HHN Hollywood Speculation/News - 2015 | Page 57 | Inside Universal Forums

HHN Hollywood Speculation/News - 2015

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What is your favorite USH HHN Year?

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AHS had some sort of contractual issue... kinda like what happened with Scream for Orlando this year.

The Conjuring also has some issue, I just don't remember the details of it. But yea, I wouldn't expect it for HHN either.
^Didn't the Conjuring undergo some rights issues recently that would have hindered its ability to come to HHN?
The legal issues with WB and Grund were settled some time ago. The Enfield Poltergeist is well under production and no way would Murdy pass that up next year. With that, the first film, and even Annabelle, there is enough content for a maze.
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I see FTWD coming, but not next year. Sure it's the same zombie concept as TWD but so far the TV show is focused more on human interactions and drama with only like 5 zombies being shown so far. I think they would wait on it until the the zombies become more prominent. Until then, probably sticking to TWD.

It would be an amazing year imo if Krampus, Trick r Treat, and AHS came to the event. I hope they come to fruition sooner than later.
If anything; I think FVJ and TWD are a lock, with one of the two (Krampus/Trick R' Treat). I just can't see both used at the same time and John has been wanting to get Trick R' Treat for some time.
Trick R Treat would only be plausible IF the sequel actually comes out next year. Didn't Murdy say he wanted to wait for the sequel? He knows we all want Krampus. I wouldn't replace one for the other. While Krampus was a great SZ last year, bringing it back without a maze was a bad idea.

Rather than a maze, Trick R Treat could easily be a SZ. Either would work. I'd only want it as a SZ just so we could finally have that "Halloween" vibe/feel to the park even if its only one street.

Also.... Freak, you forgot "Purge 3" (Terror Tram).. I wish the Purge was restricted to the Terror Tram this year because having it as a SZ in the metro sets is redundant considering the Terror Tram is technically one big SZ already.

The event hasn't even started yet and we're already looking to 2016... that has to say something about this year lol
^Guessing someone saw the Aladdin replacement for DCA lol...

Incase you haven't seen this yet, ThemeParkAdventure posted a pic of the Halloween façade the other day via twitter


Any word on SZ construction yet? I haven't bothered to ask since my guy is more maze oriented. Speaking of which, it seems hanging bodies are back again inside TWD maze. Hate the excessive use of those. I know they're used to distract/disorient you, but I find them annoying.. Anyway.. Might go to the park Saturday or Sunday since its the last day for the Nighttime Studio Tour... I'll be sure to get some pics of HHN stuff if I go.
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Plus, its really a hastle to post pics on these forums. Its just a black maze-quality tent that looks just as wide as the one used in front of Parisian. Can't tell how long it is.
Its suprising that its back at shrek but its having me give a good feeling that the Scarezone will be even longer this year than Purge last year, which that's always a plus.
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Okay... so ever since CORPZ was an option to choose last year (Always felt the voting thing was not legit last year once both parks announced they'd have a cannibal "Masquerade" SZ concept just executed differently. Little too coincidental).. anyway, CORPZ had my vote only because it reminded me of Orlando's SZ from 2009 "War of the Living Dead". While this SZ will be set in WWI era (the setting for Orlando's 2011 "Nightengales: Blood Prey" house), the Orlando SZ was set in WWII.

Here are a few pics of the SZ & a daytime/nightime video....





While it may not have been anything amazing, it still had nice sets/scenic details and featured 2 fire effects (one flamethrower on the bunker, a fireball blast on the roof of the Monsters Cafe building). So I am curious to see what Murdy does with CORPZ, although I fear it will suffer from mannequin overload. We'll see soon enough...