Fantasyland Expansion - Part 2 | Page 155 | Inside Universal Forums

Fantasyland Expansion - Part 2

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Izzy you of all people I know are very familiar with Disney so think of this as well. 4600 people a day on FP+ equals roughly 30 people for every 5 min time interval or 360 per hour. Take that number down to lets say 3000 FP+ spots per day and it equals roughly 20 people per 5 min block and 250 FP+ per hour. Both of these scenarios are WELL UNDER the average hourly FP throughput for attractions across Disneyworld. Going even further down the rabbit hole what about the crazy Disney whackos who are planning their entire vacations down to the minute months in advance, or the thousands of families staying on site who get first dibs? Whats that gonna leave the general public with, a couple hundred FP+ options for the mine train that will go 10 times faster than the TSMM??? How can you justify who gets priority and who doesn't? Cause I can tell you right now the people staying at the MK resort area who are paying 500 bucks a night think they are entitled and want priority on EVERYTHING!! Then what about DVC?? HOLY **** BATMAN!!!

Sorry to go so far into it but hey I would want my family to experience this as well, and if we didn't get to or let alone stand a fair chance of seeing it I'd be seriously pissed off. On a side note I just want to say good luck to the CM's working Customer Service this Summer. You deal with entitlement, idiots, and people that most would generally stay away from. Trust me I know all too well what its like to be in that chair...

Well hotel guests get 60 days out where individual and passholders get 30 days out. So they did fix the priority there when it comes to FP+. They have done a good job with the other rides that passes seem to still be available all the way up to the morning of. But if they limit this one to less than 4600 you are right, passes will go way too fast and this ride will stick out like a sore thumb. But with those numbers of guests the other issue is how long the FP+ line is going to be if they only can handle 800 an hour and half those guests are coming via FP, that is going to be another issue.

I am not sure what the capacity of TSMM, but yes, I can see this being an issue like TSMM for the first couple years. Now the difference between TSMM and this is that at least this does have a height restriction and is a roller coaster. So this will limit the guest population trying to ride it. For TSMM everyone who enters the park can physically go on it and since it is not a thrill ride, everyone wants to go on it. Where the coaster limits the population entering the park that can go on it. Under 38" can't go on and normally a parent stays back with the younger ones. Then elderly or those too scared to go on coasters will also stay back. Which is a plus, but not enough of a plus if it is 800. 1200 gets us to 14,400 in a 12 hour day. With that they could offer the 4600 per day and that would leave a little under 10k spots for general public. This would not be ideal and especially is gonna be a pain for the first year or two, but I see it coming down to normal waits in the long run. While MK attendance numbers are high (44k) many of those people spend more than one day at MK. When you are staying a week you normally do one day in each of the 3 and then multiple days in MK. So that also helps this ride because most people won't wait out the long line more than once. So again not the entire 44k will be trying to get on. However, way more than 14400 or 9600 are going to be trying to get on, so either capacity levels are going to be an issue. So if three trains was always the plan, they REALLY miscalculated how large this ride needed to be.

I do agree this is going to be a nightmare for ops and guest relations the first year or two. It already is with the delayed opening. Most people thought it would be open by now even with their stretched out construction schedule. Not opening by Spring Break was not good and if they don't get this thing to softs before the summer crowds, they are royally screwed. Because trying to do this type of capacity ride in summer crowd with typical break downs and shut downs, it just won't work, it will be a guest relations nightmare more than the capacity issue already is.

Someone compared this to HE and I agree, I think we have two rides opening this summer that are going to have capacity issues. It will be interesting to see how both of them work out in the end and how the different parks handle the issue. I will say this, I will be going to this in softs (as long as it opens before summer crowds) or I will be booking a FP+ out 30 days. For HE I also will be doing softs, because no way am I waiting in that line in the summer. I do disagree that HE will be less of an issue because you need a pass for both parks, I think that is offset with the fact that it is a ride that everyone that enters the park with a park hopper pass can go on. Not to mention is the the ONLY ride (not show) that babies can go on. So everyone with a park hopper (and I think many may upgrade to park hopper just for this) will be trying to get on HE.
After reading all of this capacity talk, I suspect we will never have a formal grand opening for the SDMT. I think they will just quietly open it and let it burn off as much demand as possible before people realize it is even open.
Wow there goes my sweet HE dreams going down the drain XD, yeah hopefully Disney doesn't make 7D that big of a deal with a giant grand opening. It would be very nice if they just opened it one day like the rockit
After reading all of this capacity talk, I suspect we will never have a formal grand opening for the SDMT. I think they will just quietly open it and let it burn off as much demand as possible before people realize it is even open.

