Well yeah, Tocantins was not a great gameplay season for anyone but JT and that can make it a hard watch. The Black Widow Brigade was from a difference point in the game where turning on you alliance meant you had no chance of winning the game which made flipping a tough sell as your best game move. There is a chance that I might be misremembering how the black widow brigade worked as it has been a long time since I have seen that season.
That is not the point of an alliance. The point of one is to work with a group of people to better your position in the game. Think of all the seasons where people in an alliance have turned because they realize "oh I can't beat _____". They don't sit around and say "Well _____ is with me and has a better game so I will help them win". The original alliance was put together to get Hatch to the end and win. It was very successful. The plan was never "let me get this group of 4 to the end and then mission complete". My whole thing with this is make an alliance however you want just please don't do the big brother thing where you see better moves for you, acknowledge them, but don't act because one of my alliance has to win.