Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 76 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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So the only big summer movie left that hasn't moved is Tenet, which is supposed to open on July 17th. That's far enough into summer where it's possible it could still play I guess, but the issue is (aside from AMC filing for bankruptcy), I just don't think the worldwide cinema is going to be there yet. Problem is by now it will probably have to move to next year if they move it since November and December are extremely crowded months this year already.

I also am thinking Wonder Woman 1984 ends up moving again.
This is literally what's being discussed with the re-opening plans right now lol
I've been out of the national news cycle for a little bit, was unaware that was the current discussion. My state and local area are still using blanket restrictions which I personally believe are overkill and overly restrictive on private business.
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There is a very good chance that a place like Disneyland gets clearance to open with somewhat extreme social distancing measures. Especially considering Gov. Newsom provided DL an exemption from the initial shutdown order (even though they ultimately obeyed it).
I think that theme parks will open as soon as they possibly can. I think that they will take reasonable precautions, but will also use any loophole they can to operate.
Of course they will open as soon as possible. Disney is draining money, they need to get their parks open. And yet, even though China has supposedly calmed the virus, both HKDL and Shanghai DL remain closed. We're coming up on 3 months of being closed in a week.
Of course they will open as soon as possible. Disney is draining money, they need to get their parks open. And yet, even though China has supposedly calmed the virus, both HKDL and Shanghai DL remain closed. We're coming up on 3 months of being closed in a week.
This is what I was getting at. There’s no way everyone is just going to be okay with DL being closed all Summer. Plus, who’s to say that he won’t keep this going through the Fall? I wouldn’t be surprised if he resurrects the stay at home order this fall.
This is what I was getting at. There’s no way everyone is just going to be okay with DL being closed all Summer. Plus, who’s to say that he won’t keep this going through the Fall? I wouldn’t be surprised if he resurrects the stay at home order this fall.
They might have to be okay with it.

It may be necessary to bring back the stay at home in the fall. Until there's a vaccine, we may have a situation where we are turning our economy on and off periodically as the virus comes and goes. I wouldn't be surprised if the parks open and close again.
I actually posted some stuff yesterday about California’s approach to reopening. They’ve established 6 “tenets” that must be achieved. Most importantly, Gov Newsome likened the situation to “dimmer switch.” Reopenings will be exceedingly gradual. Businesses have to enact certain measures (one example he gave was disposable menus at restaurants) once they reopen and, even then, only when the tenets support reopening. I think everyone views mass gatherings in the thousands (sporting events, theme parks, concerts) as the putting the dimmer at max. And the implication, rightfully, is that it will be a long time before California will get to that point.

EDIT - California is also aligned with Portland and Seattle in this sort of structure. The other states will their own guidelines, but I expect them to be similar. California isn’t really getting pressured by other states.
So, just to back up my belief that even if the parks open we're going to see far less visitation than what we were used to, here's data that shows that people were largely staying away from crowded spaces before the states started mandatory lock down procedures

Until the majority feel like they can go to these places and be safe, I don't think you're going to see the crowds rushing back
It seems like the timeline for reopening theme parks should also depend a lot on what precautions they are willing to take. If the parks agree to slash capacity, conduct temp checks, require masks, offer lots of hand sanitizer, encourage spacing between groups in queues, skip packing people into small preshow rooms, leave empty seats between parties on ride vehicles, frequently sanitize rides, end meet and greets, require space between groups in show theaters, and prevent crowds from forming at park entrances or food service locations, then a reopening around the July timeframe is probably a lot more reasonable than if they refuse to degrade the experience so much and wait for a later reopening.

I'd imagine that a similar argument could be made for sporting events and concerts by only selling like every fourth seat to leave space and limit capacity.
Fauci is saying once testing is widely available, sports can resume with players quarantined, empty stadiums and with weekly testing:

Thoughts on the odds that everyone will have to do this to go back to work? I know the plant where I'm working we have an on-site clinic, if we had 1-2x per week rapid tests I think they'd start bringing everyone back.
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So the Micechat Article about Disneyland opening past summer, many people here seem to think that they will open sooner.

Any reason why you'd think that? If malls are going to remain closed and people are going to be given the order to stay home and no traveling...why would you open the theme parks? Also if they opened the parks and the virus spread, could they be sued?
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So the Micechat Article about Disneyland opening past summer, many people here seem to think that they will open sooner.

Any reason why you'd think that? If malls are going to remain closed and people are going to be given the order to stay home and no traveling...why would you open the theme parks? Also if they opened the parks and the virus spread, could they be sued?

Considering even experts and leading officials can’t give an exact answer, it’s anyone’s guess.
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