LOL - That is not Disney's style. People will know when it is officially open. There will be some kind of major press release. Marketing could care less what ops issues are, they are in the business of getting people to go to MK.
They are in the business of getting people to go to MK.

Which, at this point, just seems downright silly. As they say, if Coca-Cola never advertised again it would still be the number one soft drink in the world by a large margin. The Magic Kingdom plays at the same level in theme park terms. If Disney never advertised the Magic Kingdom (or any of their parks for that matter) ever again it would still be the highest attended park in the world. People know whether or not they want to visit the Magic Kingdom, and an advertisement isn't going to change their mind one way or another.

That's just my opinion, though. :thumbs:

Why do you think large companies like Coke continue to advertise? There are several factors, one is they want to grow their business and get more people to buy their product (no company is ever satisfied with their current level of customers). Two, they don't want a generation gap. Yes, people would still drink Coke, but would the next 20 something group still drink it if they didn't see it advertised as a kid. Especially Coke, because many parents do not allow their children to drink Soda and if they do, it is normally caffeine free type of drinks. So people don't get into the soda of their choice until they are older. So those advertisements help them see brand recognition so when they make their own choices they drink Coke. If they stopped advertising they could risk losing a certain generations business and that would be very bad for any product.

So yes, they would still have the same level of business for many years to come, but at some point it would bite them in the butt, and they would not have growth.
Which, at this point, just seems downright silly. As they say, if Coca-Cola never advertised again it would still be the number one soft drink in the world by a large margin.

I don't know who your "they" is but they are incorrect. If Coke stopped advertising, the competition, over time, would crush their market share with a blitz of advertising. That is simply how it works.
I don't know who "they" is either. Just one of those little incorrect factoids that gets passed around, I guess.

Anyway, according to another probably incorrect source, I heard that some show elements from Snow White's Scary Adventures will be utilized in SDMT. Has this been confirmed anywhere or with anyone?

I don't know who "they" is either. Just one of those little incorrect factoids that gets passed around, I guess.

Anyway, according to another probably incorrect source, I heard that some show elements from Snow White's Scary Adventures will be utilized in SDMT. Has this been confirmed anywhere or with anyone?


The vultures on an outside portion of the ride are from SWSA.
Izzy you of all people I know are very familiar with Disney so think of this as well. 4600 people a day on FP+ equals roughly 30 people for every 5 min time interval or 360 per hour. Take that number down to lets say 3000 FP+ spots per day and it equals roughly 20 people per 5 min block and 250 FP+ per hour. Both of these scenarios are WELL UNDER the average hourly FP throughput for attractions across Disneyworld. Going even further down the rabbit hole what about the crazy Disney whackos who are planning their entire vacations down to the minute months in advance, or the thousands of families staying on site who get first dibs? Whats that gonna leave the general public with, a couple hundred FP+ options for the mine train that will go 10 times faster than the TSMM??? How can you justify who gets priority and who doesn't? Cause I can tell you right now the people staying at the MK resort area who are paying 500 bucks a night think they are entitled and want priority on EVERYTHING!! Then what about DVC?? HOLY **** BATMAN!!!

Sorry to go so far into it but hey I would want my family to experience this as well, and if we didn't get to or let alone stand a fair chance of seeing it I'd be seriously pissed off. On a side note I just want to say good luck to the CM's working Customer Service this Summer. You deal with entitlement, idiots, and people that most would generally stay away from. Trust me I know all too well what its like to be in that chair...

I haven't seen capacity calculations this concerning since Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage at DL. :lol: I really hope they add the third train or that queue better be an attraction in itself.
Well I guess that will teach people not to be cheap bastards

This was a design decision from Shanghai way before WDW. Of course they will cut it, they have to make it seem the parks are improving year over year. The rot has set, the profits will fall, the cuts will be made, the irrational supporters will support till Mickey screws them.

Whats been done is done, whats done will be done.
To throw something else of slight concern out there, i'm wondering, has anyone seen the trains up close? The seats seem awfully small for many of WDW's larger guests. I hope i'm wrong on that and they just look small in pics/video.
To throw something else of slight concern out there, i'm wondering, has anyone seen the trains up close? The seats seem awfully small for many of WDW's larger guests. I hope i'm wrong on that and they just look small in pics/video.

I saw them up close long ago, and they will indeed be snug for two adults let alone two larger American mammals. Think your average old school Fantasyland dark ride in terms of car size but with slightly sunken seats.