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Universal's New Park/Site B Blue Sky Thread

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All the water ride talk got me thinking about something. The one thing that sucks at Islands of Adventure and Orlando in general is when it storms most out door rides close down...in IOA that is around 9 rides, 3 play areas, and 1 meet and greet out of commission until the storm passes. Mine you IOA has a total of 19 attractions (minus mystic fountain, frog choir, Oh, The Stories You'll Hear and the triward show) 20 if you include Kong when it opens but when it storms you lose 14 of those attractions heck when it rains most people don't want to go and experience those 11 of those attractions. Usually 15 minutes to an hour is how long the storms last but some days you have 3-5 hours of rain meaning people are going to leave.

I wonder if Universal plans to remedy this by creating an half indoor, half outdoor theme park but not in the traditional sense of oh we are inside now we are outside but kinda a large scale knockturn alley in Diagon where the connections are seamless. This would let them be able to create full themed environments but give them additional controls as well. It could always be night, always be day, essentially weather proof (good for AAs), everything would be in the hands of UC and OPs for even more impressive landscapes.
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ALmost forgot that Universal under Focus Umbrella has an animated movie based off a video game coming out on Friday which if successful I could see being used in a theme park. Yes Ratchet and Clank.

Also for any expansions as well can Comcast hire Gary Goddard please? I mean some of the biggest attractions at USF have had his input (Spiderman, River Adventure, T2 3D).
Gary has his plate full.

Also, not to be rude (and YES, I know it's power/reach/fandom is massive) but are LotR people really interested in Theme Parks in the hot Orlando sun? Just speaking/observing from the midnight showings I went to...

Also, would they really do anything other than the shire? The only thing I can think of that's instantly recognizable (besides the Tower) to non-iniated.

I only like LOTR because it's gayer than Sean Cody.

Edit: if you google that name its NSFW and I am not to blame.
ALmost forgot that Universal under Focus Umbrella has an animated movie based off a video game coming out on Friday which if successful I could see being used in a theme park. Yes Ratchet and Clank.

I don't think the movie is going to do well at all, but the game would make a great attraction.

I don't know how Nintendo would feel about that.

Not exactly sure why they'd have a problem with it.
I don't think the movie is going to do well at all, but the game would make a great attraction.

Is this a kids movie or adult movie? Because if it is aimed at kids I agree with you. I have a pretty good idea of movies people are planning to watch when it comes to kids stuff and since I haven't even heard of this movie I would say it would not be a big hit like Slop, Zootopia, or Finding Dory. Which you need that level of success for the IP to be used in a theme park.
Is this a kids movie or adult movie? Because if it is aimed at kids I agree with you. I have a pretty good idea of movies people are planning to watch when it comes to kids stuff and since I haven't even heard of this movie I would say it would not be a big hit like Slop, Zootopia, or Finding Dory. Which you need that level of success for the IP to be used in a theme park.

It's been getting minimal promotion, primarily being used as alternative programming for all the adult films coming out this weekend before Captain America.
It's been getting minimal promotion, primarily being used as alternative programming for all the adult films coming out this weekend before Captain America.

So with minimal promotion it doesn't sound like they have much faith it, nor does it sound like it will be successful enough to be an IP in a park.
So with minimal promotion it doesn't sound like they have much faith it, nor does it sound like it will be successful enough to be an IP in a park.

Eh. The games are popular and sell well. I think it could definitely warrant a ride, if they decided to go that way.

Like Avatar and Song of the South, if it's a good ride, no one really cares where it came from.
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I'd argue they have way more to worry about than their properties potentially sharing a theme park with R&C. It wouldn't even be on the radar, IMO
With Nintendo you never really know. I love 'em but they can overreact to the smallest things like a video reviewing one of their games and praising it just because it has footage of the actual game.
I would KILL for a Berk themed land in a 3rd park with a How to Train Your Dragon e-ticket and a live show with animatronic/puppet dragons like that one that toured years ago. I don't care if the series won't last much longer, dragons are awesome and timeless.
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