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HHN Hollywood Speculation/News - 2015

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What is your favorite USH HHN Year?

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Trust me... I know... haha... I have extremely low expectations for the SZs this year (Dark Christmas excluded).

I expect scenic details for Corpz will be sandbags & "dead bodies", maybe a tank... :unsure:  So yea, I know it probably won't be anywhere near WOTLD. Those Exterminatorz masks are also beyond awful. I don't have much faith in it as an entrance SZ, hopefully it will turn out better, but eh... Not holding my breath.
Its suprising that its back at shrek but its having me give a good feeling that the Scarezone will be even longer this year than Purge last year, which that's always a plus.
I'm actually glad this was done because I feel that Exterminatorz would look best with the New York Facades. Kinda like a ghostbusters/ninja turtles 80's vibe. Any pics?
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Hmm looks like my plans might change for the nights then when taking advantage of the early entry. Maybe Insidious ->  The Walking Dead -> AvP -> Crimson Peak -> This is the End -> Terror Tram -> Jabawokeez -> Halloween? Hm...
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Holy crap! Terror Tram is going to ROCK this year! Someone sent me a snap of a black tent in front of Bates Motel. Guess there will be a mini maze of some sort.

If by "mini maze" you mean a tiny, scenic walkthrough with a room or two and a few scare actors, I think you're right. I imagine it'll be along the lines of the little walkthroughs featured in the Terror Tram: Invaded by The Walking Dead, like the slaughterhouse or the burnt down cabin.
Forgot to pass this along about "This is the End"... apparently there WILL be both a scareactor and a mannequin of Channing Tatum's cannibal sex-slave character featured in the maze. Odd that they'd have both a live actor version & a mannequin, but eh... whatever works. -shrugs-

I'm curious to see this year's merchandise... especially after seeing a small glimpse of what Orlando will have.. I'm sure it won't be much variety, but still curious to see what we'll have.

And as I said, I'll be at the park this weekend, so I'll be sure to get pics of whatever SZ stuff they have out. Among other HHN things that can be seen from the Studio Tour. Probably will go sunday so that way more stuff will be done for the SZs...
 I'm curious to see this year's merchandise... especially after seeing a small glimpse of what Orlando will have.. I'm sure it won't be much variety, but still curious to see what we'll have.
I saw a brief glimpse of the main event shirt and it looked like the same back template as last year. All the mazes plus Jabowokeez
Eh... the sign isn't that bad, nor is it corny... if anything, the name "CORPZ" is what makes the whole SZ stupid. Murdy should've just copied Orlando and called it "War of the Living Dead". As you saw on the previous page, that had a great logo too (even if it was only seen on the website). I feel like the fact that its on the side of a wagon makes it look really dumb. :unsure:  I feel like the SZs this year are going to be very forgettable.

One of my complaints about Orlando for years is that they've always had great SZ logos, but there was never a "SZ tshirt" featuring them like we get with the "house shirt".

Ugh that rumor again, really? It is highly doubtful... some people seemed to believe the event would run until the 7th due to a job listing, but that was before the dates were announced. As I pointed out at the time, I will say it again... they would add another Thursday (Oct 4th) before extending another weekend. Or start adding Wednesdays (which they really should). Orlando has 4 Wednesday event nights, so its not a crazy idea. But yea.. there is no reason for them to extend the event another weekend, nor is it logical.
That's very true. Plus, going off of what Alex said, the maze monitors are supposed to work through 11/7. There's no need for them to be working unless the event is running. When they extended the event past Halloween through the first day or 2 of November a few years back, it was a way to see if people would be interested in attending HHN after Halloween. Those nights ultimately ended up selling out. Halloween falls on a Monday next year, so they could possibly be trying the extension out this year as a way to see if people would be interested if they were to end the event the weekend after Halloween in 2016. But of course, only time will tell. 
Honestly, it just really seems like wishful thinking on your guys' part... I just wouldn't get my hopes up or expect it.

Here is a brief history lesson (only because I'm reeeallly bored & can't sleep)...

Typically, Halloween would be the final night. It didn't matter what day it fell on, even if it happened to be a Monday (2005, 2011) or a Tuesday (2006), Halloween was the final night (Even Hollywood ended on Tuesday in 2006 & it was only a 7-night event that year). 


However, extending past Oct 31st into the first 1-3 days of November is not a new concept for Orlando (or Hollywood in 2008). This extension was never done as a test to see if people would still go after Halloween, it was about $$$$$ because they already knew people would show up. You have to remember, before Pottergeddon in 2010, HHN is what helped Orlando get out of the negative that IOA put them in (yay alcohol sales), which is one of the reasons why HHN was in IOA during 2002-2005.

1996 & 1997 were the earliest years to have November dates in Orlando.


It wasn't until 2001 that including November was a normal thing. More Thursdays and eventually Wednesdays were added (something Hollywood seriously needs to consider), so from a business standpoint, it only made sense to extend the event into the first 1-3 days of November due to the placement of Halloween.


2012 was the first time in years that the event didn't extend past Oct 31st (wednesday). This pissed off long time fans of the event. We were all in shock that it didn't go until Nov 3rd. It made no sense considering the crowds were still huge the final night. I distinctly remember being in the Kidzone Stay&Scream (to get a decent head start before the gates let in the masses) the final night that year (usually the least crowded night), we just got done going through House of Horrors (can't remember if we got a 2nd time in or not) & the line was already 40+mins after the park gates had barely even been open for 15mins. This never happened. Ever. Crowds were awful that year.


Anyway.... My main point is, lets keep in mind the biggest important factor that you all seem to be forgetting, the FFP are extremely limited in quantity. It would make no logical (or business) sense to extend the event another 2 nights (Friday/Saturday), just for a small amount of people to attend a week after the event ended. Especially when those people are not spending any extra money to get in (except for those that have to park) & they are also less likely to spend money while there (Most of us eat before/after rather than waste valuable event time for overpriced food). So unless they plan to sell tickets for those two extra nights for the general public to go (remember, its only the FB/Twitter fans that have a FFP), it would be completely illogical to assume they will extend the event to Nov 7th. Especially when they can let those FFP holders attend an existing Fri/Sat event night.

Lets also take into consideration that they need to get the park ready for Pottergeddon next year. Catering to a small group of HHN fans is not on their priority list when they have construction on the upper lot (and soon lower lot with the former NBC Experience) & Grinchmas in December. They're going to want all HHN stuff "purged" from the park/backlot as soon as possible.
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Why would they do the event literally a week after Halloween? Nobody will go to that except the diehards.

Maybe to make up for the lack of VIP but like Wesker said, there's no incentive to cater to HHN fanboys when you consider the heavy stress of construction and Grinchmas literally two weeks after. It's almost a boneheaded move if they did that.