Fantasyland Expansion - Part 2 | Page 153 | Inside Universal Forums

Fantasyland Expansion - Part 2

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As am I. I don't think this is on WDI at all. This is on Disney pushing this back to spread money over quarters. This thing could've been built and open for the FLE opening if they really wanted it to, but no, they were too cheap. Oh and wait, they have nothing else lined up these next few years, so by dragging this out, it creates continued interest in a project that should've been done a year and a half ago.

CMs being thrown in at the last minute is not on WDI either. This thing has, for all intents and purposes, been completed for weeks. Sure there are minor tweaks still happening, but training could've started long before now.

I agree but if they re having technical difficulties then that would go on wdi rght?
I agree but if they re having technical difficulties then that would go on wdi rght?
Yeah, but no where is it specified that this is technical difficulties. Just stressed CMs. It could be problems with the swinging motion, but they've been testing with riders in the cars a lot lately, so I doubt that it's causing too much of a problem.
There is absolutely no confirmation that there are technical or mechanical issues. If anything, it's quite the opposite. With softs rumored for next week, I'd say things are looking alright.
I think all new attractions have issues at first, that's why you test for so long, do employee previews, and softs, until your grand opening, and then you still may have problems. That is still no excuse for how long it's taken to build this damn thing, but I still can't wait to ride it. Any Disney CM's want to get me in?
lol - you know that google tracks what types of things you search for or what webpages you go to and they tailor the adds to what they think you will want to see. My husband is all over the internet looking at various articles and the ads he has are pretty funny at times. So yes, we are probably all seeing the ads since we are avid theme park fans :)
In the online comments section of the Sentinel, in an article about, I think, the Anna and Elsa meet and greet, some guy wrote that he was visiting in 32 days and his young daughter couldn't wait to ride this. Sure hope they aren't disappointed.
If it is not open for softs in a month they are going to be in some serious trouble. This thing has to soft before the major summer crowds hit it and it has to be open by summer crowds.
lol - you know that google tracks what types of things you search for or what webpages you go to and they tailor the adds to what they think you will want to see. My husband is all over the internet looking at various articles and the ads he has are pretty funny at times. So yes, we are probably all seeing the ads since we are avid theme park fans :)

thats awesome and I did realize that, I remember the horror nights XX commercial playing around 20 times when I went on youtube XD, i'm sure they will be fine to ride it by then. If disney seriously?
Well there testing it for the commercial with a bunch of people on it so i cant see it not having softs in the next month.
When i originally saw the ride i thought it would suck. Then I saw that the cars were gonna tilt back and forth, so I was like great. But now when its like kind of tilting and doesn't have much speed, it looks like its gonna be kind of fun but probably not worth the wait. So until i see a pov. I'm not that impressed. The scenery and overall themeing of the ride is fantastic though.