The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 810 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Rode FJ yesterday and the face projection effect was working! It's been a while since it has worked for me... Months, if not years...

Oh, and only a 10-minute wait around 6pm! :)
If I remember correctly Teebin talked about the mold situation with the snow. This past visit I tried to snap a few pics of the worst areas to give everyone an idea of its appearance as it stands right now.



^ I was really hoping that I was mistaken. Uni/Nassal knew it would happen but I wonder if they have a solution considering the custom black shingles. What I mean is how will these custom themed shingles take to a bleach wash.
the blackening of snow doesn't look too bad now... though I imagine they would want to clean it up soon before it gets un-natural looking... (like the look hulk's rails got)
I don't think that's too bad considering its been more than two years since WWoHP opened. I'm sure Universal accounted for this in some way, and has a plan for either cleaning or repainting the problem areas. I'm sure they realized that their fake white snow would need attention eventually.
If we are talking about running the WW in tip top shape, then it needs to be cleaned and/or painted now. Ask yourself what comes after "not too bad".

I get what you're saying, but I also don't think it something they need to address as soon as dirt starts becoming visible on the snow either. "Dirty snow" isn't a bad thing in this case as long as it still looks like dirty snow you would expect to see in real life as well, and I think the current look falls within that range (although I hope I have forgotten what dirty snow looks like in a few years, for now it is still a fairly fresh image for me). It will need attention in the future (likely by next year), but I don't think its too the point we need to worry yet.
Would a bleaching be required, or just a late night power washing?

The amount of intensity you need to remove black mold with a power washer would rip this kind of paint right off or at least damage it and remove the sparkles that were added. A distant power wash after a chemical treatment might work. I have removed black mold from my concrete walkway with a PW and I had to hold it within 3-5" which is skin ripping power.
I get what you're saying, but I also don't think it something they need to address as soon as dirt starts becoming visible on the snow either. "Dirty snow" isn't a bad thing in this case as long as it still looks like dirty snow you would expect to see in real life as well, and I think the current look falls within that range (although I hope I have forgotten what dirty snow looks like in a few years, for now it is still a fairly fresh image for me). It will need attention in the future (likely by next year), but I don't think its too the point we need to worry yet.

"Dirty snow" doesn't exactly scream MAGICAL. It may be realistic, but we're talking about Hogsmeade... Nasty looking snow isn't really ideal.
"Dirty snow" isn't a bad thing in this case as long as it still looks like dirty snow you would expect to see in real life as well, and I think the current look falls within that range (although I hope I have forgotten what dirty snow looks like in a few years, for now it is still a fairly fresh image for me).

Just my two cents here, because of my demographic I "get to" see plenty of snow every winter.(It gets pretty old after the first 15-20 inches trust me). Anyway... The dirty snow you remember seeing does not naturally occur on rooftops, at all. There is simply nothing up there to get it dirty. Snow only gets dirty around ground level, where theres dirt. Rooftops are absolutely pure white after a couple inches of snow and it stays white until it melts. The only exception would be at the very edges of smoke stack openings, and the occasional bird tracks or droppings, in this case owl. So, there should really be no reason for the snow to become dirty otherwise in locations that I have seen discussed with mold problems. It actually makes it look very unnatural if it's not pure white. Anyway, that's just from my experience with the white stuff.
Rode through FJ once today. I didn't think it would be a good run since I got to the front and the lights were on. But soon the lights were dimmed and I went through a decent run. Screens looked like, well how the screens have looked for a while. Don't know if the few spots I see are small tears or what?? The dementor effect was almost working correctly. It was my face but the lady next to me was noticeably absent. Maybe she was sunk down too far, she was pretty scared. At the very least it was synced up correctly and I saw my face pretty clearly. I also made it through all the screens this time without stopping. I hate to sound so negative, because I thoroughly enjoy this ride so much! I want to see these things flawless.
I have to agree that they need to improve the screens/projections (and maybe even mess a bit with the lighting) on FJ. I also rode it a few days ago and everything was working flawlessly, but the screens are really a weak point of this amazing ride. They need to find a way to make the images sharper and clearer. I think the fireplace effect screens and the domes could use a LOT of improving. I think the best screen is, after you re-enter Hogwarts through the courtyard, the second one where Dumbledore bids us farewell and the Hogwarts students wave good-bye to us (and the movement synch is perfect here too). But even the screen before this one, the one with Harry saying good-bye, is too bright(?) I don't know how to describe it... It's like it has a light pointed at the screen and the image gets washed out. Does what I'm saying make any sense? :shrug:
I've noticed that as well Felipe. I have also noticed how rough the ride is becoming when the arms are returning the benches back to their forward postions at the end once you've passed through the floo network again. I would love if they could fix the hydralics in the arms. It doesn't jar you quite as bad as the sudden stops in ROTM do though. :p
Huh, I took it for a spin last night and didn't notice any jolting.
It could be just me, but when I rode FJ today the Quidditch projection appeared different from the other two dome scenes. The only way I can describe it is like when you watch a TV with 120hz vs a 60hz refresh rate. Made me dizzier than normal.
Rode FJ yesterday and the face projection effect was working! It's been a while since it has worked for me... Months, if not years...

Oh, and only a 10-minute wait around 6pm! :)
I noticed it recently as well. I actually had never seen it before about a month ago, so to me it was new.