Fantasyland Expansion - Part 2 | Page 154 | Inside Universal Forums

Fantasyland Expansion - Part 2

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It's all about that hand off guys. Ops wants 3 trains from what I hear, they can only get two so far. One train of a smiling, ethnically diverse group in colorful clothing is one thing, day to day ops is another. ;)
^^^ Amount of time matters very much when they are trying to fit three trains on. We all knew it would be longer than Barnstormer (a little less than a minute) and shorter than thunder mountain (3 minutes). So around 2 minutes is about right. But it is how many trains they can fit within that time frame will determine capacity, it is key that this have more capacity than Barnstormer. And if it is a little over 2 minutes, three should not be an issue.
What would that equate to? A dispatch every 45 seconds or so?


They do it with Barnstormer. It is under a minute ride and when they dispatch the one, the other is coming into the station. Sometimes they load it so fast and get it ready when they dispatch the coaster it stops before the lift hill to let the other one finish. These types of coasters are very quick to load and get out.

At 3 trains it has a capacity of 1200 an hour, at 2 it drops to 800 an hour. 800 would be a disaster as that is below Barnstormer capacity.
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They do it with Barnstormer. It is under a minute ride and when they dispatch the one, the other is coming into the station. Sometimes they load it so fast and get it ready when they dispatch the coaster it stops before the lift hill to let the other one finish. These types of coasters are very quick to load and get out.

At 3 trains it has a capacity of 1200 an hour, at 2 it drops to 800 an hour. 800 would be a disaster as that is below Barnstormer capacity.

A capacity of 1200 an hour would ensure constant waits of about 2-3 hours. 800.. forget about it.
I think opening year is going to be a disaster even if they can get 4 trains on (which I don't think is possible without 2 loading stations). But I do think after the opening year buzz this will go down. Barnstormer is between 800 and 1200 an hour. I believe it is closer to 950. I Can't remember if there is 8 or ten rows and I also think that even if it was 10 there is no way it is 1200 since two adults unless really skinny can ride in a row together. So that is why guessing that capacity is harder. That line sits around 60 minutes in really busy seasons and 30 in slower seasons. Now mine train will be more popular than Barnstormer, however it will not be as popular as thunder and space mountain. Many people have must ride rides when they come down and normally thunder and space are in that, I don't see this coaster being on that list. SO I think we are looking at about 60 minute waits on a consistent basis (probably the waits will parallel the waits at space and thunder) with the first year being 120.
I feel like this could be as if not more popular than space or thunder. Think about it, it's a kiddy version of those rides. If a kid is too scared to get on thunder or space (most of the time) they will probably hop on this. So kids plus adults and teens wanting to go on a rollercoaster. Also since it's brand new....damn I hope the interactive queue is entertaining
I think opening year is going to be a disaster even if they can get 4 trains on (which I don't think is possible without 2 loading stations). But I do think after the opening year buzz this will go down. Barnstormer is between 800 and 1200 an hour. I believe it is closer to 950. I Can't remember if there is 8 or ten rows and I also think that even if it was 10 there is no way it is 1200 since two adults unless really skinny can ride in a row together. So that is why guessing that capacity is harder. That line sits around 60 minutes in really busy seasons and 30 in slower seasons. Now mine train will be more popular than Barnstormer, however it will not be as popular as thunder and space mountain. Many people have must ride rides when they come down and normally thunder and space are in that, I don't see this coaster being on that list. SO I think we are looking at about 60 minute waits on a consistent basis (probably the waits will parallel the waits at space and thunder) with the first year being 120.

That makes sense. Barnstormer's train capacity is approximately 16 people. If they run one train every minute that's 960 per hour.

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train's train capacity is 20. If they run one train every minute that's 1200 per hour.

If SDMT runs 240 more people per hour than Barnstormer, that's one quarter of Barnstormer's total. If Barnstormer's wait is 60, one quarter of that wait time is 15 minutes. So, just looking at the numbers you can estimate that the average wait time for SDMT would be 75 minutes. Which I think would be an acceptable wait time for next year. This summer, though, I fear the wait times.

