Halloween Horror Nights 2023 (USH) - Speculation & Rumors | Page 48 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 2023 (USH) - Speculation & Rumors

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Murdy needs to break out of his shell and go for arthouse horror. Twin Peaks is begging, screaming, crying for an adaptation. Don’t know why Murdy was against it when it’s material is right up his alley and ripe for a house
Tbh, as much as I would die for Twin Peaks, I feel like there's probably a few major hurtles, like a majority of the heavy horror stuff happening outside of the original 2 seasons. There is the benefit that Lynch has a relationship with universal, via Dune and Mulholland Drive, but to be frank I would doubt if its an especially good relationship given his distaste towards the studio system in general.
Another issue is the rights, Fire Walk with Me is New Line, which I suppose has a solid chance, since we've seen Warner properties appear again as of late, I'll just give the benefit of the doubt that ABC sold the rights to seasons 1 and 2 to Showtime (owned by Paramount) when they made season 3, since if ABC still owns it thats kinda an instant stop .

tl;dr that's Warner Bros, Paramount, and probably Lynch himself that would have to negotiate if we were to get the whole series. Not impossible, but I'm really not holding out hope unless the series has a boost in cultural relevance to justify the effort, since I kinda doubt theyd wanna do that kind of multi-studio negotiation for anything less than a mainstream headliner.
To those who want to see SNW, do yourself a favor and don't bother with 2pm D/N. It is a NIGHTMARE and the park will flood. With early entry at 5:30, you're paying basically for only 3 hours. You will get one ride in, 2 if you're lucky, 3 if you do single rider, and definitely no time for Studio Tour or a show. Get general admission to beat the 2pm D/N ticket crowds. Hopefully you'll get most big things done by 2pm and you can spend 2pm-5:30 relaxing at shows or on Studio Tour. Then line up for your early access maze of choice as soon as you are allowed.
(for anyone new here, Early Access is the one and ONLY cheap way to see as many mazes as possible at HHN -- it sucks we have to pay for it now, but it is what it is).
To those who want to see SNW, do yourself a favor and don't bother with 2pm D/N. It is a NIGHTMARE and the park will flood. With early entry at 5:30, you're paying basically for only 3 hours. You will get one ride in, 2 if you're lucky, 3 if you do single rider, and definitely no time for Studio Tour or a show. Get general admission to beat the 2pm D/N ticket crowds. Hopefully you'll get most big things done by 2pm and you can spend 2pm-5:30 relaxing at shows or on Studio Tour. Then line up for your early access maze of choice as soon as you are allowed.
(for anyone new here, Early Access is the one and ONLY cheap way to see as many mazes as possible at HHN -- it sucks we have to pay for it now, but it is what it is).

It’s such a trap, maybe after 7 pm it could be fine buttttt even then your using HHN times for a land you can go to any day
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Murdy needs to break out of his shell and go for arthouse horror. Twin Peaks is begging, screaming, crying for an adaptation. Don’t know why Murdy was against it when it’s material is right up his alley and ripe for a house
A Lynch compilation house with scenes from all his movies would be absolutely fantastic.
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It’s such a trap, maybe after 7 pm it could be fine buttttt even then your using HHN times for a land you can go to any day
I feel like anyone getting the 2pm D/N ticket doesn't know it's a trap already and therefore don't care about Early Access. And if they don't care about Early Access, they're probably not diehard HHN fans who know the ropes anyway, and likely do rides in the middle of all their mazes on any other year, or somehow think SNW is of greater or equal priority to the mazes. So I actually think the 7pm-10pm timeframe will still be very crowded.

The line for MK gets up to 3 hours on a regular day...add in general admission folk who are still there, now pushing in 2pm people? Most of them are going to wander in, see the wait time, decide to eat first or go play the games, or very possibly even do other rides in other areas of the park, then realize by like 5-6pm that line isn't going down any time soon, bite the bullet and just wait the 3 hours. A majority of them ain't getting out until 8 or 9pm at the earliest.
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Ngl, I do not want you guys to get Exorcist. I get that this year is the 50th and that Blumhouse has a new film releasing this year, but getting The Exorcist for a third time so soon is ridiculous.
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Ngl, I do not want you guys to get Exorcist. I get that this year is the 50th and that Blumhouse has a new film releasing this year, but getting The Exorcist for a third time so soon is ridiculous.
We've gotten Texas Chainsaw, Halloween, etc far more times. As long as it's based on the new film and features new scenic, it'll be fine.

