No. The Conjuring, however, will have a "Paranormal Expert" as your guide, so its the closest to guided as you're going to get, but its not a tour. It will still be a full blown maze of scareactors though.
Nun, Scarecrow, Crooked Man, Demon, Witch, and more
The Neibolt house was just something marketing did to promote the movie in Hollywood (for free). Since they already had it, they threw it in the backlot for their existing HMH Tour to offer something else. It was never meant to be an actual maze of any kind. This will be an all new experience complete with the fears of the Losers Club. From what they made it seem like, you'll encounter Georgie in the queue/maze, but not be guided through the Neibolt house like last year. But I'd say expect him to appear here/there to lead you to your doom.
scareactors: Headless Child, Burn Victim, Noseless Victim, Warped Painting Lady, Clown, Multiple versions of Georgie, Pennywise & more
Arkham seems like another legit non-guided maze like "IT", but its going to be interesting. They said Joker would be friend or foe.
Scareactors: Joker, Harley, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Riddler, Penguin, Poison Ivy and more