Like I said, these are just numbers. No real life variables were taken into consideration. :lol:

50 minutes for magic carpets!!!!! :'(

You know the sad part? This is the first ride that my daughter made the conscious decision to point at because she wanted to go on it. For the longest time she was too young and just went on what we took her on. Never complaining, never pointing to stuff, just went on whatever. The one day we are at the park passing by carpets (a ride she had maybe been on twice before since they did not have a FP line) headed to Pirates and wouldn't you know all the sudden this arm pokes out from the stroller pointing to carpets. I asked her if she wanted to go on it and shook her head up and down saying yes. It was cute, but, wish it was a different ride lol

I guess kids really are attracted to spinners :lol:
You know the sad part? This is the first ride that my daughter made the conscious decision to point at because she wanted to go on it. For the longest time she was too young and just went on what we took her on. Never complaining, never pointing to stuff, just went on whatever. The one day we are at the park passing by carpets (a ride she had maybe been on twice before since they did not have a FP line) headed to Pirates and wouldn't you know all the sudden this arm pokes out from the stroller pointing to carpets. I asked her if she wanted to go on it and shook her head up and down saying yes. It was cute, but, wish it was a different ride lol

I guess kids really are attracted to spinners :lol:

its big colorful and pushes you to go towards it, the perfect kid magnet. I can't take my brother into seuss landing without him wanting to have a seuss marathon
WARNING: The following post will be viewed as hate but is merely just a conversation piece. The numbers that were plugged in are based on mean averages and unconfirmed rumors.

I'd be very curious to see if Disney actually goes through with FP+ on this attraction if it opens well under planned capacity. I mean for as much as they hype mymagic I feel like they have too, and in theory that could spell disaster for this attractions opening year. If capacity is lets say 800 an hour as someone mentioned. That means on an average 12 hour operating day at the MK it creates 9600 seats to fill. Then if you take the AVERAGE day at the MK the attendance is roughly 46K guests. For the sake of math lets say 4600 FP+ spots are available which is roughly 10% of the daily attendance. That means on AVERAGE a little over 41K people will be either waiting or giving up on those 5000 remaining seats on a 12 hour operating day at the MK.

Now lets talk about stand bye shall we. If in theory the 4600 spots are spoken for via FP+ then that leaves 5000 remaining spaces available for stand bye guests on an average day at the MK. So that means on the AVERAGE day over 40K people will be playing the game of who can wait the longest for those 5000 spots spread out over 12 hours. Thats roughly 415 pph going through the line at stand bye.

Other things to consider on top of all of this is larger daily numbers during peak Summer crowds, extended operating hours, new attraction downtime, inclement weather during the summer season, and so on. So again while all of these numbers are merely rough estimations and guesses based on mean averages and unconfirmed rumors it does show what could be a very serious issue for the newest attraction at the MK.
^^^ I agree with you. They almost have to open with FP+, but if they can't get that third train on the track to bring up the numbers to 1200 per hour, they are in deep trouble. To me that would be a huge Failure for this ride. Now they could offer way less Fast Passes because nowhere in the system does it tell you how many are given out each hour, but still, any way you look at it, 800 people per hour is going to be a nightmare on all levels. I can see why employees are panicking looking at the numbers.

Now I also think that they will figure this out and fix it before opening it. Maybe they might start some limited softs with two trains, but I just don't see them opening this thing with only two trains.
^^^ I agree with you. They almost have to open with FP+, but if they can't get that third train on the track to bring up the numbers to 1200 per hour, they are in deep trouble. To me that would be a huge Failure for this ride. Now they could offer way less Fast Passes because nowhere in the system does it tell you how many are given out each hour, but still, any way you look at it, 800 people per hour is going to be a nightmare on all levels. I can see why employees are panicking looking at the numbers.

Now I also think that they will figure this out and fix it before opening it. Maybe they might start some limited softs with two trains, but I just don't see them opening this thing with only two trains.

Izzy you of all people I know are very familiar with Disney so think of this as well. 4600 people a day on FP+ equals roughly 30 people for every 5 min time interval or 360 per hour. Take that number down to lets say 3000 FP+ spots per day and it equals roughly 20 people per 5 min block and 250 FP+ per hour. Both of these scenarios are WELL UNDER the average hourly FP throughput for attractions across Disneyworld. Going even further down the rabbit hole what about the crazy Disney whackos who are planning their entire vacations down to the minute months in advance, or the thousands of families staying on site who get first dibs? Whats that gonna leave the general public with, a couple hundred FP+ options for the mine train that will go 10 times faster than the TSMM??? How can you justify who gets priority and who doesn't? Cause I can tell you right now the people staying at the MK resort area who are paying 500 bucks a night think they are entitled and want priority on EVERYTHING!! Then what about DVC?? HOLY **** BATMAN!!!

Sorry to go so far into it but hey I would want my family to experience this as well, and if we didn't get to or let alone stand a fair chance of seeing it I'd be seriously pissed off. On a side note I just want to say good luck to the CM's working Customer Service this Summer. You deal with entitlement, idiots, and people that most would generally stay away from. Trust me I know all too well what its like to be in that chair...
Jesus you both know how to freak me out XD, the fact that this might be worse than mania makes me scared to death of this. I've only been on mania once because of that line. If this is worse I don't think I'll be able to go on it for a year or two