I can't help but remember 2017, where we knew with some certainty we were getting an Insidious sequel to tie into The Last Key, which was then scheduled for a fall release coinciding with the run of the event. The trouble was... there was no marketing out. At all. No trailer. I don't think we even had a poster or a blurb describing the plot.
The event got closer. And closer. Still no announcement. Then scare academy happened, toward the end of August. Still no marketing, still no announcement. At that Scare Academy, they played a thrown together clip hinting at the movie with almost no new footage. They acknowledged the existence of the maze but didn't really say anything else.
That's because, behind the scenes, the film was being majorly reworked. A significant portion of The Last Key we ultimately saw in theaters barely resembles the one that was scripted and originally shot. The movie would ultimately be delayed until January, with a very late announcement for the HHN maze being tossed in. (Originally, the key art was ambiguous as possible. It was edited to reveal Key Face after the trailer dropped a few days later.)
Anyway. Just bringing this up for no particular reason.