I think it depends on what you expect to actually do this season. Are you really going to make it every night? (EVERY night is a huge undertaking) What time do you think you will make it? If you are going relatively later after event opens you will be faced with longer lines if you make it to S&S or early to event start time you can knock out a good amount of houses with minimal waits. Also do you plan to do a full house circuit every night or are you ok with just doing a handful of houses and calling it a night?
Just a few variables to consider. I can't do HHN without Express anymore so I find that's where I will put my dollars. And if you are already weighing more nights vs. Express, I think you are also in my camp of that long lines consistently every night make a lesser HHN experience. So instead of going every night on Ultimate and feeling the lines and the crowds I would rather go less nights and have a more stress free experience and since you have Express you can guarantee a complete house circuit every night even if you are running late to the event or anything like that