I don't mean to be an eejit, but if I don't see clues here, where else would I look for them? Nightmares? And yes, I have been hanging around these forums (used to be only at Nightmares, but now both), and I fully recall the endless waiting and vague nonsense that would go on for the first five months of the year. I also recall Dr. Jimmy doing his crazy April Fool's video where, allegedly, at least one of his wild proposals was supposed to be accurate, blah, blah. Maybe I am just losing my patience in my old age, or I have gotten spoiled with some recent years where we have gotten announcements early. The result of all my aggravation with this is me just wanting to slap whoever runs the HHN Twitter feed for the endless "I'm trying to tease you and look cool" comments. So, HHN Twitter person, unless you're going to jump into the clue game and make it more fun.. shut it.