Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 95 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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It kind of passes the 'makes a lot of sense' standard.....My own feelings, as I've said before, are that there's no way i would spend the big money for an Orlando vacation until the park operations get, at the very least ,'close to normal' operations. I'm thinking mid to late spring 2021 for me, but I don't usually go in the winter (just once), so that's an automatic no even if is close to normal by then.

I think this is pretty clearly aimed at APs. Both for the small steam of revenue they bring in, and also to reactivate all those monthly payment plans.

Also most rides weren't designed to shut down for a months at a time. The longer they wait, the more maintenance there will be.


Not interested in visiting under these conditions, or do you know the O.P. doesn't have a solid track record?

Interesting. I've given up checking Magic for anything news relevant during all of this so i've been in the dark.

This seems like a logical way to slowly roll open the parks, especially knowing they'll be reliant on locals at first (hence only MK resorts). I'm expecting shortened hours too. Something like maybe 10am to 6 or 7 pm? As for the August reopen... apparently some CMs who've been furloughed have been told August is a target.

My feelings on WDWMagic are well-documented, and no idea of this guy's track record, but Visionary Soul and Marni as solid as it gets, so again, I'm inclined to believe it. Interesting note about August, that would tend to back this up.

Interesting, how long do you think that would last because I’m thinking about postponing my trip until next year?

No clue, but if not implementing Phase 1 until August, I imagine Phase 2 wouldn't come until Christmas week. That's just me speculating tho.
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I think this is pretty clearly aimed at APs. Both for the small steam of revenue they bring in, and also to reactivate all those monthly payment plans.

Also most rides weren't designed to shut down for a months at a time. The longer they wait, the more maintenance there will be.

Not interested in visiting under these conditions, or do you know the O.P. doesn't have a solid track record?

My feelings on WDWMagic are well-documented, and no idea of this guy's track record, but Visionary Soul and Marni as solid as it gets, so again, I'm inclined to believe it. Interesting note about August, that would tend to back this up.

No clue, but if not implementing Phase 1 until August, I imagine Phase 2 wouldn't come until Christmas week. That's just me speculating tho.

Not interested in visiting under these conditions.
Sorry, but aren't dark rides essentially indoor shows? On POTC, if someone sneezes on the boat in front of you...

I say they are.
I tend to agree with you, but it's going to be things like Hall of Presidents, Country Bear, Tiki Room, Carousel of Progress, 3D shows, etc that stays closed.
I think since the shows are either not going to be operating, going to need to re-rehearse or even re-cast the shows, operating at very limited capacities, so I just see this is where they can start off. I don't disagree about dark rides being shows, but, what else can they do? Theme parks a germs best friend other than a water park. Its just a sad fact. I think what they're doing here is what needs to be done to start but honestly for a theme park to be actually "open" there is really only so much they can do.

Thats why, we're getting more waivers it sounds like. Its a health risk to go to one right now.

the biggest problem would be pre shows,
i could see disney pulsing lines and spacing out the lines with limited capacity, avoid standing still lines, keep the lines moving, etc
but pre shows like Dinosaur or Rock 'n' Roller Coaster's pre show, the expanding room of the haunted mansion, they cant happen, but they helped with the flow of the guests and told you the story of the ride,
so it seems tricky to have those pre shows taken out,
and then, how do they stop people from gathering together at the exit gift shop? the potter forbidden journey gift shop and lockers are always mayhem, too tiny,
so rides cant have a pre show or gather around at the gift shop in groups, how will the rides work?

It sucks, but even if things open up I can't see myself getting on a plane and going to the parks for HHN season this year. Things would have to drastically change in the next three months to change my mind. I understand the draw for Florida locals and am not going to argue with you, but if getting on a plane is freaking me out as much as it is, I can't imagine sharing indoor ride systems or experiences with people. Not to mention the lines. Also, I fear a lot of the people flocking to the re-opened parks will be the ones who have been attending the anti-stay home rallies. I don't trust people enough to go back this year. It is my most selfish sadness/disappointment at this point, but the logistics look really bad. Maybe they'll enact some policies I'm not imagining and change my mind, but so far, nope.
As someone who has never been to HHN, I am asking this out of genuine lack of knowledge, but could a modified HHN be pulled off? Eliminate or change scare zones so that the cast isn't getting in guests faces. Maybe have them behind barriers? Then in houses change the jump scares so they are not in front of people or as close. Maybe have cast members would be close to guests all be in masks, so they could wear an n95 underneath is necessary. Or maybe incorporate the n95 standard into the actual cast mask. There would have to be changes in house designs to be sure. More creepy and less in your face. Of course something would have to be done to promote distancing so people aren't packed into places. Obviously it would change the experience, but would it be so much that the event wouldn't work at all?

this is what your average (every- hhn night) street crowd and housequeue line always look like, (the scarezones can get this crowded by mid october)
the biggest problems are not even the houses, the queue lines are always designed to group very large groups of guests together shoulder to shoulder for hours...
how would HHN work with social distancing? i cant imagine a fix to queue lines or scarezones, by 10 pm the entire park looks like these pictures, house queue lines, scarezones and shows, they all get crowds walking by, every year...

