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Horror Movies Thread

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Sounds kind of like the first Hellraiser.

Hellraiser was 1h 34m
This one is over 2 hours. And a lot of that time is wasted on annoying, unlikable characters lol.
Very very annoying side characters that didn't add anything good. You can skip the first 25 minutes and not miss anything. ( Basically that extra 30 minutes difference can be skipped)

When the movie moves away from teen drama then it gets good, yes, but cenobites then are treated like monsters in a Resident evil game.
It's weird, They are almost treated like zombies.

This movie needed better editing and lose a lot of the early drama.

Other than the first one, what other films from SAW are worth watching? Minus Saw iii, cause that apparently has a really stupid hero.

Saw 6 is pretty interesting and has an interesting premise with health care and health care coverage and preexisting conditions,
And the last one Spiral was pretty interesting as a stand alone type of reboot.
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SMILE is surprisingly solid. Story is familiar (definitely feels inspired by THE RING and IT FOLLOWS), but it's well-directed, has some great scares, and a pretty good central performance. Overall, way better than it probably should be.
Halloween Ends was…a choice? I have to watch it again. I really loved the soundtrack, and the end I found to be pretty enjoyable. The rest, for me, was kinda…boring? I found myself uninterested in what they were trying to do for most of it.

@rageofthegods ”New HHN house just dropped” she snatched Annabelle’s wig & I am here for every second of it.
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Watched Halloween Ends for the completionism sake of things and yeahhhhh....

It's like they made a spin-off and forgot this was supposed to be the finale for a trilogy until the last 20 minutes. In ways for me this film is akin to Friday the 13th Part V, but at least A New Beginning ended up oddly entertaining for a variety of reasons, meanwhile Ends is just a slog.

I will say it's somewhat fascinating how much this trilogy tripped over itself so fast and never recovered.
Watched Halloween Ends for the completionism sake of things and yeahhhhh....

It's like they made a spin-off and forgot this was supposed to be the finale for a trilogy until the last 20 minutes. In ways for me this film is akin to Friday the 13th Part V, but at least A New Beginning ended up oddly entertaining for a variety of reasons, meanwhile Ends is just a slog.

I will say it's somewhat fascinating how much this trilogy tripped over itself so fast and never recovered.

I really wonder,
Why would the writers do that.... I read all the spoilers, and I'm baffled
My guess is that Halloween Ends (a movie I really, really liked) is gonna get a more positive reputation as time goes on and as people forget that it was marketed as a trilogy capper. The movie's melodrama is occasionally underwritten (Laurie's suicide plotline feels out of nowhere) but despite that I found the film weirdly beautiful. This is maybe the first Halloween movie since H20 that actually invests me in the lives of the young characters.

My view on this is we essentially already got the Michael vs Laurie showdown fanservice movie with 2018. Kills tried to extend that with the town vs Michael conceit with social commentary sprinkled in and it was frankly pretty terrible. It made the exact mistake most of the sequels made and that the 2018 movie tried to avoid - introducing too much psychology and making Michael feel less like a boogeyman and more of a regular effed up slasher - and introduced a couple problems of its own, such as the utterly confused politics. My question is, did we want more of that? Of what we were given once pretty well and another time pretty badly? What do you do when you've already made two of these with the same premise?

Fans are gonna be pissed for now but I think DGG and crew took the time afforded them by Covid and came up with something smart. It still draws from the franchise and filmmakers DNA (the opening credits uses the Halloween 3 font for a reason, and the whole plot is a big reference to Christine) but the conceit of Michael as this weird, almost Lovecraftian presence living underground is a smart escalation of the idea that Michael represents subconscious, omnipresent evil present throughout most of Carpenter's movies. I also don't think it's *that* much of a departure; the idea that Michael was driving people crazy was a big throughline in Halloween 2 and a big part of his original idea for Halloween 4. Scratch that, it's a big part of the Halloween 4 we got: fans were pissed that Halloween 5 wasn't about murderous Jamie, remember?

Mostly though, I'm glad DGG and co took this swing. I don't blame you if you don't like it, but I disagree vehemently with the people who say there was no thought put into this. A movie with no thought put into it would've been like Kills: just a boring slog with the occasional cool kill en route to the showdown we actually want to see. It takes thought to reach a place where Michael is this quasi-symbol and creature of myth, closer to Pennywise than Jason. More than that, it took guts. This is the product of a filmmaker with some serious pulse, and it makes me so much more excited for Exorcist 2023 than Halloween 2018 ever did.
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Yeah, I struggle to find much positive to say about Halloween Ends. It is astonishingly weird to me that we began a new timeline trilogy with a solid endeavor in 2018 before two equally absurd and overly stuffed films that each are so oddly jammed with new or weirdly reappearing characters and as-blunt-as-a-baseball-bat-to-Michael's-masked-head subtext and meaning.

Before Ends came out I was wondering if Kills would just be a super weird, offbeat second film in this trilogy that would regularly get swept under the rug. Instead it was a foreboding warning that we would just be getting more of the same. I don't know how you could overthink a series of Halloween films this ridiculously but here we are. Nor do I understand how there's been one central core of creative thought throughout this entire trilogy yet we now have three films that each feels like they've had to start over with a different writer every time. Each one introduces new characters, stakes, plotlines and subtext to the point where it seems like there was just no overall plan at all. Which I kinda get because I doubt there were super strong plans for a trilogy before the 2018 was a definite success but come on, guy.

I honestly might struggle to decide which film is worse between Kills and Ends. Ends is badly directed (it literally looks like a sitcom for most of its run time until we lose daytime), is chock full of nonsensical character and 'arcs' (I literally can not stand the Corey and Allyson plot) if you can call them that and feels like a really, really wet fart of an ending for anything, let alone a series for Michael Myers. It's crazy to me that we needed this trilogy that skipped over literally every single sequel to focus on Laurie and her family and the town when the original Halloween - Halloween II - Halloween: H20 already tell a much more cohesive and better executed story and H20 was pushed out in the lazily made late 90's hot teen slasher craze!

