seeing that this morning. Wonder what it's for.

--- Update ---

It's at the front of the park.
Hey now, that's enough bad talk about Ravenclaw. Still beats Hufflepuff. Cedric Diggory.... sparkle sparkle, die. :lol:

As for the stuff I want to get. I want a Ravenclaw baseball cap I read someone mentioned, a wand of course, candy from Honeydukes, and just about anything else I can get. :lol:
There is sort of a small stage set up with a giant rear projection TV before the midway splits after you enter. I don't remember seeing that this morning. Wonder what it's for.

--- Update ---

It's at the front of the park.

So wait, this thing is in POE right before it splits into Marvel and Seuss? Any chance you could snag a picture?
Hey now, that's enough bad talk about Ravenclaw. Still beats Hufflepuff. Cedric Diggory.... sparkle sparkle, die. :lol:

As for the stuff I want to get. I want a Ravenclaw baseball cap I read someone mentioned, a wand of course, candy from Honeydukes, and just about anything else I can get. :lol:

First of all, thank you :)

Secondly, I totally agree. I'm emptying out my piggy bank for this trip. i will buy pretty much anything I can get my hands on.