If it's based on the original again, then yeah idk.
We've gotten Texas Chainsaw, Halloween, etc far more times. As long as it's based on the new film and features new scenic, it'll be fine.

If it's based on the original again, then yeah idk.
I'm leaning toward it being the original film, but I hope I'm wrong.

At least with TCM and Halloween, there were multiple movies covered. Those two IPs have MUCH more to work with than The Exorcist.
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I'm still confused about early access. If you have a daytime ticket and you don't buy early access, do they push you out of the park when they sweep it and make you go back through the turnstiles or do they let you hang out in the park and just block you from entering lines?
I'm still confused about early access. If you have a daytime ticket and you don't buy early access, do they push you out of the park when they sweep it and make you go back through the turnstiles or do they let you hang out in the park and just block you from entering lines?
Block you from entering lines, and or getting pushed out too
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Kinda late on this pricing scheme discussion as I’ve had a double whammy of working long days and not being notified of new posts on this thread, but I’m putting in my 2¢ anyway.

Like I’ve said earlier, charging for early entry…erm, excuse me, early ACCESS is idiotic. Some posters brought up some points I didn’t think about: this will add an even bigger traffic jam to an already hectic crowd situation. There’s going to be people getting shut out of the lines and having to get their tickets scanned for early access. That’s going to cause a huge mess.

Also, while getting flashbacks from last year to the terrible express situation which I’ll address shortly, I didn’t think about them ramming through Express while we’re all waiting. They sure as heck BETTER not allow any Express until the event officially starts at 7. Like, c’mon now. They have Express. They’ll be fine. If I’m having to shell out more cash for early entry, I better not be stuck there in a frozen line watching Express be constantly dog-piled in. If I’m having to pay for early access, I better see Express very limited on entering at the very least. I’m paying $10 to get a head start to get all the houses done, not to get stuck waiting for all of Express.

We all know the terrible Express situation last year. I remember last year I saw maybe 50 people at the very MOST in the general entry for Halloween despite it saying 80 min. What should’ve been a ten minute wait at the most ballooned into 45 min despite there being so few people in the regular line. Why? They froze the general line and waited until Express was completely empty to let general budge at all. When the Express was finally emptied out, they let a handful of standby people in, only for three Express people to show up, freeze standby again, and let Express through…then two more….then five more trickled in….then they let some media people through….then they let the entirety of Express dog-pile in after letting media have a buffer. We were stuck for 20 min without moving an inch and it was MADDENING. I really hope they don’t do this again.

The more I think about this, the more I dread going opening night. We only have two confirmed houses so far, but it’s looking extremely likely we will have at least two, if not possibly THREE heavy-hitting IPs on the lower lot. That is going to be a pain trying to figure out a gameplan and that is certainly going to cause a massive pinch to ops. This whole paying for early access is going to cause a massive headache with ops and screw over the guests, especially if they pull the same crap as last year with hammering Express through the houses.

I guess the only silver lining to this new pricing scheme they’re doing is hopefully there will be enough D/N suckers to blow their precious time at SNW to where it may help with crowds. You would be surprised how many people I know want to go to HHN just to do rides and maybe one or two houses. It blows my mind that you would prioritize rides that will be there all year but not houses that will be there for a couple of months and likely never see them again, but that’s how they are. Also at least we are supposedly getting a show in Water World and that venue will be an amazing people suck.
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I did hear we might get 2 sound stage mazes this year
Due to OSHA guidelines, they can’t have two houses in one soundstage last i checked.

Me and Hydra have speculated Soundstage 24, as it seems they are doing quite a bit of infrastructure work around that area. Leading us to wonder if they are setting up a new ramp to allow people to get down there from the road next to Mummy.

It’d be comparable to SS15 in a large scale venue that can easily allow The Exorcist into play (assuming that is even a thing)
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The event officially has 8 houses. We have seen construction on 6 of them: SS15, tent behind it, tent behind Mummy, Parisian Courtyard, and 2 tents in "H lot" (what Murdy called Curious George). Notably we have not seen any evidence of a house in Waterworld queue. So where's the other 2? Former Walking Dead building is an obvious candidate, and I think Murdy even confirmed. #8 is the mystery. If there's only one house allowed per soundstage, then the SS 24 rumor is looking very likely
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