2018 is a solid film and the Carpenter family and Co. do some amazing, amazing work on these soundtracks but man did they really, really miss the mark with this second and third film from a creative standpoint. As soon as the opening of Ends closed and the main titles started playing I knew I was in for more of the same. There's no way nobody in this script sessions brought up what they tried to do in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning and Jason Goes to Hell and how those are widely regarded as two of the lesser parts of that franchise.

I'll take A New Beginning and JGTH over Halloween Ends though, at least those films know what they are and, at the end of the day, are actually fun (GTH moreso, New Beginning has always been eh outside of the sweet electric slide dance).
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Yeah, I struggle to find much positive to say about Halloween Ends. It is astonishingly weird to me that we began a new timeline trilogy with a solid endeavor in 2018 before two equally absurd and overly stuffed films that each are so oddly jammed with new or weirdly reappearing characters and as-bunt-as-a-baseball-bat-to-Michael's-masked-head subtext and meaning.

Before Ends came out I was wondering if Kills would just be a super weird, offbeat second film in this trilogy that would regularly get swept under the rug. Instead it was a foreboding warning that we would just be getting more of the same. I don't know how you could overthink a series of Halloween films this ridiculously but here we are. Nor do I understand how there's been one central core of creative thought throughout this entire trilogy yet we now have three films that each feels like they've had to start over with a different writer every time. Each one introduces new characters, stakes, plotlines and subtext to the point where it seems like there was just no overall plan at all. Which I kinda get because I doubt there were super strong plans for a trilogy before the 2018 was a definite success but come on, guy.

I honestly might struggle to decide which film is worse between Kills and Ends. Ends is badly directed (it literally looks like a sitcom for most of its run time until we lose daytime), is chock full of nonsensical character and 'arcs' (I literally can not stand the Corey and Allyson plot) if you can call them that and feels like a really, really wet fart of an ending for anything, let alone a series for Michael Myers. It's crazy to me that we needed this trilogy that skipped over literally every single sequel to focus on Laurie and her family and the town when the original Halloween - Halloween II - Halloween: H20 already tell a much more cohesive and better executed story and H20 was pushed out in the lazily made late 90's hot teen slasher craze!

2018 is a solid film and the Carpenter family and Co. do some amazing, amazing work on these soundtracks but man did they really, really miss the mark with this second and third film from a creative standpoint. As soon as the opening of Ends closed and the main titles started playing I knew I was in for more of the same. There's no way nobody in this script sessions brought up what they tried to do in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning and Jason Goes to Hell and how those are widely regarded as two of the lesser parts of that franchise.

I'll take A New Beginning and JGTH over Halloween Ends though, at least those films know what they are and, at the end of the day, are actually fun (GTH moreso, New Beginning has always been eh outside of the sweet electric slide dance).

It kinda reminds me of The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker from what I hear ...
Seriously what's happening to movie writing these days??? Even marvel is failing. Why is modern writing getting so bad? Seems like on all fronts ( movies/ tv) writing keeps getting bad. ( Rings of power got really bad)

This era of entertainment has some really bad storytelling. So weird
Yeah, I struggle to find much positive to say about Halloween Ends. It is astonishingly weird to me that we began a new timeline trilogy with a solid endeavor in 2018 before two equally absurd and overly stuffed films that each are so oddly jammed with new or weirdly reappearing characters and as-bunt-as-a-baseball-bat-to-Michael's-masked-head subtext and meaning.

Before Ends came out I was wondering if Kills would just be a super weird, offbeat second film in this trilogy that would regularly get swept under the rug. Instead it was a foreboding warning that we would just be getting more of the same. I don't know how you could overthink a series of Halloween films this ridiculously but here we are. Nor do I understand how there's been one central core of creative thought throughout this entire trilogy yet we now have three films that each feels like they've had to start over with a different writer every time. Each one introduces new characters, stakes, plotlines and subtext to the point where it seems like there was just no overall plan at all. Which I kinda get because I doubt there were super strong plans for a trilogy before the 2018 was a definite success but come on, guy.

I honestly might struggle to decide which film is worse between Kills and Ends. Ends is badly directed (it literally looks like a sitcom for most of its run time until we lose daytime), is chock full of nonsensical character and 'arcs' (I literally can not stand the Corey and Allyson plot) if you can call them that and feels like a really, really wet fart of an ending for anything, let alone a series for Michael Myers. It's crazy to me that we needed this trilogy that skipped over literally every single sequel to focus on Laurie and her family and the town when the original Halloween - Halloween II - Halloween: H20 already tell a much more cohesive and better executed story and H20 was pushed out in the lazily made late 90's hot teen slasher craze!

2018 is a solid film and the Carpenter family and Co. do some amazing, amazing work on these soundtracks but man did they really, really miss the mark with this second and third film from a creative standpoint. As soon as the opening of Ends closed and the main titles started playing I knew I was in for more of the same. There's no way nobody in this script sessions brought up what they tried to do in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning and Jason Goes to Hell and how those are widely regarded as two of the lesser parts of that franchise.

I'll take A New Beginning and JGTH over Halloween Ends though, at least those films know what they are and, at the end of the day, are actually fun (GTH moreso, New Beginning has always been eh outside of the sweet electric slide dance).

You just summed up my views perfectly. Kills & Ends are so incredibly jarring to the 2018 entry it's like they were 3 different franchises - and not in the good breathing fresh life into the franchise way.

It's been an odd and poorly executed downhill journey since the really solid and fun 2018 entry,