So I went back a little bit and started back at the 1984 connection. With 1984 being the codename.
One year ago Murdy brought up this song by David Bowie as a idea for a Codename for Ash Vs Evil Dead. Fast forward to this year and the codename for this year is "1984".
I believe that the codename refers to the song 1984 by David Bowie. Which is on a Album called Diamond Dogs. Another song on the Album is called "Sweet Thing" (Reprise).
The Lyrics of the Song reveal the THEME of what the Maze is going to be about.
"If you want it, boys, get it here thing
'Cause hope, boys, is a cheap thing, cheap thing
Is it nice in your snow storm
Freezing your brain?
Do you think that your face looks the same?
Then let it be
It's all I ever wanted
It's a street with a deal
And a taste
It's got claws
It's got me
It's got you"
1984 = The Thing