The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 468 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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I work at SeaWorld we get to go in Universal for free do you think they will block us from getting in free on June 18th? anyone know
That would suck. I don't know...I know at Disney that CM can't use their tickets some days due to blackouts...I was worried about this with my Power Pass for Uni. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get in on the 18th...but it is not a blackout date, and I don't think they'd want to restrict AP holders...
yes the mug is a lot bigger than the cup. The cup is 12 oz I believe and I dont know the steins size I can look but Id have to go downstairs and Im not feeling up to moving (bad sunburn haha). The stein does have more liquid for less of a price so...

thats funny juniorwizard, I love quoting too but I didnt remember Erics term haha. Thats weird he said that though because thats the answer tms give.
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One more question regarding the Butterbeer: Would they let me bring my mug back in to a separate visit to Universal if I packed it in a backpack or something? I don't know if they normally allow this, as I've never been one to buy the large refillable cups.
All the talk of the drink and food, plus all the awesome merch has me salivating.

lol, join the club! I cannot wait until August to experience the WWoHP!

Funny how this entire discussion, hours spent reading these pages, hours spent creating this world, all the money that went into it, all of it roots to one person's head, one person's idea and motivation to put the pen to the paper and write a story.

Hopefully di*ks with time machines don't mess it up!
I've thought about that before, kitfisto92. I love to write, and seeing this happening just boggles me. I try to put myself in Rowling's shoes...and I just can't fathom how I'd feel if something I created was coming to life.
hey real quick can someone direct me to a map of IoA including WWoHP? I wanna get it on me iPod. ;)


This is the closest you'll get to a full park map.

Has anyone tried the "pumpkin fizz"? I saw it on the pics of the menu. Wondering how that is.

its like the pumpkin juice in a soda-ish form. Its pretty good, Im more of a juice fan though.

yay sytyk! thats awesome and Im glad you are not closeminded like lots that have lived in the potter mania and not read/watched it.
After living a life of Potter mania for a couple of years I finally watched my first movie...Order of the Pheonix! I can see why people love this so much.

I just watched that one on ABC Family tonight. I like that one a lot...Well, I love them all. But I like the director a lot. He's a good fit for the films. I'm so glad he did the 6, 7, and 8th films as well.
On a side note, it was James and Oliver Phelps' last day of filming today :(