The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 465 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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'Well I'm a more theme park ride person than a HP fan and so I went really for FJ the ride and after two visit I find myself totally taken by hogsmead, its just a great place to explore and its vib is excellentwhen not too busy. The attention to detail we have not seen since the advent of Disney. Was even chosen at Ollivanders, so not always kids are the chosen one.

FJ may well be the best dark ride on the planet however it an't at a level in my mind to be a technological breakthrough experience for the visitor, even though to achieve it behind the scenes may be very innovative. My feeling is it will be as game changing as Spidey was to the industry, great dark ride, often considered the best by many however hasn't changed the industry.

If there is a game change aspect to WWoHP it will hopefully be the return to the level of theme and attention to detail which has been eroded at theme parks everywhere."
FJ may well be the best dark ride on the planet however it an't at a level in my mind to be a technological breakthrough experience for the visitor, even though to achieve it behind the scenes may be very innovative. My feeling is it will be as game changing as Spidey was to the industry, great dark ride, often considered the best by many however hasn't changed the industry.

I'm dumb-founded that there are people who describe it as not being a technological breakthrough or ground-breaking attraction. With due respect, it gives the impression that you are not very aware of the industry. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey is the first use of this ride system in the entire world. I refuse to give away the magic tricks that make it work, but it's not just the KUKA arm that makes it a first. The way effects are integrated is HUGELY ground-breaking. This is one of those situations where it's just not up for discussion; it's fact. The thing is a technological marvel. It's the progression of the industry. It's the next best thing.

Now it may not be as excting as *you* had hoped. That's ok to say. Everyone's entitled to that opinion; but to say it's not a breakthrough isn't even a matter of opinion at all.
I don't want to scare you or deter you from riding it, but I got pretty sick on FJ. My brother who never gets sick on rides even said he wouldn't get back on for another ride if you paid him. I do ok with Spiderman, all roller coasters... FJ for me was very different in regards to being aware of your orientation for the entire ride - especially the first time. I've never used Dramamine but I recommend it if it helps you! Like I said, don't want to make you nervous or anything, but just be prepared because this was my experience.
Thank you :) I'm going to do it no matter what...even if I do get sick. Maybe I should try and leave it to the end of the day if the wait isn't so bad. At any rate, I have an AP and can come back if I miss it at night. I do wonderfully on coaster (dizziness doesn't bother me much), and have never been on Spiderman since one experience with a simulator. But this is HP...and I know I need to ride it.
Thanks again for sharing your experience on FJ. It really helps to know what to expect so I can prepare myself.
Hi Chris

I noticed your comments earlier, you have a close affinity to this project it seems. My opinion is shared by the group I went with, plus quite a few people we have talked to here. Yes it may be our expectations...we have been to every major theme park in the world. I think there is an expectations gap when officials talk about gaming changing. Game changing to me is it will change the industry not a just refinement of technology which is used in part on many rides around the world. Sure more of it is included in FJ than any other one ride we have been on. For many the KUKA arm may be a standout new sensation, point of difference. For those that have been around we know what riding a KUKA arm is like on the extreme, this technology is used well within it limits on this ride.

Game changing and technological breakthrough are different things and they mean different things to the engineers who work hard to bring it together and the visitor who just experiences the end product.

Note my comments relate to the experience for the visitor not the technology that drives it.

With respect the industry the investment until recently has been in decline, don't get me started on the industry....
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Thank you :) I'm going to do it no matter what...even if I do get sick. Maybe I should try and leave it to the end of the day if the wait isn't so bad. At any rate, I have an AP and can come back if I miss it at night. I do wonderfully on coaster (dizziness doesn't bother me much), and have never been on Spiderman since one experience with a simulator. But this is HP...and I know I need to ride it.
Thanks again for sharing your experience on FJ. It really helps to know what to expect so I can prepare myself.

