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HHN Hollywood Speculation/News - 2015

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Saw some awesome character designs for Exterminatorz. Got a very gritty Ghostbusters-ish/ New York vibe from it. I like it!
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For those still unaware what the Façades are:

Halloween - Dilapidated Myer's House

This is the End - Franco's House

Insidious - Lambert House 

AVP - Crashed Predator Ship

The Walking Dead - Terminus 

Crimson Peak - The Cemetery near Edith Cushing's home

So many houses... 
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Doesn't the placement of the TITE house kind of ruin the facade there? It'd be much better on the backlot, since Franco's house in the film was set in the Hollywood mountains literally adjacent to visitors.
Ugh... I'm still alive... barely... yay pre-haunt season crappy feeling for the past week.. <_<  (plus Star Wars Force Friday)

Anyway... "Krampus" trailer is FINALLY out.. which means Murdy could've gotten his hands on footage, images, script, etc.. if he had really tried. The trailer looks awesome and makes me want to go hangout in the Dark Christmas SZ lol

Also... the guys and gals working on the props/sets have pretty much finished everything. Now they're just mostly painting different things here/there. So it should all be installed very quickly. There shouldn't be any unforeseen delays with not having the mazes ready for next week's Employee Preview.

Although I can't believe the event starts next week and the SZs aren't put together yet. Meanwhile Orlando's SZs keep looking better and better. -sigh- I almost wish that we could have some "Halloween" atmosphere décor around the park. Traditional stuff... jack-o-lanterns, cobwebs, etc.. Wouldn't even mind some giant spiders on the buildings. Just something to give it that "Halloween" feel. Imagine the Universal Plaza all dressed up with black/orange bunting. -sigh- Curious to see what this year's SZs look like... I'll post my thoughts about "Corpz" later today..
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Legacy, one of the more well-informed posters on Nightmares, has said that FearTWD, Purge 3, Army of Darkness, Krampus, and (Maybe) Trick 'r Treat are likely IP candidates for Orlando's event next year. Looks like we may have a sneak peak at half of our line-up already for 2016.
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Yea I know Legacy... he's kinda odd, he doesn't attend the event (I think he attended Employee Preview in 2011 though), but he has worked 2003 (Screamhouse Revisited ....exact duplicate as the previous year) & 2010 (Catacombs). But yea, he knows a few people that tend to be correct on what the line up for the event will be for Orlando for the most part, so I'd say that is a very likely list of IPs...

Army of Darkness - Fun Fact: we were supposed to have this as a SZ in Hollywood Blvd in 2009, however there was an issue with the rights so it fell through. So we got "Lights! Camera! Hacktion!" (a fake movie being made) instead. The Director of that "movie" was named "Mas Imiar" (which is Sam Raimi backwards). Now we did have the AOD "Pit Scene" in Silver Screams (but like the previous 2 Die-In houses it was under a fake movie name) called "Midevil Dead". So if anything, I would take the AOD rumor to be more along the lines of "Ash vs Evil Dead" since that is newer (and does tie into the recent Evil Dead sequel).

Trick R Treat - I know A&D LOVE this movie. We actually had it as a (loosely based) SZ in 2008 called "The Skoolhouse", which is also the same year that Central Park got its jack-o-lanterns in the trees (miss that so much, glad they brought it back even if im not there). With the impending sequel on the way, it would not surprise me if it was a house next year, but we'll see.

FTWD & Purge 3 are to be expected... but hopefully Terror Tram is amazeballs this year and they keep Purge 3 restricted to Terror Tram ONLY. I wish FTWD could be limited to SZ only, for the metro sets. I still have yet to watch the first 2 episodes (got them on the DVR though), but it does seem to 'look' way better than TWD (which I find incredibly boring), so we'll see.
FTWD is not coming to Hollywood next year, as Walking Dead will still be returning. It's a 5 year contract as far as I know (which can be extended at any time too). 
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There is no way that Fear the Walking Dead won't be coming to both Hollywood and Orlando. There's nothing that says both can't be there.


I would hope they would do it in a way that would prevent them from having two walking dead mazes. Such as a Walking Dead Terror Tram/Scare Zones (heck I wouldn't mind a park wide take-over like Orlando a few years ago) and Fear The Walking Dead maze.

I don't think they'll do an Army of Darkness maze when they could easily get the rights to Ash Vs. Evil Dead and that would be a more popular IP.
Michael Dougherty definitely will be apart of the event in some capacity in Hollywood next year. They've been wanting to work for years. The Conjuring is a given considering the new film and James Wan will be one of the guests Murdy will be escorting on opening night. I agree with Wesker, FTWD will probably be a Scare-zone. It's popular but they have TWD, no need to waste another spot on the companion series. 
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As someone who was present at Orlando's 2013 event for the park-wide TWD takeover... I can assure you, that is NOT something you should ever dream of having. It was awful. Plus having to hear TWD theme on loop throughout the park every night was the worst!

Here's the thing about 2013's event, that whole park-wide TWD takeover was NOT planned that year. It was forced upon A&D by higher-ups/marketing at the last minute. There were a variety of SZ themes (vampires, clowns, etc...) planned instead that also helped tie-in a really great backstory for the event, but it all had to be scrapped.

The streets that year were very underwhelming & not very photogenic. There was nothing engaging about the street experiences. It got old fast. The previous year's "roaming hordes" concept was awful too, but it was still better than seeing zombies everywhere because it provided variety. Last year's SZs for Orlando were totally "meh", so that is why there is such a big emphasis on the streets this year (besides the obvious anniversary).

What made 2013 even worse was the fact that nearly all of the houses featured zombies in some form, except "Havoc: Derailed" (awful house, should've been a SZ). So we were literally on zombie overload.