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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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Fans in Orlando still complain to this day that Universal didn't fully cover up the plain show building, which you can see from multiple place. So obviously here in Hollywood, where we have so many real soundstages, they won't bother covering up the whole show building with rock work, especially from the tram loading area. Although I wish they would. In Hollywood we'll have so many more angles and chances to see the forced perspective ruined with Hogwarts jutting out of a huge show building. But hey, I'm still grateful we're getting it!

And yeah, because of the height of the Hogsmeade buildings, you won't be able to see Hogwarts in its full glory until you're fully in the land.

I really wish Shrek would leave by then. It's gonna be such a sore thumb in the attraction lineup once Potter opens.

I don't care what you replace it with. Well, I do, but just make it up to date and not be projection based.

You guys.....remember when a lot of people thought Potter was gonna go in the T2 plot? Hahaha....
Yeah, I knew it would replace the Gibson, it was the only logical place. Some people thought T2 would be the location so people can see Hogwarts from the

And yeah, losing Amity is sad....especially Bruce...I would've hoped they'd find a new place for him by now. I mean, his whole ride got levelled in Florida and his photo op still stuck around...
Yeah, I knew it would replace the Gibson, it was the only logical place. Some people thought T2 would be the location so people can see Hogwarts from the

And yeah, losing Amity is sad....especially Bruce...I would've hoped they'd find a new place for him by now. I mean, his whole ride got levelled in Florida and his photo op still stuck around...
I don't think we'll be seeing Bruce return, unfortunately. I tried like hell to figure out where he was when I was working there but no luck. 
WestCoaster just posted an update.    Foundation work has started and structural steel is on site. Vertical construction is going to start soon!

Looks like the actual tunnel portion is still there, but they demolished the facade and the turn a while back.
I was reading MiceChat's forums, and apparently some think that Diagon Alley is going to open at Universal in 2016 in conjunction with the rest of the Wizarding World.

I'm not sure how one can think that, but okay.
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I was reading MiceChat's forums, and apparently some think that Diagon Alley is going to open at Universal in 2016 in conjunction with the rest of the Wizarding World.

I'm not sure how one can think that, but okay.
:lol:  this has to be a joke, I can't believe they think that.
The FJ in Orlando is putting air bladders on the first two RV's right now to help with motion sickness. Were also preparing for yet another new ride profile that will tone down the rides movements, again to help with motion sickness. The air bladder conversion will be done with 2-4 RV's at a time in the maintenance bays over the next 4 months and the new profile will be live sometime January week 2. In addition to all that new 4K projectors are being placed at the FJ this Spring. 

You can expect all of these measures to carry over to your FJ along with several upgrades to your physical sets and effects. (Jealous)
Very excited about having 4K on those dome screens (should be even better quality footage than Transformers considering it's the same 4K but on smaller domes). The wind installation is also great for a few reasons.

Those physical additions you've mentioned before have me very excited for our version! Sucks that they were cut from your version, especially considering what big of a hit it turned out to be. Any chance your version will get the physical upgrades in the future?

One thing that made me worried when you previously mentioned us getting the physical additions was that they might get cut in the end, with Universal management saying "well we cut these physical effects out from the Florida version and it turned out to be a hit, so why bother spending more on this version?"

But I hope that's just me being paranoid due to previous Universal mistakes ;)

I'm also curious if we will get an improved locker system for FJ since the one in Florida is such a nightmare and is one of the reasons they cant use their Gate A/Express entrance. Either way, I'm hoping they DON'T use Gate A here either, just so they can advertise the separate Hogwarts Tour as a separate attraction (and thus increasing attraction count artificially).
Very excited about having 4K on those dome screens (should be even better quality footage than Transformers considering it's the same 4K but on smaller domes). The wind installation is also great for a few reasons.

Those physical additions you've mentioned before have me very excited for our version! Sucks that they were cut from your version, especially considering what big of a hit it turned out to be. Any chance your version will get the physical upgrades in the future?

One thing that made me worried when you previously mentioned us getting the physical additions was that they might get cut in the end, with Universal management saying "well we cut these physical effects out from the Florida version and it turned out to be a hit, so why bother spending more on this version?"

But I hope that's just me being paranoid due to previous Universal mistakes ;)

I'm also curious if we will get an improved locker system for FJ since the one in Florida is such a nightmare and is one of the reasons they cant use their Gate A/Express entrance. Either way, I'm hoping they DON'T use Gate A here either, just so they can advertise the separate Hogwarts Tour as a separate attraction (and thus increasing attraction count artificially).
The Florida version will get revisions but Hollywood will get upgrades that Orlando simply physically can't due to errors during installation. As for the lockers, keep your eyes on the Gringotts lockers for a possible future HW layout...
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My sister just got a 3DS for Christmas and it's pretty incredible how it works! It's amazing to see the depth of 3D without the glasses. I can only imagine if they test it successfully, it can be used well for Harry Potter.

The thing is, it only works great if you're looking STRAIGHT at the screen. It blurs when you move from side to side. I don't know if this could work effectively being that the screens are curved.
First off, the screens being curved would be a major technical issue. Second, parallex barrier technology in the 3DS works the best with smaller electronics and is still in developmental stages for larger TVs. It's possible but very expensive and highly impractical. Maybe in 10-15 years once they develop the technology, they'll be able to redo Potter.
Any truth to the interactive animations within the streets coming to USH?  Talk around town has that USF will get these animations in Diagon Alley and will be added to Wizarding World at IOA.  I wonder if we will get these upgrades before IOA?

I think we should pay attention to USJ more closely as we are probably getting exactly what they are installing today.

I personally did not like some of the projector changes on FJ in Orlando.  I did not like the brick walls being removed in favor of the green light of puke in your face at the beginning and the end.  One can hope we see more changes there.