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Halloween Horror Nights 24 Discussion

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To be fair, many houses have reused costumes, sets, props. They're just re-purposed if it's different from the original use.

Oh no doubt, If I was designing a new WD maze I'd have to reuse the prison and the hundred zombie costumes from years past. Not blaming them for that whatsoever. So much of horror nights has been reused that it's fun to go through every year and look for them (billy doll, crouch hallway, spiny tunnel). They're all in good fun

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An easy fix would be the addition of Horror tracks to Rockit during HHN. It would make the attraction more desirable to "must-do" during the event.

There needs to be some sort of overlay. Even playing treehouse of horror clips in the queue for the Simpsons would make for another reason to go back
Oh no doubt, If I was designing a new WD maze I'd have to reuse the prison and the hundred zombie costumes from years past. Not blaming them for that whatsoever. So much of horror nights has been reused that it's fun to go through every year and look for them (billy doll, crouch hallway, spiny tunnel). They're all in good fun

I wasn't using that as a statement to defend the reuse of props, but saying that all houses reuse props in response to the 9th house/TWD is reused props argument.
I wasn't using that as a statement to defend the reuse of props, but saying that all houses reuse props in response to the 9th house/TWD is reused props argument.

Oh my mistake, I guess that's true but TWD was an exeption. Even if they made an original house in that area it would still be a big undertaking unless if they reused an IP from the past year. The queue system could also lead to a disaster with 3 lines going on in one area
I have an idea or 2 on how some of the logistics could work, but I have to get to Google Maps and such. I'll post it later after the work day.
I figure you can fit up to 12 houses just in the studios if they had to. But you can easily up it to 10 while also spreading people out. MiB extended queue and behind kings cross are two places a tent can be put up. I no longer loathe the tent so they should use em to get new haunt locations.

Didn't A&D say 8 houses was the magic number. We know for fact they would never drop to 7 again but 10. That's quite a jump. Would you guys want another house or 2 more streets?
Didn't A&D say 8 houses was the magic number. We know for fact they would never drop to 7 again but 10. That's quite a jump. Would you guys want another house or 2 more streets?

ooh that's picking children territory. I say house because I rather have all the zones be in one big area (like this year) than to have them all over the place making you take a lap around the park to do so. Might be laziness but I mean are the zones that important to have them take over the entire park? I always found them to be distractions to the houses and for those who say they increase capacity, I really don't think anybody but the die hards spend hours in them. Houses are what we come for and in this case the more the merrier. As ZC said above I don't think a 9th house will happen let alone a 10th but yeah we can dream
I would say that 8 is the magic number if for no other reason than the event is open for 7 1/2 hours most nights. Do they let people drink while waiting in line? One should be able to do every house in that amount of time. What time do they start roping off the queues?
I would say that 8 is the magic number if for no other reason than the event is open for 7 1/2 hours most nights. Do they let people drink while waiting in line? One should be able to do every house in that amount of time. What time do they start roping off the queues?

Yep there's a drink cart in pretty much ever line. Roping off do you mean close off the line. It's right at closing time if not a few mins past.

For those who have seen RHPS does it eat the crowds like B&T does?

An extra house would definitely push express to be needed. Though if it shorten the lines it would create another problem with over-sold express.
Doing 9 houses without express is an impossibility unless you are a horror nights champion. Even if you do you missed the shows and probably ran through the zones missing 2/3 of the event. I think express would be a must if you aren't someone who goes every weekend or so which is a big problem for everybody besides the ones getting the green from it
2 park or part of both parks. Sounds good in thought. I just don't see it working. The average person complains about walking around Uni just think walking to the other park. Let along wait times, think walking all the way over to JP. Just to see the wait time is off and it's an extra 30mins. An extra 2 zones, another show and maybe a stage arrival show. The rides them self are not helping at all. I'm just running out of ideas.

if they did two parks, couldn't they close the back of studios? couldn't they close from Diagon to Kid Zone and have the bill and ted show somewhere else in IOA?

wouldn't it technically just be the same amount of walking? if they do it in half of each park?
Uhhhh everyone realizes they're logistically doing 9 houses right now right? 10 isn't out of the question and it certainly has come up in HHN design conversation before as well. I mean I remember when they asked if 10 houses, 5 zones, and 1 show would be your ideal event on a HHN survey.
I think the most effective course of action to help overcrowding would be to simply raise ticket prices. If I could afford to go multiple times in middle school, then the event is probably too cheap. It would suck for some people, but as of now if you go peak season youre not going to get your money's worth and yet people are still going. A little extra cost to weed out a lot of the crowds, but also give the event a better sense of value and keep guests in line less and out drinking/buying more. I for one would gladly pay more money if it meant not having to worry about getting more than 2 houses done in a given night.

I have to agree with this. Realistically, how often does the average non-lifestyler AP visit Uni (or WDW) in a year? Maybe every other weekend? So 26 days out of 365?

I would venture a guess most multi-night HHN ticket-holders are visiting at least a dozen times, with many at 20+ nights. FFP (and RoF)probably need to at least double in price; hell, FFPP adds six nights for like $20. That's insane when the cost of HHN admission is a fraction of, say, a movie, even if they do expect hard-core fans to drink and eat and drink and buy merch and drink.

FFP started as a way to fill slow nights. But there are no slow nights anymore, in large part due to FFP. Time to swing the pendulum the other way.

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For those who have seen RHPS does it eat the crowds like B&T does?

I won't sit through this again--life's too short--but every show I've seen has employed barkers on megaphones imploring people to come in right up until showtime. Contrast with B&T, where people are already lined up when the previous show lets out, without any sort of prompting. (Although Sunday, with 90 minute lines at Halloween and TWD, B&T still wasn't playing to full houses. So not sure more shows is the answer.)
2 park or part of both parks. Sounds good in thought. I just don't see it working. The average person complains about walking around Uni just think walking to the other park. Let along wait times, think walking all the way over to JP. Just to see the wait time is off and it's an extra 30mins. An extra 2 zones, another show and maybe a stage arrival show. The rides them self are not helping at all. I'm just running out of ideas.

I don't know, I think Hulk at night would be a draw, and JPRA in the dark could at least hold its own. But yeah, a ton of extra walking--and while I'm sure the area between US and IoA could be themed adequately, it never really has IMO. You still need to balance out the houses, and it's easier to say "add a popular show" than to actually find one.

Is there anyway to connect the parks that doesn't involve walking through Seuss Landing?

@HatetoFly: Is Universal aware of the crowds this year? Do they have a back-up plan for Hell Weeks?
what is the reason that they cant make a waling dead ride similar to the mummy? or even a shoot em up ride like MIB? really why can't they?

the more I think about it the less it makes sense, if it is about the gore, then make the walkers look the same as the mummy looks like in the ride.
i just dont get it. Is it because of Potter? but then again they have the horror make up show, so why cant they?
There's a way of connecting but due to backstage travel and buses. It would be a nightmare. Seuss is the only straight easy way of doing it. LC with a house and a zone, and POA with a zone, Marvel with a house and B&T in Toon theater.

I guess we will have to see how Hell Week pans out.
Would universal want to use half of both parks when they can fit the event in one park. I'm sure they don't want to close both parks early unless they really have no other options. If they go big next year for 25 and do both parks I expect it to just be for next year then go back to just uni. Honestly they need to just put a house somewhere between disaster and mib. And I feel 10 houses, 1 show and 5 is scare zones would be good unless they wanna bring down how many people they let in a night.
I would like to see them open up T23D and the horror make-up show for HHN. That might take in some of the crowd and those seem like they would be a good fit for HHN.