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Universal's New Park/Site B Blue Sky Thread

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Shoot for all these properties id pay a handsome amount to own WB...

I think you're forgetting what Universal was able to do with the JAWS property. Many people made similar statements all to be blown away by what was done in that "small" amount of land. Trust me I am more than positive that some concept art and ideas were shown to Nintendo before this deal was signed and they must have LOVED it. Nintendo is not the type of company that licenses its products away to just anyone.

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for a picture of the land
I understand, but that's not my argument. We're talking 3-4 attractions not one. This should be the size and scope of Tomorrowland including that crappy, toxic, waste of space speedway plot.

If they were to put SLOP in KZ with some flats and saved Nintendo for an epic presence in a third gate, I wouldn't be mad.

But trust me, I'm not complaining, and if we can get 3-4 family rides in UNI I'm down for it. Pretty sure it will be amazing. I'm curious what's is in store for Nintendo in KZ.
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I understand, but that's not my argument. We're talking 3-4 attractions not one. This should be the size and scope of Tomorrowland including that crappy, toxic, waste of space speedway plot.

If they were to put SLOP in KZ with some flats and saved Nintendo for an epic presence in a third gate, I wouldn't be mad.

But trust me, I'm not complaining, and if we can get 3-4 family rides in UNI I'm down for it. Pretty sure it will be amazing. I'm curious what's is in store for Nintendo in KZ.

I'm firmly on team "Why Not Both". Universal Studios needs way more than one dark ride and a few flats added to it, and Nintendo is the perfect property for that. However, I think the land will be too restrictive to do much more than feature the Mario characters, so 3rd park or IoA is there for Zelda, Metroid, Pokémon, etc
I'm firmly on team "Why Not Both". Universal Studios needs way more than one dark ride and a few flats added to it, and Nintendo is the perfect property for that. However, I think the land will be too restrictive to do much more than feature the Mario characters, so 3rd park or IoA is there for Zelda, Metroid, Pokémon, etc

Hopefully we get a horror presence, also, especially with the reboot of UNI monsters. I've never understood why they didn't have a horror attraction when they're so good at it.
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In order to keep with a more overall urban theme, they can just hide Nintendo-land behind a massive Nintendo-store facade, in much the same way as London hides Diagon Alley. Springfield to me is not that out of place since it is an urban setting. The only area that really needs to be redone is between London and Springfield, and perhaps Production Central could be a little spruced up.
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I'm firmly on team "Why Not Both". Universal Studios needs way more than one dark ride and a few flats added to it, and Nintendo is the perfect property for that. However, I think the land will be too restrictive to do much more than feature the Mario characters, so 3rd park or IoA is there for Zelda, Metroid, Pokémon, etc
"WHY NOT BOTH". Sounds like a great rallying campaign. We should keep emphasizing the phrase, and maybe Universal will catch on. :cheers:
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In order to keep with a more overall urban theme, they can just hide Nintendo-land behind a massive Nintendo-store facade, in much the same way as London hides Diagon Alley. Springfield to me is not that out of place since it is an urban setting. The only area that really needs to be redone is between London and Springfield, and perhaps Production Central could be a little spruced up.

Anything other than a big brick wall with big green pipes to enter the land will be a failure.....
Love the Nintendo discussion here! But now you got me to thinking, with the recent land purchase, wouldn't Nintendo be a better fit in a proposed third gate? No disrespect to anyone, but Nintendo games were inspired and designed by a game studio/corporation. Outside of Pokemon films and the television series, Nintendo character's have not really been featured in motion pictures (and no, Bob Hoskin's Mario Brothers Movie doesn't count, it's a train wreck). I just think Madagascar would be a better fit for USO, especially KZ, then re-work Nintendo on a larger scale for that parcel of land down the road.................but then again, I'll gladly take Nintendo in two locations!
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My problem with Mario in USF isn't so much the attractions; it will definately address some major issues with USF. My bigger complaint is that it just feels... out of place? USF is filled with mostly urban environments, and the biggest stray from that is Diagon Alley, which is within the city of London, an urban environment. IOA meanwhile is mostly filled with more fantastical fantasy worlds, with the biggest stray being MSHI, which is very cartoony with super heroes all over. So having a large fantasy environment in USF just feels... out of theme, I guess. It would get way worse if they had Peach's Castle as the facade blocking the land too, IMO. That's why part of me would prefer Illumination Land or something in USF and Nintendo Land in IOA or Park 3.
My problem with Mario in USF isn't so much the attractions; it will definately address some major issues with USF. My bigger complaint is that it just feels... out of place? USF is filled with mostly urban environments, and the biggest stray from that is Diagon Alley, which is within the city of London, an urban environment. IOA meanwhile is mostly filled with more fantastical fantasy worlds, with the biggest stray being MSHI, which is very cartoony with super heroes all over. So having a large fantasy environment in USF just feels... out of theme, I guess.

It's no worse of a fit than the entirety of KidZone as-is, and will be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better.

It would get way worse if they had Peach's Castle as the facade blocking the land too, IMO.

Well, prepare for it to be "worse".:lol:
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I'm pretty sure this can still fit Urban with the raceway....
Going total blue sky here guys... so bare with me.

The Dracula's Castle joke gave me an idea, along with all the social media talk of ToT... instead of it being Dracula's castle, its Dr. Frankenstein's... The ride consists of taking your seats in Frankenstein's laboratory as he demonstrates his new breakthrough in human reanimation. A short show scene occurs, at which time you being to hear thunder and Frankenstein announces it is time. Igor pulls a lever and the platform he is standing on begins to rise, as do you. You are now atop the highest point of the castle with a massive thunderstorm happening outside. Lightning strikes the Doctors lighting rods, and before us the creature rises and Doctor announces to his audience "He's Alive!" The storm continues around you, frightening the creature. He makes towards the audience to attack, and just then another bolt of lightning strikes, causing your platform to plummet back down to the laboratory below.

Total ToT rip off, but it would be epic... I'll be here all week folks.
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