The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 648 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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And on another wondered about the stairway to the roof? Well, there are a few, but that stairway is two things... it is an exit from the grand portrait gallery... door to the left as you leave the gallery to dumbledore's office. It goes down to exit the building backstage behind the JP bathrooms but it also goes up to the roof. If there is a fire, please don't go UP.

Ha! I was right, it IS a fire escape.

About the contracts, I believe they were included in some very early press releases, but I'm not sure. It dose sound like one of JKR's conditions though.

And yeah, the slow down on here was quite dramatic. It seemed to put a lot of people off.
I have some news regarding a few things: a new theme park in question, a private tour of a mini theme park that I took in recent weeks (private tour without an appointment... even my contacts were shocked I pulled it off), and something else.... but later.

Are we talking Night Kingdom there, Teebin?
Ah it's nice to see the T-man. It would be neat if some of the wizard fighting had been a part of FJ, the trail for DH looks more intense than the entire movie series leading up to it.
Trailer looks awesome. It took my breath away. I really hope they can incorporate the movies' elements in a fitting way. I don't want it to be just throw in there just to say 'there's the DH contribution to the park.'
What contract? Where is this contract? Do you or anyone you know have a copy of it that can be scanned and posted here? These contracts regarding the project have been much conjectured about as fact... yet none of you have posted the contracts. I love BriMan, but 6 months ago he told me/us (I asked him specifically and publicly) he told us for a fact the DD tracks would be painted darker for this project... they have not been painted and the grand opening has happened.

So, I am sure there are directives per the contracts and those filter down. Otherwise, the filters don't have the contracts, only their speculation what the contracts seem to imply. Imply equals "interpretation".

"Whatever is ultimately included when the Wizarding World opens next year, newer additions will soon follow. Universal's licensing contract with Warner Bros. requires the resort to add elements from the final movies in the series — the last of which isn't scheduled to arrive in theaters until 2011."
I have some news regarding a few things: a new theme park in question, a private tour of a mini theme park that I took in recent weeks (private tour without an appointment... even my contacts were shocked I pulled it off), and something else.... but later.
Teebin, YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!:happy::whoo::dance:
Oh, asnd please be talking about a new Disney park (Villans maybe)?
Mini theme park, Legoland? He said he took a tour, so this would tell me that it is something already being constructed?

BTW, welcome back Teebin, even though I know you will probably post less, it is nice when you come on here and straighten people out :)
"Whatever is ultimately included when the Wizarding World opens next year, newer additions will soon follow. Universal's licensing contract with Warner Bros. requires the resort to add elements from the final movies in the series — the last of which isn't scheduled to arrive in theaters until 2011."

My point was only to say that we "hear" these things, yet we have no proof that it is true. Someone earlier stated that details of the contracts were printed somewhere online, yet I have not seen any of this posted. I merely want to see snippets of these contracts that state these many things.

BTW, welcome back Teebin, even though I know you will probably post less, it is nice when you come on here and straighten people out :)

Well, apparently I did get something wrong last night. While BriMan once posted that the tracks would be painted, it has been pointed out to me that he later posted that the painting of the tracks had be canceled or at the very least postponed. I apologize that I missed this later posting.
My point was only to say that we "hear" these things, yet we have no proof that it is true. Someone earlier stated that details of the contracts were printed somewhere online, yet I have not seen any of this posted. I merely want to see snippets of these contracts that state these many things.

Well, apparently I did get something wrong last night. While BriMan once posted that the tracks would be painted, it has been pointed out to me that he later posted that the painting of the tracks had be canceled or at the very least postponed. I apologize that I missed this later posting.

Teebin, your back :) And I have to agree with you, although I do know this from the early descriptions of the park: Universal always said that the land would include things from all 7 books, so it's quite possible that an expansion or an addition could happen some time after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movies come out. However, that's just me commentating on what Universal advertised.
I'm re-reading Deathly Hallows right now at this moment, what elements from this book could they possibly add into the park to add anything to it? Besides maybe a Grindelwald vs Dumbledore tshirt, a Hallows graffiti mark somewhere in Hogsmeade? A competing Gregorovitch wand shop where the shopkeeper chooses the wand for you and tells you to buy or get out?

You can't do anything with the battle either, maybe add the graveyard at Godric's Hallow. I'm not sure, what do you people possibly think? What is actuallty realistic here?
I'm re-reading Deathly Hallows right now at this moment, what elements from this book could they possibly add into the park to add anything to it? Besides maybe a Grindelwald vs Dumbledore tshirt, a Hallows graffiti mark somewhere in Hogsmeade? A competing Gregorovitch wand shop where the shopkeeper chooses the wand for you and tells you to buy or get out?

You can't do anything with the battle either, maybe add the graveyard at Godric's Hallow. I'm not sure, what do you people possibly think? What is actuallty realistic here?

I dunno...the Godric's Hollow graveyard would be really cool...or at least the sculpture of Harry, Lily, and James Potter. It would be cool to have the Hallows somewhere as well.

Oh, and glad you are back, Teebin!
I'm re-reading Deathly Hallows right now at this moment, what elements from this book could they possibly add into the park to add anything to it? Besides maybe a Grindelwald vs Dumbledore tshirt, a Hallows graffiti mark somewhere in Hogsmeade? A competing Gregorovitch wand shop where the shopkeeper chooses the wand for you and tells you to buy or get out?

You can't do anything with the battle either, maybe add the graveyard at Godric's Hallow. I'm not sure, what do you people possibly think? What is actuallty realistic here?

I think they could definitely take over Sinbad and do a recreation of the battle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald there. Like actually hold a demostration set to a Defense Against the Dark Arts class showing how Dumbledore won.
I think they could definitely take over Sinbad and do a recreation of the battle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald there. Like actually hold a demostration set to a Defense Against the Dark Arts class showing how Dumbledore won.

Perhaps, but why would you go to a Defense Against The Dark Arts class outside Hogwarts?
Maybe they could take over Sinbad and make it, like, the Quest for the Horcruxes or something...and guests could walk through all the places they find the Horcruxes. The cave, the Chamber of Secets, Room of Requirement, etc.

Oooorr, I just wish they would make the whole Lost Continent Diagon Alley!