I feel like that would be a cool opening to whatever the show is. Show her in the Asylum in her straight jacket that she breaks out of while the set "falls apart" around her revealing a fancy theater for her to perform in. I would like more of a story based show vs one that is just all about tricks. We all know what to expect with a Jack show but they could go in so many different directions with Chance and I am so excited to see what they do.
I hope the cobweb house isn't spider based. I thought Mike said that it wasn't about spiders when the codename was first revealed. I think spiders are a lot of peoples fear so I don't know if they would ever go that route. Sure, the idea is to be scared, but arachnophobia is a bad. Somebody jumping around a corner I can handle all night long but still a little spider near me and I will lose it. Feel like a LOT of people would skip the house because of their arachnophobia which is the opposite of what they want.