No problem :) I think if I would've known there was this much simulation, I might have faired better, but I agree, I would have ridden it anyway!
I have been to every major attraction in the united states and quite a few over seas, and I'm tellin ya this is not a game changer! fun and all but no better then indiana jones over at the DLR. thats the only ride i can compare Fj with. its about the same intensity as it aswell.
Hi Chris

I noticed your comments earlier, you have a close affinity to this project it seems. My opinion is shared by the group I went with, plus quite a few people we have talked to here. Yes it may be our expectations...we have been to every major theme park in the world. I think there is an expectations gap when officials talk about gaming changing. Game changing to me is it will change the industry not a just refinement of technology which is used in part on many rides around the world. Sure more of it is included in FJ than any other one ride we have been on. For many the KUKA arm may be a standout new sensation, point of difference. For those that have been around we know what riding a KUKA arm is like on the extreme, this technology is used well within it limits on this ride.

Game changing and technological breakthrough are different things and they mean different things to the engineers who work hard to bring it together and the visitor who just experiences the end product.

Note my comments relate to the experience for the visitor not the technology that drives it.

With respect the industry the investment until recently has been in decline until recent times, so don't get me started on the industry....

The point is there's no room to debate that the ride is ground-breaking in every sense. I did not work on the project. I'm not defending it because it was "my thing" or anything of the sort. I'm speaking up because the ride really is the next big thing. Potter IS game-changing. Potter ISN'T a refinement of current technolgoies. Potter is quite a few new technologies created from the ground up. They perhaps may not be evident to you in show conditions, but it's far more complex than you're realizing and the way it achieves that is all entirely new and very impressive. This is not an inverted Spider-Man. It's unlike anything that's ever been done. Your arguement is like saying The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man is a rip of The Haunted Mansion because they're both dark rides. The ride types are nothing like eachother - and though people are comparing to Soarin' because of the dome screens, it's not even close.

I myself have more than been around, and have seen plenty of KUKA arms out there. In fact I was one of the first to ride the prototype version the first year KUKA brought it to IAAPA. I'm well aware of the varying levels of intensity that it CAN run at, and i'm overwhelmed with joy that it is not nearly that aggressive. I've seen plenty of highly detailed attractions. There is a very shot list of rides that I'd call my favorite, and every one of them is a definitive gem of its genre. Indiiana Jones Aventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (DHS), Journey to the Center of the Earth, and now Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. I'd actually be inclined to maybe even bump Potter up a few spaces on that short list.

Whether or not the industry as a whole has seem much ground-breaking investment over the past decade or so, the answer is unquestionabely no- but there's not "the next big thing every year." In fact I think it was far more odd that two of them, Tower of Terror and Indiana Jones Adventure, came back to back. The point is it's not a matter of what was, it's a matter of what is. Potter is a very big deal in property, technology and execution.

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I have been to every major attraction in the united states and quite a few over seas, and I'm tellin ya this is not a game changer! fun and all but no better then indiana jones over at the DLR. thats the only ride i can compare Fj with. its about the same intensity as it aswell.

Is this really degrading into a pissing contest? I've been on virtually every major attraction in North America, Europe and Asia, and I would most certainly disagree.

For the sake of arugement, what would you call the best ride in the world? I have a feeling that will answer a lot of questions for me.
His Chris

would help if you actually read my post lol. I think it is the best dark ride currently however that does not make it game changing to the should be the best... it is the most recent by far however don't expect people riding are going to appreciate all that is behind the scenes, they are there for the experience.

When we heard game changing we believe that at the very least it would be a whole new level of experience. Blame it on our multimedia world, if you like, its a great ride, just not a whole new level of experience.
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but to say it's not a breakthrough isn't even a matter of opinion at all.

