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Universal's New Park/Site B Blue Sky Thread

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I mean, the "you're fighting for your life" story has been Uni's deal since day 1.
Yes. Universal's model has always been built on destruction/mayhem/chaos, geared towards the "new family" with an older set of kids. They knew they didn't want to offer/gear towards the Perfect/Princess/Peace model down the street.

But the stories were at least varied. I can't say the same of the new attractions, where we, the riders, are no longer the star but mere collateral damage, caught in the crosshairs.
But the stories were at least varied. I can't say the same of the new attractions, where we, the riders, are no longer the star but mere collateral damage, caught in the crosshairs.

I'd VERY much disagree with that. Outside of Gringotts, where we have our own congruent adventure to something happening in the canon, we're very much the stars.
Twilight is an IP that if translated into the parks, would piss off a LOT OF PEOPLE. Me included, and that its as bad of an idea as The Hunger Games becoming a Theme Park I- oh wait.

Is that seriously still happening? I'll be surprised if it's anything but a massive flop.
I'm pretty sure the only screen-based thrill ride at Uni that doesn't have a simulated drop is Forbidden Journey. Kong will hopefully not either. But yeah. If you're gonna keep making screen rides, at LEAST stop with the overdone freefall effect.
One of the biggest problems I see with new IPs is that the biggest, best and most popular ones are now spoken for. Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pixar and Marvel are being used and the only IP I can see that's any where near in the same league as them is Lord of the Rings.
I tried watching LotR on TV recently and nearly fell asleep. I'd take Star Trek.
Universal still has enough of it's content sitting unused. Ghostbusters, BTTF, Jaws, possibly SLoP, Pitch Perfect, Fantastic Beasts, ET (if it goes away), etc. They have more than enough properties, but the BIG properties that deserve lands are dwindling.

I would like to see a few original ideas though.
Please no.
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Pitch Perfect ideas have been tossed around but I doubt it'd be in a third park.

I think what's interesting is what the overall theme and tone the third park would be. USF is 'studios' and 'production' themed, Islands is exploration themed environments, what will this third park do to set itself apart?
Exactly. A show in the size of the old BJ theatre is what I picture.

People would love it. Between PP and Pentatonix, acapella has become fairly "cool" (I just saw Pentatonix at UCF and they were AMAZING).

I can already see the audience participation part. Pull up random guests and have the 'audition' to become the next member of the Bella's.
I can already see the audience participation part. Pull up random guests and have the 'audition' to become the next member of the Bella's.
lol, already object to that.

If they were to do a PP show, they need to learn from American Idol and realize guest participation in singing shows is just a bad idea.
I tried watching LotR on TV recently and nearly fell asleep. I'd take Star Trek.

Please no.

I've not seen the first 2 but I some how ended up seeing Return of the King 3 times in the cinema.

As an alternative to Pitch Perfect being a show, I'd happily like to see a street performance to test the waters. I also think they could do well with merchandise.
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