#HHNForever - Orlando 2020 | Page 25 | Inside Universal Forums

#HHNForever - Orlando 2020

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Type the ‘at’ symbol and start writing a name. Then it will give you options to select the correct screen name from. Looks like this @Alicia
You failed to include the first word in that definition: DEROGATORY. it is absolutely a scare phrase. Universal's job, first, middle and last, is to generate profit. It's a scare phrase because you're using it to denigrate what they are doing because of your position on it. It's meaningless because, anyone's position on what they are doing in this case aside, they're doing it for rhe reason they do ANYTHING they do, which is to get money - grab cash, if you will. Its meaningless in the way "special" becomes meaningless when everyone is special.

ETA: This rumor isn't the only time when people in this fandom use this phrase in this way. Every time Disney does a live action remake, or puts out a popcorn bucket, or sells a party ticket, it's a "cash grab." Well, duh. That's what they're in business to do.

My original statement was more of a joke about how much money they must have blown buying plexiglass for the event. Smart business move.

Secondly, HHN is more than money out of my pocket. There’s an unmatched artistry and passion to the event. This isn’t that; it’s a concession. It’s an executive throwing something at the wall hoping it’ll stick so they’ll get a bonus this quarter. I’m well aware all of their events are created to generate revenue, but a haphazard plan to open a couple houses during an already flawed attempt at day time operations doesn’t exactly scream artistry and passion to me. So, it’s a cash grab. And I’ll say it all I want.

Third, don’t lump me in with “that fanbase”; or anyone for that matter. You don’t know the level of involvement people have had with the event or why they’re particularly tied to it. Everyone’s opinion is valid here.
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My original statement was more of a joke about how much money they must have blown buying plexiglass for the event. Smart business move.

Secondly, HHN is more than money out of my pocket. There’s an unmatched artistry and passion to the event. This isn’t that; it’s a concession. It’s an executive throwing something at the wall hoping it’ll stick so they’ll get a bonus this quarter. I’m well aware all of their events are created to generate revenue, but a haphazard plan to open a couple houses during an already flawed attempt at day time operations doesn’t exactly scream artistry and passion to me. So, it’s a cash grab. And I’ll say it all I want.

Third, don’t lump me in with “that fanbase”; or anyone for that matter. You don’t know the level of involvement people have had with the event or why they’re particularly tied to it. Everyone’s opinion is valid here.

If everyone's opinion is valid, then so is mine - and I don't particularly care how involved you are, or think you are. I'll lump you in with whomever I see fit, thank you, and this response just reinforces my EQUALLY VALID opinion.
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Considering I was the one who first posted that clip in the spec thread when talk of TCM came up, this has come full circle in a very amusing way!

*ANYWAYS* - To get back on track, or at least one rail...I've still got my vacation planned for the end of this month, and days ago I was content with just being able to go in the Tribute Store. So at this point, I'll happily take the opportunity to see a few of the houses, be it pandemic-mode versions.
Considering I’m heading down from this Friday to next Tuesday, the 15th, I’m gonna be awfully upset if something cool gets announced so soon to my departure. Guess I’ll just have to plan ANOTHER trip for later next month. All part of Universal’s plan, huh?