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HHN Hollywood Speculation/News - 2015

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What is your favorite USH HHN Year?

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Yes please relegate Orlando HHN discussion to the to UOR thread in Theme Park Buzz.

(I will quickly comment though that Hollywood is probably going to be shamed big time this year)
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Hollywood was shamed ever since we got the rumored line-up for this year :lol:  Poor Hollywood... it may have started HHN back in 1986, but its 3 other parks are doing HHN correctly... I will say though that I did really enjoy last year's event (even if it had a few minor flaws... *ahem* TWD Terror Tram of Craptasticness, Mask-A-Rade, Clowns 3D)... but yea, this year just does not excite me like it should (although I am old & jaded, so that doesn't help either lol)
Of the two stateside versions, Hollywood does seem the most corporate. Unless you count TWD, they took out really the only consistency for fans to latch on to (B&T), so the spirit of it feels hallow and non-existent. Whereas Orlando has a fan base that is attracted moreso to the original, non-IP based stuff. 

It's sad that over time, USH HHN has basically lost an identity. The mazes are fun, and you may get a good scarezone, but once you leave any of that it's bland and listless. For LA locals, it's really just the Walking Dead experience at Universal Studios. If you want an event with an actual identity, you have to head down the 5 to Knott's.
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Or head up to Fright Fest at Magic Mountain, or over to Queen Mary's Dark Harbor, or Burbank's "LA Haunted Hayride"...

Hollywood gets a lot of crap for repeats (which okay, it totally deserves), but Orlando has had its fair share of repeats over the years that people seem to overlook. And despite what most fans like to believe, Orlando has ALWAYS had IP's present at the event in one form or another ever since the first year.

I feel like the only way Hollywood will get its spark reignited is if Murdy is replaced. I know he was the driving force behind the event returning & growing, but the event needs some new blood. If corporate wants to interfere, they need to grow a pair and defend the event rather than take things away because someone complained/was offended. Also, the budget needs to be raised significantly on both coasts. Prices are too high for so little. Its quite sad how much Knotts offers for such a small fee & they're almost to their 50th year... I'll be surprised if HHN Orlando hits 50... I really wouldn't be surprised if HHN here went on another hiatus.
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If you want an event with an actual identity, you have to head down the 5 to Knott's.
 I have to disagree... While I love Knott's, Scary Farm has been declining in actually being scary for a few years now. HHN still remains a top tier for me. If anything I'd place Dark Harbor over KSF, last years Fright Fest exceeded my expectations especially after being kind of crap, with two really good new mazes. 
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I have to disagree... While I love Knott's, Scary Farm has been declining in actually being scary for a few years now. HHN still remains a top tier for me. If anything I'd place Dark Harbor over KSF, last years Fright Fest exceeded my expectations especially after being kind of crap, with two really good new mazes.
Even if Knotts isn't as scary as HHN I would say you get more for your money and an all-around more solid event. I never get scared at Haunts so for me it's all about sets and entertainemnt offerings. HHN Hollywood has become pretty paltry in comparison to other haunts, I mean I love it and it's something I have followed for over a decade but the past few years have been pretty weak. Minimal sets and the same type of scare in every maze... now mixed with mostly returning I.Ps. I would love for Jason Ramsburg to come back to Hollywood and take over, that guy is killing it at HHN Singapore.
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^ I will say you get your money's worth, thats definitely true, but I go to Haunts to be scared and to be transported into a world of terror. HHN, while they haven't been really creative with their options, still manages to get me coming back. Last year was pathetic for KSF, but Dead of Winter does sound like a cool concept that I want to try out.
Eh again, I don't really get scared. I cover Haunts so I've gotten used to it, but I do appreciate different scare tactics. Unlike HHN which just has people running out of a door with strobes and loud noises going off. I mean it is effective, but not when you constantly do it in every maze. I believe the IU crew put it in the best way, all the mazes start to feel the same. Knott's overall has a very solid event and I surprisingly found it more fun than HHN in recent years. HHN isn't terrible but it's getting hard to justify the high admission price. At least it's not Magic Mountain bad... so that's cool I guess? 

