To me, that’s the only reason they would announce Oddfellow early is if they wanted to use Jack in marketing. But that’s exactly what I hope that they do not do. Most people that have heard of HHN know of Jack. But I would venture to say outside of the HHN faithful, most don’t know about Dr. Oddfellow. I would love to see a house solely based on him. Of course I want some Jack hints and references, but I don’t want it to be all about him. Give Oddfellow a chance to shine.
I would be fine with this as the final scene. A way to bring him in, but don’t make the whole house about him.
The more I think about it, I could see Chucky at the entrance or exit of the house kind of being interactive. I wish he could roast people and be exactly how we imagine he probably would be, but I know there was controversy back in 2008 when they did that, so there would definitely be controversy now. We are certainly in a different time and we were back then. So if people got offended back then, I can only imagine how long it would take to stop that from happening nowadays.