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Universal's New Park/Site B Blue Sky Thread

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Also Godzilla is legendary correct? Does universal have their rights now with the splitting of Kong?

As IPs, Fantastic beasts would provide a large area in a new park, more Nintendo properties, Jurrasic World, Pitch Perfect stage show, SLOP, Grinch, and many more really.
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If anything they use their golden era back from the 1920s-1940s as the studio of Horror and just bring back the Phantom of The Opera along with the classic monsters.

They could also make a crazy gangster attraction based off Scarface. It truly is a shame they lost the rights to Godzilla to WB even though they brought Godzilla to the US mainstream with Godzilla V King Kong in the 1970s. Godzilla rights are 100% owned by Toho though.
Also Godzilla is legendary correct? Does universal have their rights now with the splitting of Kong?

As IPs, Fantastic beasts would provide a large area in a new park, more Nintendo properties, Jurrasic World, Pitch Perfect stage show, SLOP, Grinch, and many more really.

I believe that Godzilla is being done with WB.
Either way, you have to get Toho's okay to use Godzilla anyway
Of course but they seemed to have enjoyed the 2014 take enough to allow the use of their other monsters for the sequel so I can hope for something here, doubt it will actually happen.
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I just want Universal to begin to choose future attractions/IPs based on story telling merit, rather than they can cram it into their "everything goes wrong world in peril oh wait jk."

The "caught in the in-between" of two forces narrative is what's getting old. Not the screens. (FOR ME. Before I claim to "know" what universal "needs")
This is basically what i've been trying to say I want from Uni for awhile now. It's not screens that bother me, it's lack of originality in the story telling.
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I think you hit the nail on the head here. Same for 'simulated free fall'. It feels played out and very late 90s.
It's the one influence I wish Comcast could have. Get some half decent writers and really question and flesh out and make these things interesting. They need some new ideas and it's because they need new blood.

I work for adult swim and I'm by no means the smartest or funniest person in our writer's room but we crankkkkkk out some zany stories that can be told in seconds.
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Yeah, as the years go on the picking gets slimmer and slimmer. But I will say this, if universal pulls off a good attraction based on Jimmy effing fallon, they can pull off anything.
As long as Hollywood can continue to find new things to reboot or remake there will always be new IP's to use.
I always loved the "reverse" free fall in BTTF if you will, when you're falling down, suddenly the Delorean goes in reverse and you get pulled back up....that feeling was awesome.
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I mean, the "you're fighting for your life" story has been Uni's deal since day 1.
But it doesn't have to be their only thing. If you only aim to repeat a story format in different ways, it gets repetitive, which is where much of my criticisms come from.
The simulated free fall is really old but I don't think I'm tried of the everything goes wrong storyline, just the way Universal has been telling it. If anything, I think Universal need more emotional rides than thrill rides. Rides where the story isn't about the effects or how impressive the tech is but to actually make you feel something for once.
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