Did Brides 5 times today!
Was very proud of myself. Came to the parks today wanting to do Brides, but started second-guessing. This is the curse of wanting to love HHN but also worrying about scares. Then...I met him.
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A plush Gill-man! Some of you may know Gill-man as my “monster crush”, and when I saw him at the Toon Lagoon games, I knew I had to have him - so, I bought him. This turned out to be the best $9 I’ve ever spent, as he did a good job putting me at ease as I went through the house, once with a group I melded into, and 4 more times by myself.
Wouldn’t you know it, lots of scareactors love the Gill-man, or at least, my Gill-man! In my first run, for example, the façade Bride made Gill-man “ears” when I held him up, and the final Frankenstein’s Monster would do the same on my last run. Dracula’s Brides liked him quite a bit, too.
This, of course, is to say I’ll be bringing him back with me through November 1st, because I’m pretty sure this thing has talismanic properties.