It’s an entertaining steamroll is the way I’ve been framing it cause they’ve earned this steamroll more than any other alliance in the history of the show. Importance and historical context aside, The Cookout is the best alliance in the shows history I believe. I think all could do well on their own also, minus Derek F. Going to be fascinating from here on out.
Shocked to hear that about Amazing Race! Is it just going to be a US only season? I kinda can’t imagine that show filming anytime soon.
For those into trashy celeb shows, Masked Singer returns with a 2 night premiere on Sept 22nd and 23rd, double elimination the first episode.
Dancing with the stars announced their cast for their 30th season also. Imo, not bad! I recognize almost everyone surprisingly.
'Dancing With the Stars' has announced its full cast for Season 30, including Olivia Jade, Matt James, Kenya Moore and more.