Mr. M. For you to say you were not impressed with Spiderman is a matter of opinion. The fact that some do not see this as a breakthrough is also an opinion. Some think that 85 degrees is very warm and some think it is not warm enough. Both are opinions and preferences. An opinion is an interpretation of how one perceives things, no matter how grand and expensive or clever and cheap. Even death is a matter of opinion. Point is, there is nothing in this world that is not a matter of opinion.
Mr. M. For you to say you were not impressed with Spiderman is a matter of opinion. The fact that some do not see this as a breakthrough is also an opinion. Some think that 85 degrees is very warm and some think it is not warm enough. Both are opinions and preferences. An opinion is an interpretation of how one perceives things, no matter how grand and expensive or clever and cheap. Even death is a matter of opinion. Point is, there is nothing in this world that is not a matter of opinion.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I respect you more and more eachday sir.
His Chris

would help if you actually read my post lol. I think it is the best dark ride currently however that does not make it game changing to the should be the best... it is the most recent by far however don't expect people riding are going to appreciate all that is behind the scenes, they are there for the experience.

When we heard game changing we believe that at the very least it would be a whole new level of experience. Blame it on our multimedia world, if you like, its a great ride, just not a whole new level of experience.

I'm puzzled that I'm the first one to ask you this but what exactly WOULD you consider game-changing then? What rides in the past have you considered to be so? The fact that you say Spider-Man wasn't game-changing speaks volumes. You're acting like nothing can be considered groundbreaking unless it is the holodeck from Star Trek. Like Chris said, it isn't really up for debate. Whether the ride caters to your particular taste most certainly is and people are free to say they didn't enjoy the ride but I'm just confused as to what Universal could have put into the attraction where you would consider it worthy of the hype? Remember, we don't live in a science fiction universe. We have physics and real world technology to use only.
Lol At the defense force in this thread. We've read a lot of opinions that have said it's not a game changer, so what's the problem? If the ride is fun an thrilling that's all that matters!!

Disney would have made a children friendly ride that would have bored the piss out of most of us. Their last thrill ride expedition everest was super weak!
Mr. M. For you to say you were not impressed with Spiderman is a matter of opinion. The fact that some do not see this as a breakthrough is also an opinion. Some think that 85 degrees is very warm and some think it is not warm enough. Both are opinions and preferences. An opinion is an interpretation of how one perceives things, no matter how grand and expensive or clever and cheap. Even death is a matter of opinion. Point is, there is nothing in this world that is not a matter of opinion.

You're a bit off here. I don't care for The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man. I never denied its industry impact or the breakthoughs it brought. Like I said, totally ok to say Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey is not your cup of tea. Personal opinions have nothing to do with the new terrain it forges or the areas in which it is an industry pioneer.

I really hate how people on these boards always turn the debate into something that it's not, and they always try to use opinion to defend it. I'm not saying people have to like it. I'm not saying people have to love it. I'm noraot saying people have to dislike Spider-man. I'm saying it's brand new technology that goes to places never before reached in ways never before tried. That's not open for debate. That's simple fact. It doesn't make it a great ride. I think it is - but that's my opinion. You don't have to agree, but you can't dispute that it's ground-breaking.

We've gone in circles so I won't comment on this further. Perhaps next we can debate the color of the sky. My position is that it is orange between the hours of 12pm and 3pm, paisley from 3pm to 8 pm and red and green plaid the rest of the time. I like the sky so that makes it true.

--- Update ---

Disney would have made a children friendly ride that would have bored the piss out of most of us. Their last thrill ride expedition everest was super weak!

Is my wall supposed to have a head imprint in it? That's like a decoration, right? Sort of?
SO! Who misses Dueling Dragons? :'( :look:

I think all of you guys who are arguing are a little pissy for your own reasons, but it needs to stop. Frankly, no one else really CARES about your opinion at this point. Everyone is entitled to thinking what they want, and you've taken it beyond simply sharing it on a message board (to no one in particular). And that's my opinion. :p

Nice sig, Latveria! :lol:
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So, there was supposed to be a floating wand in the window of Olivanders. Is it there? Is it really floating? Does it move as it floats? How does it appear to float? I have not heard one word about it.

Everyone is entitled to thinking what they want, and you've taken it beyond simply sharing it on a message board (to no one in particular). And that's my opinion. :p

Your opinion is completely inaccurate and I don't even think it is your opinion, I think that you stole it from the Nargles. Do you know where your sneakers are right now?
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