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the biggest problem would be pre shows,
i could see disney pulsing lines and spacing out the lines with limited capacity, avoid standing still lines, keep the lines moving, etc
but pre shows like Dinosaur or Rock 'n' Roller Coaster's pre show, the expanding room of the haunted mansion, they cant happen, but they helped with the flow of the guests and told you the story of the ride,
so it seems tricky to have those pre shows taken out,
and then, how do they stop people from gathering together at the exit gift shop? the potter forbidden journey gift shop and lockers are always mayhem, too tiny,
so rides cant have a pre show or gather around at the gift shop in groups, how will the rides work?

this is what your average (every- hhn night) street crowd and housequeue line always look like, (the scarezones can get this crowded by mid october)
the biggest problems are not even the houses, the queue lines are always designed to group very large groups of guests together shoulder to shoulder for hours...
how would HHN work with social distancing? i cant imagine a fix to queue lines or scarezones, by 10 pm the entire park looks like these pictures, house queue lines, scarezones and shows, they all get crowds walking by, every year...


I forgot why I avoided HHN so much even though I love the houses - that’s my reminder right there.
the biggest problem would be pre shows,
i could see disney pulsing lines and spacing out the lines with limited capacity, avoid standing still lines, keep the lines moving, etc
but pre shows like Dinosaur or Rock 'n' Roller Coaster's pre show, the expanding room of the haunted mansion, they cant happen, but they helped with the flow of the guests and told you the story of the ride,
so it seems tricky to have those pre shows taken out,
and then, how do they stop people from gathering together at the exit gift shop? the potter forbidden journey gift shop and lockers are always mayhem, too tiny,
so rides cant have a pre show or gather around at the gift shop in groups, how will the rides work?

this is what your average (every- hhn night) street crowd and housequeue line always look like, (the scarezones can get this crowded by mid october)
the biggest problems are not even the houses, the queue lines are always designed to group very large groups of guests together shoulder to shoulder for hours...
how would HHN work with social distancing? i cant imagine a fix to queue lines or scarezones, by 10 pm the entire park looks like these pictures, house queue lines, scarezones and shows, they all get crowds walking by, every year...


Aw, man. I miss the Earthquake queue location.
Seconded. Seems like a sad dystopian version of Disney. I'd rather not go until everything's fully operational and we can enjoy ourselves without face masks, temperature checks, and waivers. Too bad they're losing money, but IMO the risk to public safety isn't worth small profits.
I would be more interested in visiting if they turned it into a real Defunctland but I don't think the GP would go for that
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I forgot why I avoided HHN so much even though I love the houses - that’s my reminder right there.

that is why frequent fear pass was a salvation for locals, i only spent a couple of hours per hhn day, visited houses when lines were low. but for one night visitors, hhn becomes a hot, sweaty, crowded horror experience lol,
even the express line was reaching 40-50 minute waits last couple years,
Ans it's oddly scheduled right before Spider-Man 3 is currently scheduled for release... although have they even started filming for Spiderman 3 yet? I can easily see that movie being pushed back.

Oh yeah Spidey 3 is definitely going to get pushed. There's no way Sony would release those two films with only 3 weeks in between.
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Now that Venom 2 has vacated it's October release this Fall, I feel like the smart move would be for WB to push Tenet into that slot. Even if theaters are open by July, they won't be filling up to 100% capacity.
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Now that Venom 2 has vacated it's October release this Fall, I feel like the smart move would be for WB to push Tenet into that slot. Even if theaters are open by July, they won't be filling up to 100% capacity.
They won't be filling up at 100% in October either.

The bigger worry is that the Worldwide box office won't be healthy enough in July. Both Tenet and Mulan need to move. I can even see Wonder Woman 1984 potentially having to move again.
WESH reporting Cocoa Beach (the east coast beach closest to Orlando) is opening for pretty much everything, even sunbathing, just limited to groups of 5 or less.

Speaking of the Space Coast, Scott at the TheDCLBlog on Twitter is covering the big Port Canaveral meeting this morning. Lot of interesting tidbits. Some lines not currently docked at Canaveral are looking at relocating ships there because it relies more on drrive-in v. fly-in traffic. Also a lot of lines considering 3- and 4-night cruises just to their private islands. All in all, sounds like cruising may be back sooner than I ever anticipated.
This local grilled cheese cheese place in the Orlando area is getting absolutely CRUSHED. They are saying they want to open May 1 (indoor operations and all). May 8th is when the stay at home executive orders end in the area, so they would be illegally operating.

The comments section is brutal with the restaurant owner being just as nasty in return.
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