Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 77 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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It’s not what I wish nor can I predict a timeline for either, but one thing I would put $$$ on is that the parks open up again, only for them to close. It seems the way things are going across the world with re-opening, so I expect that trend to hit USA as well. Obviously not what I want but there will be many people careless when bans are lifted so I expect this in some format.
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So the Micechat Article about Disneyland opening past summer, many people here seem to think that they will open sooner.

Any reason why you'd think that? If malls are going to remain closed and people are going to be given the order to stay home and no traveling...why would you open the theme parks? Also if they opened the parks and the virus spread, could they be sued?

I think theres two different things here. DL and WDW. DL I could definitely see being closed longer just based on it's situation politically and the economy around it. WDW on the other hand, I think has a more likely chance of opening sooner. Tourism is a much bigger part of Florida and Orlando's economy. It hurts the state and local businesses a lot more keeping WDW closed than DL.
Well, take it for what it’s worth I have a WDW stay booked for the last week in June and all the values and 90% of the moderate resorts are booked up. So unless folks start cancelling en-masse I think it will be relatively busy once the parks reopen. Not sure yet how they are going to deal with the “new reality” but it will be interesting...

If I was a betting man, I'd put good money those unavailable rooms are currently shuttered rather than booked.

Across town, Cabana Bay had 4% occupancy the night before it closed; Coronado was running under 20% a week before shutdown. I don't believe for a minute the All-Stars will open to 100% occupancy.
Considering even experts and leading officials can’t give an exact answer, it’s anyone’s guess.
Thats fair, I'm just asking because so many here think they will be open by Summer and I just don't see how...without risking people's health.
People want this over but to me seems like the minute we open the flood gates a second wave will hit

I think theres two different things here. DL and WDW. DL I could definitely see being closed longer just based on it's situation politically and the economy around it. WDW on the other hand, I think has a more likely chance of opening sooner. Tourism is a much bigger part of Florida and Orlando's economy. It hurts the state and local businesses a lot more keeping WDW closed than DL.
Sure, I get that but lets say they open and then everyone just gets sick, wont that hurt even worst? To me it just seems like we want things to open whether or not its safe and could in the end make things close again
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Thats fair, I'm just asking because so many here think they will be open by Summer and I just don't see how...without risking people's health.
People want this over but to me seems like the minute we open the flood gates a second wave will hit

Sure, I get that but lets say they open and then everyone just gets sick, wont that hurt even worst? To me it just seems like we want things to open whether or not its safe and could in the end make things close again

Leaving the economy shut down will hurt too. You can't just leave everything closed for 18 months. Companies are already going out of business. More will follow. Those are jobs that won't come back. That's people out of work and having more stress. Leaving everyone locked down is not healthy. The "covid 19" might be a punchline, but people are really gaining weight. Mental health isn't great either. Theres a lot of ripple effects from that. It's not just as black and white as you seem to be suggesting. Rolling shutdowns in areas will probably be a thing. In other areas, I think they can open things up and it never overload the health care system. Steps can be taken to be more safe in public and even at the parks.
Leaving the economy shut down will hurt too. You can't just leave everything closed for 18 months. Companies are already going out of business. More will follow. Those are jobs that won't come back. That's people out of work and having more stress. Leaving everyone locked down is not healthy. The "covid 19" might be a punchline, but people are really gaining weight. Mental health isn't great either. Theres a lot of ripple effects from that. It's not just as black and white as you seem to be suggesting. Rolling shutdowns in areas will probably be a thing. In other areas, I think they can open things up and it never overload the health care system. Steps can be taken to be more safe in public and even at the parks.
My questions is who will go? The wealthy? We are pretty sure people wont be able to go out until June....so thats two more months of rent and 1/3 of American's could not pay that. But in two months times when less people have jobs you think who will be going to theme parks?

How does it work with APs? If I choose not to go because we are still on lock down can my pass be on hold? There are a lot of questions and honesty its a house of cards..if you let Disneyland open why not the local gun shop? Mall? Then Social distancing is over and we have a bigger wave?
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My questions is who will go? The wealthy? We are pretty sure people wont be able to go out until June....so thats two more months of rent and 1/3 of American's could not pay that. But in two months times when less people have jobs you think who will be going to theme parks?

How does it work with APs? If I choose not to go because we are still on lock down can my pass be on hold? There are a lot of questions and honesty its a house of cards..if you let Disneyland open why not the local gun shop? Mall? Then Social distancing is over and we have a bigger wave?

I don't see them opening Disney before the malls. That's not a real scenario. When Disney opens, pretty much everything else will be allowed to open. The lockdown, in that state at least, will be lifted.
I don't see them opening Disney before the malls. That's not a real scenario. When Disney opens, pretty much everything else will be allowed to open. The lockdown, in that state at least, will be lifted.
We will see which State blinks first but if they open and then wave two hits them. Going to be hard to see how other states will want to reopen.

I like most of you want to be back in the theme parks but don't want them to rush it and just make the situation worst
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I was taking classes at a theatre in LA when the shutdown happened. Received an email the other day saying they’re hoping classes will resume in July. Sounds so far away, and also too soon.
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Leaving the economy shut down will hurt too. You can't just leave everything closed for 18 months. Companies are already going out of business. More will follow. Those are jobs that won't come back. That's people out of work and having more stress. Leaving everyone locked down is not healthy. The "covid 19" might be a punchline, but people are really gaining weight. Mental health isn't great either. Theres a lot of ripple effects from that. It's not just as black and white as you seem to be suggesting. Rolling shutdowns in areas will probably be a thing. In other areas, I think they can open things up and it never overload the health care system. Steps can be taken to be more safe in public and even at the parks.

It's going to get so much tremendously worse in ways people are not even considering. That is why I really believe there won't be a true lockdown for more than another month or two, max. Not saying the parks will open day one, but they won't be too far behind. There will be a calculus made that accounts for a certain anticipated level of infections and whether or not we think our healthcare system can handle it. That's why shoring up capacity and supplies is necessary. An antiviral or more successful manner of treatment will also aid in that effort.

But no, they won't keep us on lockdown forever. Even Newsom has acknowledged that.
I wonder how the NFL is going to make things work, as it’s becoming evident there at least won’t be fans allowed if games happen. And if there’s no fans, there’s no reason for them to play in such large stadiums, right?

They could limit travel by having all teams play out of stadiums close to each other maybe somewhere in the south, to avoid inclement weather. By doing this, they could also utilize team buses instead of planes, etc.
An as mentioned earlier, that can take out HHN HW for this year.
I think HHN HW has pretty much no chance... but I don’t think it has a much better chance in Orlando.

As I said yesterday, HHN just isn’t an event that lends itself to physical distancing. It’s very touchy geeky from guests. Universal doesn’t need an outbreak within the event and a PR nightmare.

No company right now wants to be the one that is tied to some sort of outbreak right now if it can be prevented.
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