Chucky called me a pencil neck in 2018, I still have yet to recover…
28-29 had a amazing music loops; I specially liked how they played some IP’s music in 2018 making them more present at the event. Evil synth belongs at the event
HHN 30 was a missed opportunity; it was a short list of stock metal music that got old fast; it worked in the gate entrance but the rest of the park it was tedious.
31’s was cool for the mood and overall theme; but the music itself was ehhh
You actually bring up an interesting point for 30, the loop worked for the front gate, but not so much inside the park. Some songs just work better as hyping you up as you enter the park, but other songs work better in providing a general vibe as you're walking around.
That's a factor on why the synth of 28 & 29 worked so well, synth is great music to walk to, sit back and chill/eat/drink etc, so it makes for a great parkwide loop. It just works, and also both of those years had a very sizable loop, too. That helped make sure you really didn't hear one song over and over...
For the industrial music of 30, for me I do like that genre, so I was fine with it. But I do agree it does work better as entrance music.
As for 31, I am fine with rockabilly/psychobilly, but for me the song choices were hit and miss. And something which didn't help was the very short length of a Main Gate + Parkwide loop. From what I've seen the loop was less than an hour, that would explain why it felt like we all heard "Sticks & Stones" (aka "We are the Sinners, We are the Saints...") ad nauseum. Compare this to 29 where the loop was at least 1 and a half hours, and then there's 28 which had a total MONSTER of a loop which was at least 3 and a half hours!
Hopefully with the return of Stranger Things we'll get some more synth, I don't know it that's gonna' be the focus like 28 and 29 due to the IP's and such of this year, but if we really are getting the Exorcist, we can at least get Tubular Bells which always slaps as a theme.