Commercial is out. Same as last year, just with more Walking Dead. (That's a remarkable achievement considering it's only TWD)  

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Yea, I was going to post the oh-so-wonderful commercial if someone else already hadn't. I want to say that I can't believe they recycled this & promoted TWD, but then I would be telling all kinds of lies... I would've almost rather have seen The Purge used for the commercial. ..meh..

Marketing this year has failed entirely on both coasts, but at least Orlando 'should' have a good commercial starring Jack! :)
Hah... should be interesting to see what happens this year then. From what I've heard, the props/sets people will be working Mon-Sat this week, wouldn't be surprised if they end up having to work all week to get everything done in time.

Now for something "fun". Apparently "This is the End" will feature some skateboards with all kinds of UV paint schemes as scenic.... I'll just leave this here  :ph34r:

was this in the movie? I'm confused 
Yea, I was going to post the oh-so-wonderful commercial if someone else already hadn't. I want to say that I can't believe they recycled this & promoted TWD, but then I would be telling all kinds of lies... I would've almost rather have seen The Purge used for the commercial. ..meh..

Marketing this year has failed entirely on both coasts, but at least Orlando 'should' have a good commercial starring Jack! :)
Marketing has done exactly what it is supposed to be doing: pushing the most popular thing at the event to the public. Again, The Walking Dead is the biggest show on television right now and is a complete pop culture phenomenon - love it or hate it. 
Except marketing isn't doing what they're supposed to be doing. They're being lazy & not providing something "new" to entice people to even go. People will see it and "oh look, TWD... again. Guess I'll go to Knotts". This year is lazy all the way around with all of the repeated IPs (minus CP & TITE)... If the only thing you're pushing is TWD because its the "biggest maze ever" (or because, as you put it, "biggest show on tv), you're seriously failing to even try.

If you're going to advertise the event, then actually advertise the event as a whole... All they're doing is advertising the TWD... NOT HHN.
 People will see it and "oh look, TWD... again. Guess I'll go to Knotts".
That's probably 5% of the GA's reaction, and that's being generous. 

Like I said earlier, HHN has become to LA locals as "the Walking Dead experience at USH". The bulk of that is not seen derogatively. TWD is massively popular and people will eat it up year after year. They wouldn't keep selling out nights if this wasn't the case.

And I know you're argument is, "they could pull more people in if..." and I guess, maybe? But the biggest catch-all is TWD, USH always makes one ad for the event so nothing more to do than shrug and let the people have their zombies.
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Except marketing isn't doing what they're supposed to be doing. They're being lazy & not providing something "new" to entice people to even go. People will see it and "oh look, TWD... again. Guess I'll go to Knotts". 

If you're going to advertise the event, then actually advertise the event as a whole... All they're doing is advertising the TWD... NOT HHN.
Using your largest and most popular property to help advertise your event is enticing people to go. Echoing what Brover said above, a very, very small amount of people are going to see the aforementioned commercial and scoff because of The Walking Dead's return. In reality it will probably be the opposite. All you have to do is look at how crowded Horror Nights has become the last few years to know that marketing is doing it's job. 

This year is lazy all the way around with all of the repeated IPs (minus CP & TITE)... 
Lazy to some, exciting to others. Aside from Alien VS Predator (voted by fans as their favorite maze of all time, by the way), everything else is new to the event. Sure, some of the properties have been used in the past, but the mazes will be completely new. Now if we were seeing the same exact Insidious, Halloween and Walking Dead as previous years, you would have a solid point. 

We're getting new content based on properties that people love. I don't see the issue with that.

If the only thing you're pushing is TWD because its the "biggest maze ever" (or because, as you put it, "biggest show on tv), you're seriously failing to even try.
I'm not just saying it's the biggest show on television. It really is: 

The Walking Dead has the highest total viewership of any series in cable television history, including its two most recent (fourth and fifth) seasons, during which it averaged the most 18- to 49-year-old viewers of all cable or broadcast television shows. Total viewership for its season five premiere was 17.3 million, the most-watched series episode in cable history.
(from Wikipedia)

I think it is important to remember that the general public is not on forums talking about Halloween Horror Nights year round (or ever, for that matter). They don't care that there was a Halloween maze in 2009, or that Alien VS Predator was featured last year. They want to see things that are familiar, and they want a fun experience. Horror Nights delivers that. 

PS: I wasn't trying to pick apart your post, it is just way easier to respond to certain points this way.